“……Jin-nii, did my insides feel good?”
“Aa, it’s the best”

After I’ve poured my l.u.s.t out inside Sakura-chan multiple times.
I enjoy myself by watching Sakura-chan change into her clothes.

Rather than changing, she’s just fixing her messed up clothes, but still.
Sakura-chan is fixing her bra.
……Not only her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it seems she’s tucking the meat around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s into the bra as well.
It seemingly makes her b.r.e.a.s.t.s look even just slightly bigger……

“What’s wrong? Jin-nii”
“Ah, no, it’s nothing”

While I think, Aki-chan didn’t do such a thing.
Even so, Sakura-chan’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s have grown considerably.
The Sakura-chan when she first became a zombie was considerably flat but……she probably has about a B cup now.
……Aki-chan? She’s slightly above G cup, un.

There’s such thing as……Photo Wedding.
As the name suggests, it’s a wedding ceremony with just the photo. It’s a reasonable plan that doesn’t need a place, time or money.
This……is the other present I thought of giving Aki-chan besides the house.
Is it about time that Sakura-chan brings Aki-chan along?

“Something like a real wedding……seems impossible”

If it was originally, I should be giving her an actual wedding but……
Greeting Aki-chan’s parents, introducing my parents to Aki-chan……letting Aki-chan wear the shiromuku¹.
That’s, what I should do but.
If it was originally.

“But it’s impossible in these circ.u.mstances”

Walking down the wedding aisle² dyed in blood in the church and vowing eternal love to each other in front of a zombified priest?
What kind of a third-rate horror is it.
It’s too tasteless and vulgar even for a gag.

Firstly, both Aki-chan and my parents are already……zombified or dead.
I can’t get her a respectable wedding ceremony.
……No, as far as it goes, my biological mother might still be alive.
But, it’s out of the question since I don’t want to meet her.

The friends who come to the wedding ceremony are also……all zombified.

“In conclusion, a photo wedding……though it’ll be great if she’s happy”

As far as it goes, the preparation for the photo wedding in the photo studio has been settled.
Though of course, they are all zombies.
But there shouldn’t be any problem since it’s not as if their technical skills for photography has deteriorated.

While I was thinking about that, I sent my orders to the zombies……to move the furniture we’ve newly stolen from the department store and move it into the new home.
Preparations are done, all that’s left is for Aki-chan to be happy……
Well, Sakura-chan also said ‘I think it’s fine?’ so, it’ll probably be alright.

“Un, I think it’ll be alright”
“Oh, if it isn’t Saya, where’s Aki-chan?”
“Now, Sakura-chan is holding her back……I brought the clothes!”

Saya also came……which means that Aki-chan is also almost here?

I was shocked.
I was carefreely thinking something like ‘I wonder what the birthday might be’, but.

“Th, this is……! Jin-san!”
“Un, this is our new residence……do you like it?”

Where Sakura brought me……there’s a brand new house……!

No, I mean I did say that I want a new kitchen!?
But to think that, a new residence……

“Is, is it fine!? It’s, such a splendid house……”
“When our children are born……that apartment will be too cramped. Besides, I received directly it from the realtor so it’s no problem”

Ji, Jin-san……!

“Besides, this isn’t the only birthday present”
“Hae? There’s still more?”
“Aki-nee will definitely, be delighted!”

I’ll definitely be delighted, is it.
Mumumu, I wonder what kind of perverted play is going to be done to me.

“What’s wrong, Aki-chan……? Co, could it be that you don’t like it!?”
“No! That’s not it, that’s not it! It’s just a little bit of self-loathing……”

Jin-san who’s wearing a tuxedo.
He looks extremely stylish and it suits him well.

To think that……a photo wedding……
I was antic.i.p.ating and getting slightly worried about what kind of perverted play I will be made to do but……it’s totally different.
I am loathing myself who’s convinced that it’d be some new perverted play……

……Slowly, but……surely, mankind’s culture is declining.
Now, thanks to Jin-san and Usokawa-san’s team working hard, mankind didn’t fall into ruins immediately by the zombies or zombie virus.
But……just keeping it that way is taking all they have.
To develop……the room to progress techniques and culture……doesn’t exist.
Jin-san himself knows that the best.
Because I have seen streets that have declined and fallen into ruins……

Right now it’s just declining slowly.
Even if it’s just the photo, to have this kind of a wedding ceremony……this might be the last chance.
That’s why……here, with a smile.
Living my best with a smile.
I think the thing for us who have survived to do is……undoubtedly that.

“You’re beautiful, Aki-chan”
“Is, is that so? Ehehe……”

It was worth it wearing the wedding dress that was forcefully borrowed.
Somehow the chest portion is a little tight……even if I’m insensitive to pain after being zombified, it’s not as if I can’t feel it……
Well, it happens all the time so I’ve gotten used to it though.

Having huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s is a pain.
It’s not possible to sleep lying face down, doing intense sports hurt so it’s not suitable for sports. It feels like my b.r.e.a.s.t.s are being torn off when I do intense sports.
It’s a battle against sweat and heat rash during summer.
There’s also stiff shoulders.

“Aki-nee, your chest, doesn’t hurt?”
“Though it’s not painful……it seems like this is the biggest size so……it can’t be helped, Sakura”

And above all else, from the other girls……the look of jealousy and envy!
Now……Sakura-chan and Saya’s envious gazes.
Though I’m not being resented or anything, there are also hardships when it comes to having huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Just getting told ‘Aki-chan’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are the best!’ by Jin-san……it makes me think ‘Aa, I’m glad I have huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s’.
The hardships I mentioned earlier as well, became trivial.

“Really……beautiful. But……is it alright?”
“Yes, it’s alright”

Now then……it’s photo taking.
I’ll have Jin-san do all sorts of poses…..like the princess carry!

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