
“Ah, Jin-san have you woke up?”

I see. I felt so good that I lost my consciousness.
I have this feeling that I continued moving my hips even while I was losing my consciousness……

“Jin-san sure is lewd, even while losing your consciousness you were swinging your hips vigorously and letting it all out inside. S・E・M・E・N ”

What’s this.
It’s so embarra.s.sing……

“Not c.u.mming anymore?”
“Un, I think I’m not c.u.mming anymore today”

I pulled my son out of Aki-chan’s devilish meat hole.

“Then that wraps up the lewd activities, shall we take a shower? ……The two of you as well, stop feigning to be asleep and how about we enter together?”

Saya seems to be awake.
We weren’t able to keep our voices down……

“Saya, are you not afraid of water?”
It was next to impossible to give Shiro a shower.
There might be some effects on Saya that fused with Shiro.

“Onii-chan, I’m totally not afraid, it’s fine because I’m the main!”

It seems that there are no effects.
Without holding back, I gave Saya a shower.

Saya’s body, fitting of her age has a child-like figure with white fur growing all throughout her body.
A slightly stuck-out belly that’s exclusive to little girls is good as well but, having white fur growing around it makes it even better.
A soaking wet Saya is also cute, aa, cute……

Twitchy dog ears!
Cute tail!
There’s no paw but her hard claws are growing out.

Was there always such a cute dog ears girl, no there wasn’t.

“Jin-san? Are you done with the shower?”

Oops, that was almost bad.
Even though the bathroom at my parent’s house is wider in comparison to the one in my apartment, it’s still not wide enough for four people.
Because of that, we’ve decided to take turns.

“Then Saya, can you change by yourself?”
“I can! Saya is not a child anymore!”

No matter how much time has pa.s.sed, Saya will always remain a child in my eyes.
But, I have violated that Saya.

The guilt spreading through my chest.
Combined with the fact that I have violated Saya, gave birth to an immoral pleasure.
There is a slight self-loathe towards the me that felt that way.

“Fuu…… It feels good getting into the bathー”
“Sakura, isn’t it a shower and not a bath?”

After cleaning ourselves off, we took a breather in the living room.

“Well then, why did Onii-chan end up in such relationship with these girls? I’ve told you about what has happened to me but, what has happened to Onii-chan, I have still not heard. ”
“The truth is……”

“I see~ Onii-chan had it rough as well”
“Aa, really a lot has happened, to think that I can turn my arm into a blade”

From the blade form, I turn my arm back into a human’s.
I was telling Saya about my abilities.

“But being able to control zombies, isn’t that way more amazing than me not getting attacked by zombies!”
“No Saya, not getting attacked by zombies applies to all unique individuals”
“Is it so?”
“It is”

Why is Saya able to maintain her high intelligence?
According to the net information that has become unreliable recently, fused individuals are expected to have their intelligence lowered.
A coincidence?

Besides, there are still many remaining mysteries.
Why were the Ootsuchi mother and child able to regain their senses?
They didn’t seem to be unique individuals……

“But Onii-chan is a blade huh…… Then perhaps I’m the sheath?”¹
“What are you talking about, Saya”

It has been a while since my name was used as a gag.
Probably since the first time it was used.

“Ehー? But aren’t I Onii-chan’s c.o.c.k sheath? Ah, is it better if it’s c.o.c.k case? ”

Saya…… when did you become such an immodest girl……
Onii-chan is glad!
But, complicated!
It’s mostly that book’s influence i suppose……

“You’re not a c.o.c.k case or a s.e.x sleeve! Saya is my sister, and my wife number three! ”
“Number one and two are?”
“Aki-chan and Sakura-chan, this is the order, but there’s no ranking! The three of you are all my precious wives!”

I’ve stopped fretting.
They are all different and great.
All three of them are my wives.

“Jin-nii’s wife huh……Ehehe”
“Haa……Jin-san, what do we afterwards?”

Mu, afterwards huh.

“For the time being, I’m thinking of returning to Prefecture A, Saya, are you coming along?”
“Of course! I’ve already delivered today’s share of food, I think the people at the shelter will be fine even without me for about a week!”

Shelter huh……

It seems that Saya’s friends are also at the shelter, coming to Prefecture B about once a week might be good as well.

“Hey, Jin-nii, what is today’s lunch? I’m getting hungry!”

Indeed I’m also getting hungry……
Sakura-chan has also become capable of properly feeling hunger, maybe she has totally returned back to human.

“Today’s lunch is meatless stir-fried vegetables!”
“Aki-nee, where’s the meat?”
“There’s no meat! Don’t ask for too much! ”
“I don’t wannaー!”

Ohー They were in sync.


What’s wrong with the two of them?


……Are they getting along, or are they not.
Well, I think since it isn’t like they have the worst compatibility, they will get along in time.

And just like that, we are departing towards Prefecture A after we have our late lunch! Is how things turned out.
The main dish this time around is a meatless stir-fried vegetables that made use of the leftover vegetables after handing some to the shelter.
The rice used were the ones available in the house.

“Sakura! Has the rice finished cooking!? Saya-chan, how’s the preparation of the table?”
“Aki-nee it’s done! Hot hot!”
“Aki-neechan, the tableware has been set up”
“Should I help in anything?”

“Jin-san sit!”
“Aa, okay”

The kitchen is a woman’s fortress, a battlefield……
Even if the world is infested with zombies, that doesn’t change……
And at a time like this, I have no choice but be a good-for-nothing.

© 2024