[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]

Days marked with an asterisk * are those for which proper Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are canonically sanctioned in the Scottish Church.


-------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1| d |David, Archbishop of Minerva | | | | 2| e |Cedde, or Chad, Bishop of Lichfield | 3| f | | | | | 4| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5| A | | 6| b | | 7| c |Perpetua, Mauritanian Martyr | 8| d | | 9| e | | 10| f | | 11| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 12| A |Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, and Confessor | 13| b | | 14| c | | | | | 15| d | | 16| e | | | | | 17| f |* _Patrick, Bishop_ | 18| g |Edward, King of the West Saxons -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 19| A | | 20| b | | 21| c |Benedict, Abbot 14| 22| d | | 23| e | 3| 24| f | _Fast_ 11| 25| g |_Annunciation of Mary_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 26| A | 19| 27| b | 8| 28| c | | 29| d | | | | 16| 30| e | 5| 31| f | --------------------------------------------------------------------

The numbers here prefixed to the several days, between the twenty-first day of March and the eighteenth day of April, both inclusive, denote the days upon which those Full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the twenty-first day of March, in those years, of which they are respectively the Golden Numbers: And the Sunday Letter next following any such full Moon points out Easter-day for that year. All which holds until the year of our Lord 2199 inclusive; after which year, the places of these Golden Numbers will be changed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Levit. 25, 50 v. 18 |Mark 4, v. 35 to 5, ||Levit. 25, v. 18 to |Rom. 11, to v. 25 | v. 21 || v. 44 | --26, to v. 21 |--5, v. 21 ||--25, v. 21 |--11, v. 25 Num. 6 |--6, to v. 14 ||Num. 9, v. 15 to |--12 | || 10, v. 11 | --10, v. 11 |--6, v. 14 to v. 30 ||--11, to v. 24 |--13 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --11, v. 24 |--6, v. 30 ||--12 |--14, & 15, to v. 8 --13, v. 17 |--7, to v. 24 ||--14, to v. 26 |--15, v. 8 --14, v. 26 |--7, v. 24 to 8, v. 10 ||-16, to v. 23 |--16 --16, v. 23 |--8, v. 10 to 9, v. 2 ||--17 |1 Cor. 1, to v. 26 --20, to v. 14 |--9, v. 2 to v. 30 ||--20, v. 14 |--1, v. 26 & 2 --21, to v. 10 |--9, v. 30 ||--21, v. 20 to v. 32 |--3 --22, to v. 22 |--10, to v. 32 ||--22, v. 22 |--4, to v. 18 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --23 |--10, v. 32 ||--24 |--4, v. 18 & 5 --25 |--11, to v. 27 ||--27, v. 12 |--6 Deut. 1, to v. 19 |--11, v. 27 to 12, ||Deut. 1, v. 19 |--7, to v. 25 | v. 13 || | --2, to v. 26 |--12, v. 13 to v. 35 ||--2, v. 26 to 3, v. 18|--7, v. 25 --3, v. 18 |--12, v. 35 to 13, ||--4, to v. 25 |--8 | v. 14 || | --4, v. 25 to v. 41 |--13, v. 14 ||--5, to v. 22 |--9 --5, v. 22 |--14, to v. 27 ||--6 |--10, & 11, v. 1 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --7, to v. 12 |--14, v. 27 to v. 53 ||--7, v. 12 |--11, v. 2 to v. 17 --8 |--14, v. 53 ||--10, v. 8 |--1, v. 17 --11, to v. 18 |--15, to v. 42 ||--11, v. 18 |--12, to v. 28 --15, to v. 16 |--15, v. 42 & 16 ||--17, v. 8 |--12, v. 28 & 13 --18, v. 9 |Luke 1, to v. 26 ||--24, v. 5 |--14, to v. 20 --26 |--1, v. 26 to v. 46 ||--27 |--14, v. 20 ..................... |--1, v. 46 ||..................... |--15, to v. 35 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --28, to v. 15 |--2, to v. 21 ||--28, v. 15 to v. 47 |--15, v. 35 --28, v. 47 |--2, v. 21 ||--29, v. 9 |--16 --30 |--3, to v. 23 ||--31, to v. 14 |2 Cor. 1, to v. 23 --31, v. 14 to v. 30 |--4, to v. 16 ||--31, v. 30 to 32, |--1, v. 23 to 2, v. 14 | || v. 44 | --32, v. 44 |--4, v. 16 ||--33 |--2, v. 14 & 3 --34 |--5, to v. 17 ||Joshua 1 |--4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]


