Sakura-chan’s father is beckoning to Sakura-chan.
“Come now……Sakura”
Sakura-chan after looking at my face for an instant……said this.
“Father, sorry. For me there’s Jin-nii that’s why……I can’t be together with you”
“”……Is that so, well a girl wouldn’t wish to become this form……Now I fully understand the feeling of a father sending his daughter off……Fujiwara-kun””

The beckoning stops, red eyes stare fixedly at me.

“”Sakura……I’ll leave in your hands, It will be fine if it’s you that is the Infected Emperor……I……am at my limit……””

Slowly, one of the four eyes begins closing.

“”Aoko has fused……I have become a unique individual with the desire for sleep……This is the fate of a unique individual specialized in sleeping……The next time I wake up how many days later no……how many years later would it be……?””
“Don’t sleep! Oi, don’t sleep! There are still things I want to ask……”
“”My apologies……Towards a unique individual, your ability isn’t effective……I will remain here so……take the blue file that is on the table in return……It summarizes my research……It’ll likely be of some help……””
“”Sakura, get along well with Akiko-chan……””

The remaining one closes……

“”Aa……goodnight, Sakura””

Sakura-chan’s father has completely fused with the ground as well.
Because of that, it looks difficult to carry him out.

“Sakura-chan, let’s come here again”

The us that have retrieved the blue file left the hospital behind……
There’s nothing else to do here for the time being……

“There are lots of words and I can’t really understand……”

In the moving car, Saya read the blue file.
Well, there are a lot of difficult words for an elementary school student.

“For the time being shall we head to the shopping district……”

Let’s go and report to the Ootsuchi mother and child about what happened this time around.
Since I want to introduce Saya as well……

Before that.
We are at a discount store.
There’s the need to replenish our food and stuff.
There’s a decently big discount store located on the road between the shopping district and the hospital.
Daily neccesities・Clothings・Food・Home appliances・Toys etcetera…… We raid this store that has all sorts of things.

“Jin-san! There’s corn beef! There are lots of other canned goods as well!”
“We did it!”

With this, we can have meat.
The variety of food has also increased, this is the best!

“Clothes next! Next!……These clothes are cheap!”
“The price doesn’t matter anymore thoughー”
“Onii-chan! This is fine as well!?”
“Ou! Anything is fine! I’ve received permission from the zombie shop manager just in case! ”

It was no more than just calling out to the zombie with the shop manager name tag and saying, ‘We are taking the things just like before’

Whatever caught our eyes were steadily thrust into the basket.
We are a runaway train!
Nothing can stop us now!

……It’s too unbearably painful without giving in to desperation like this.
To think that there is no method of saving mankind from the zombie virus……
If it’s like this, I would rather not know and it’d be better.
While looking at the blue file with one eye, I sighed.

Pushing the cart, we repeat our acts of looting……
While feeling the emptiness steadily filling the chest as if in proportion to the filling basket.

© 2024