I don’t have any memories of my mother.
The one who took on the role of a mother before Saya came was my dead grandmother.
Step-mother is Step-mother.
I don’t think she’s my……mother.
However, she is family.

Like Yukiko, it seems that my mother was quite the s.l.u.t that holds relationships with various men.
Carelessly getting pregnant with me, my mother who has given birth to me chose from the numerous father candidates my Father that has the most stable income and pushed me on to him, disappearing by herself.
DNA? Aa there wasn’t the need to go that far, because I looked exactly like Father.

When my mother came to visit me secretly without telling my father she said ‘I knew from my woman’s intuition that this guy is the boy’s father’.

s.h.i.tty b.i.t.c.h.

That’s why I don’t think of that woman as my mother.
Since even in this situation, I don’t feel like finding my mother.

……But I myself, since I’m having relationships with multiple opposite s.e.xes, it can be said that I’m her son after all.

“I……have to be a strong Onii-chan……because I……”

Sakura doesn’t stop patting my head.

“I’m the only male that still has his senses after becoming a zombie so…… I, I have to lead everyone……”

The ones that regain their senses besides me are all females.
Saya’s Father regained his senses but, he’s an enemy.

That’s right, there’s only me who can protect Aki-chan, Sakura-chan, Saya……

“That’s why I can’t show any weakness…… I have to be a reliable Onii-chan……”
“Un, I know, that we are always protected by Jin-nii. Jin-nii thank you, always, always, thank you……”

Sakura-chan hugs me tightly……

“But I want you to also rely on me just a little. I might not be able to do much but, I’m able to carry the burden that’s on Jin-nii’s shoulder together as well okay?”

Even though it won’t do, the tears won’t stop.

“It’s painful……people have died because of me……but I have to look forward……even though I can’t stop moving forward……”
“Jin-nii, It’s alright to take a break if it’s painful you know? n.o.body will blame you……”

I’m being consoled by a girl smaller, younger than me……
It’s gentle, warm……pleasant……
If this continues, I’ll become a useless person……
But if it’s only right now, just this one time……Maybe it’s fine to be spoiled……


It’s burning
I pour gasoline on to Sakura’s biological father that has been carved into tiny pieces and set it on fire.
If it’s this much then he shouldn’t be able to regenerate.

Since we obviously can’t light a fire indoors, we moved outside.
Moving Saya’s carved up father took quite the effort.

It takes some time to completely burn a human being, it seems.
I’m not sure about the details but the rest can be left to the zombies.

Right now more importantly……


Saya might have become exhausted from crying, she has seemingly fallen asleep while being tucked up in Aki-chan.

“Jin-nii? Is it alright now?”
“It’s fine…… Erm, I showed you something embarra.s.sing”
“I’m completely fine with it…… Are you feeling better?”
“Aa, after slightly venting my feelings out, it felt better, thank you”

I’m really grateful to Sakura-chan.

When she’s hugging me closely,

“I will receive the painful thoughts for you so……okay?”

While I was told that, my head was being caressed……

I can’t win against her……

“Jin-san, I said it previously right? ‘We want you to rely on us’, ‘Don’t carry everything by yourself’.”
“Un, you did”
“So rely on us! I don’t want to be a woman that’s only being protected!”
“That’s right!”


“……I get it, I will have you spoil me when it gets painful”
“That’s good! You siblings really are alike……! The part where you try to do everything by yourself is exactly the same!”

I can’t do anything but gloss over it by laughing……

The cremation is left to the salaryman zombie there.
As expected, he can’t revive from this state.


“Father, Step-mother…… Let’s go”

After we got Father and Step-mother onto the car, we head back to our house in Prefecture B.
This is not the place the both of them should be resting at.

“……Bury them”

I made the zombie policemen dig a hole, and bury them in the garden.
Laying them side by side, buried together.

“Mother Step-father……goodnight”

Saya who woke up in the middle of the way said her farewell……

“……One day I will bury you in a proper gravesite…… Have a sleep here until then, Father, Step-mother”

I say my farewell as well, and send the both of them off……

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