-------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1| g | 13| 2| A | 2| 3| b |Richard, Bishop of Chichester | 4| c |Ambrose, Bishop of Milan 10| 5| d | | | | | 6| e | 18| 7| f | 7| 8| g | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 9| A | 15| 10| b | | | | 4| 11| c | | 12| d | 12| 13| e | 1| 14| f | | 15| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9| 16| A | 17| 17| b | 6| 18| c | | 19| d |Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury | | | | 20| e | | 21| f | | 22| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | 23| A |Saint George, Martyr | 24| b | | 25| c |_Saint Mark, Evangelist and Martyr_ | | | | 26| d | | 27| e | | 28| f | | 29| g | | 30| A | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------

The numbers here prefixed to the several days, between the twenty-first day of March and the eighteenth day of April, both inclusive, denote the days upon which those Full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the twenty-first day of March, in those years, of which they are respectively the Golden Numbers: And the Sunday Letter next following any such full Moon points out Easter-day for that year. All which holds until the year of our Lord 2199 inclusive; after which year, the places of these Golden Numbers will be changed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Joshua 2 |Luke 5, v. 17 ||Joshua 3 |2 Cor. 5 --4 |--6, to v. 20 ||--5 |--6, & 7, v. 1 --6 |--6, v. 20 ||--7 |--7, v. 2 --9, v. 3 |--7, to v. 24 ||--10, to v. 16 |--8 --21, v. 43 to 22, |--, v. 24 ||--22, v. 11 |--9 v. 11 | || | --23 |--8, to v. 26 ||--24 |--10 Judges 2 |--8, v. 26 ||Judges 4 |--11, to v. 30 --5 |--9, to v. 28 ||--6, to v. 24 |--11, v. 30 to 12, | || | v. 14 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --6, v. 24 |--9, v. 28 to v. 51 ||--7 |--12, v. 14 & 13 --8, v. 32 to 9, v. 25|--9, v. 51 to 10, ||--10 |Gal. 1 | v. 17 || | --11, to v. 29 |--10, v. 17 ||--11, v. 29 |--2 --13 |--11, to v. 29 ||--14 |--3 --15 |--11, v. 29 ||--16 |--4, to v. 21 Ruth 1 |--12, to v. 35 ||Ruth 2 |--4, v. 21 to 5, v. 13 --3 |--12, v. 35 ||--4 |--5, v. 13 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- 1 Sam. 1 |--13, to v. 18 ||1 Sam. 2, to v. 21 |--6 --2, v. 21 |--13, v. 18 ||--3 |Eph. 1 --4 |--14, to v. 25 ||--5 |--2 --6 |--14, v. 25 to 15, ||--7 |--3 | v. 11 || | --8 |15, v. 11 ||--9 |--4, to v. 25 --10 |--16 ||--11 |4, v. 25 to 5, v. 22 --12 |--17, to v. 20 ||--13 |--5, v. 22 to 6, v. 10 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --14, to v. 24 |--17, v. 20 ||--14, v. 24 to v. 47 |--6, v. 10 --15 |--18, to v. 31 ||--16 |Phil. 1 ..................... |--18, v. 31 to 19, ||..................... |--2 | v. 11 || | --17, to v. 31 |--19, v. 11 to v. 28 ||--17, v. 31 to v. 55 |--3 --17, v. 55 to 18, |--19, v. 28 ||--19 |--4 v. 17 | || | --20, to v. 18 |--20, to v. 27 ||--20, v. 18 |Col. 1, to v. 21 --21 |--20, v. 27 to 21, ||--22 |--1, v. 21 to 2, v. 8 | v. 5 || | --23 |--21, v. 5 ||--24, & 25, v. 1 |--2, v. 8 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| b |_Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles and Martyrs_ 2| c | 3| d |Invention of the Cross 4| e | 5| f | 6| g |Saint John, Evangelist, before the Latin Gate -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7| A | | | 8| b | | | 9| c | 10| d | | | 11| e | 12| f | 13| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14| A | | | 15| b | 16| c | 17| d | 18| e | 19| f |Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury 20| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 21| A | | | 22| b | | | 23| c | 24| d | 25| e | 26| f |Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury | | 27| g |Venerable Bede, Presbyter -------------------------------------------------------------------- 28| A | 29| b | 30| c | | | 31| d | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- ..................... |..................... ||..................... |Colos. 3, to v. 18 1 Sam. 26 |Luke 22, to v. 31 ||1 Sam. 28, v. 3 |--3, v. 18 to 4, v. 7 --31 |--22, v. 31 to v. 54 ||2 Sam. 1 |--4, v. 7 2 Sam. 3, v. 17 |--22, v. 54 ||--4 |1 Thess. 1 --6 |--23, to v. 26 ||--7, to v. 18 |--2 --7, v. 18 |--23, v. 26 to v. 50 ||--9 |--3 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --11 |--23, v. 50 to 24, ||--12, to v. 24 |--4 | v. 13 || | --13, v. 38 to 14, |--24, v. 13 ||--15, to v. 16 |--5 v. 26 | || | --15, v. 16 |John 1, to v. 29 ||--16, to v. 15 |2 Thess. 1 --16, v. 15 to 17, |--1, v. 29 ||--17, v. 24 to 18, |--2 v. 24 | || v. 18 | --18, v. 18 |--2 ||--19, to v. 24 |--3 --19, v. 24 |--3, to v. 22 ||--21, to v. 15 |1 Tim. 1, to v. 18 --23, to v. 24 |--3, v. 22 ||--24 |-1, v. 18 & 2 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- 1 Kings 1, to v. 28 |--4, to v. 31 ||1 Kings 1, v. 28 to |--3 | || v. 49 | 1 Chron. 29, v. 10 |--4, v. 31 ||--3 |--4 1 Chron. 29, v. 20 |--5, to v. 24 ||--5 |--5 --6, to v. 15 |--5, v. 24 ||--8, to v. 22 |--6 --8, v. 22 to v. 54 |--6, to v. 22 ||--8, v. 54 to 9, v. 10|2 Tim. 1 --10 |--, v. 22 to v. 41 ||--11, to v. 26 |--2 --11, v. 26 |--6, v. 41 ||--12, to v. 26 |--3 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --12, v. 25 to 13, |--7, to v. 25 ||--13, v. 11 |--4 --14, to v. 21 |--7, v. 25 ||--15, v 25 to 16, |t.i.tus 1 | || v, 8 | --16, v. 8 |--8, to v. 31 ||--17 |--2 --18, to v. 17 |--8, v. 31 ||--18, v. 17 |--3 --19 |--9, to v. 39 ||--21 |Philemon --22, to v. 41 |--9, v. 39 to 10, ||2 Kings 1 |Heb. 1 | v.22 || | 2 Kings 2 |--10, v. 22 ||--4, v. 8 |--2, & 3, to v. 7 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --5 |--11, to v. 17 ||--6, to v. 24 |--3, v. 7 to 4, v. 14 --6, v. 24 |--11, v. 17 to v. 47 ||--7 |--4, v. 14 7 & 5 --8, to v. 26 |--11, v. 47 to 12, ||--9 |--6 | v. 20 || | --10, to v. 18 |--12, v. 20 ||--10, v. 18 |--7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]

