We took everything inside the shop that seems to be useful.
Fully mobilizing the zombie policemen, food and sorts are steadily being crammed into the police vehicle.

“Jin-san, where are you going?”
“That would be……over there”

In front of where I pointed is a part.i.tion that wrote ‘No One Under 18 Permitted’.
That’s right, the good old discount store adult goods corner.

“Ji, Jin-nii……Th, that’s……”
“That’s right, it’s that, I was about to go grab some things like vibrator or rotor.”

There are three p.u.s.s.ies.
But there is only one d.i.c.k to stick into the p.u.s.s.y.
There is the likelihood that some unfairness might arise.
That’s being said, other d.i.c.ks are definitely not allowed.
Gang-rape is also doable if I order the male zombies but, it’s impossible for the me that wants to monopolize the girl.
If I’m violating a female zombie for fun other than Aki-chan, Sakura-chan, Saya then I might do it as a play but……

Hence, I came to the conclusion that it’d better if I have items to comfort the remaining two while I’m violating one.

“Onii-chan……Erm……Do you plan to develop the b.u.t.t hole……?”
“Of course! Since it seems that Step-mother also used a.n.a.l beads, Saya surely has the talent in that aspect as well! ”

When Saya took the vibrator out near the waterbed, it’s confirmed that there were a.n.a.l use items such as a.n.a.l beads.

“Aki-chan? What’s wrong? Your face is beet red”
“Jin-san is an idiot! Lewd! Pervert! So, something like b.u.t.t hole th, that’s……”

Aki-chan’s face is steadily getting redder.
Fumu, I am looking forward to the a.n.a.l development later on……

“Jin-nii……really is a pervert……”
“I, I still haven’t done it in the b.u.t.t hole so……can I finally give my first time to Onii-chan……?”
“The both of you……I don’t care anymore! I will be waiting in the car!”

The angry Aki-chan head towards the car.
My my, not honest at all……
Alright, there will be plenty later on……Fuhihi.

“Do the both of you want to take a look together?”
“That’s…….I’ll pa.s.s……it’s embarra.s.sing……”
“Onii-chan, erm……I. Will be at where Aki-oneechan is……”

Not honest at all……
Oh well, if n.o.body is coming with me then I’ll buy various……!

Inside the shop near the adult goods corner, there’s a familiar face.
“Mu? I have seen her before somewhere……”

It feels like I’ve met this female zombie somewhere……
Aa, I remembered, we pa.s.sed by each other in university.
That’s the only connection but, someone I’ve seen before becoming a zombie makes me want to do something.

Let alone her name, I don’t even know her department or year, she is just a girl from the same university.
It’s just that she’s quite the beauty hence, I remember her face.

“It’s the waste of a beauty to have become like this.”

A large scar on the nape of the neck.
The floor around the collapsed girl is dirted with bloodstain.
She’s dead no matter how you look at it.

“Are you hearing my voice? Raise your hand if you’re hearing it”

I called out just in case but……
No reaction.

“Dormant state?”

I recalled that Sakura-chan’s father said that there are incidents where a badly injured zombie goes into a dormant state.
If I remember correctly……

“”Sakura probably did not evolve into a complete unique individual””
“Is that so? Father”
“”Aa, the one I made, injected in Sakura is an incomplete vaccine, that reacting to the virus in the body of the Infected Emperor; Fujiwara-kun, made Sakura regain her senses “”
“I see……”
“”There are incidents where a badly injured zombie goes into a dormant state, when that happens Fujiwara-kun, providing your virus will do, likely the virus possessed by the zombie will activate and come alive””

Shall I try it……
I open the female zombie’s mouth with my fingers.

Beautiful teeth.
A beauty is beautiful wherever it is.
Well, rather than beautiful, a cute kind of beauty.

I pour in the saliva saved up in my mouth into her mouth.
My body fluid of the Infected Emperor has plenty of zombie virus.
I’m making her absorb my zombie virus with this.

The saliva stretches.

“……Alright, it all went inside the mouth”

I close her mouth so that the saliva I went through the trouble to pour in doesn’t drip out.
Now how is it……?

“……Well, it won’t have an effect immediately, un”

Let’s give it some time.
I head towards the adult goods corner.

“If it’s this long……fufufunofu. Now then where’s that girl……? It’s no use huh……”

As usual, nothing is reflected in the red eyes.
It seems that it won’t work with just this……
If it comes to this.

“This is for the sake of an experiment, yes experiment, it’s nothing like cheating. Un, it’s not cheating”

I said that out loud as if making up an excuse to somebody.
……Well, I understand that things that are no good are no good even if there is an excuse but.
I’m a boy!
Wanting to violate a cute girl in front of me is the law of nature!
Alright! Let’s do this!

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