A MINISTER was one Sabbath examining a Sunday school in catechism before the congregation. The usual question was put to the first girl, a strapper, who usually a.s.sisted her father, who was a publican, in waiting upon customers.

"What is your name?"

No reply.

"What is your name?" he repeated,

"None of your fun, Mr. Minister," said the girl; "you know my name well enough. Don"t you say when you come to our house on a night, "Bet, bring me some more ale?""

The congregation, forgetting the sacredness of the place, were in a broad grin, and the parson looked daggers.


"PAPA, can"t I go to the zoologerical rooms to see the camomile fight the rhy-no-sir-ee-hoss?" "Sartin, my son, but don"t get your trowsers torn. Strange, my dear, what a taste that boy has for nat"ral history.

No longer ago than yesterday he had a pair of Thomas-cats hanging by their tails to the clothes line."

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