Days marked with an asterisk * are those for which proper Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are canonically sanctioned in the Scottish Church.


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| e |Nicomede, Roman Presbyter and Martyr 2| f | 3| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4| A | 5| b |Boniface, Bishop of Mentz, and Martyr 6| c | 7| d | 8| e | 9| f |* _Columba, Abbot of Iona_ 10| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11| A |_Saint Barnabas, Apostle and Martyr_ 12| b | 13| c | 14| d | | | 15| e | 16| f | | | 17| g |Saint Alban, Martyr -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18| A | 19| b | 20| c |Translation of Edward, King of the West Saxons 21| d | 22| e | 23| f | _Fast_ 24| g |_Nativity of Saint John Baptist_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 25| A | 26| b | 27| c | 28| d | _Fast_ 29| e |_Saint Peter, Apostle and Martyr_ 30| f | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- 2 Kings 13 |John 13, to v. 21 ||2 Kings 17, to v. 24 |Heb. 8 --17, v. 24 |--13, v. 21 ||2 Chron. 12 |--9 2 Chron. 13 |--14 ||--14 |--10, to v. 19 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --15 |--15 ||--16, & 17, to v. 14 |--10, v. 19 --19 |--16, to v. 16 ||--20, to v. 31 |--11, to v. 17 --20, v. 31 & 21 |--16, v. 16 ||--22 |--11, v. 17 --23 |--17 ||--24 |--12 --25 |--18, to v. 28 ||--26, & 27 |--13 --28 |--18, v. 28 ||2 Kings 18, to v. 9 |James 1 --29, v. 3 to v. 21 |--19, to v. 25 ||2 Chron. 30, & 31, |--2 | || v. 1 | ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

2 Kings 18, v. 13 |--19, v. 25 ||2 Kings 19, to v. 20 |--3 --19, v. 20 |--20, to v. 19 ||--20 |--4 Isaiah 38, v. 9 to |--20, v. 19 ||2 Chron. 33 |--5 v. 21 | || | 2 Kings 22 |--21 ||2 Kings 23, to v. 21 |1 Peter 1, to v. 22 --23, v. 21 to 24, |--Acts 1 ||--24, v. 8 to 25, v. 8|--l, v. 22 to 2, v. 11 v. 8 | || | --25, v. 8 |--2, to v. 22 ||Ezra 1, & 3 |--2, v. 11 to 3, v. 8 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Ezra 4 |--2, v. 22 ||--5 |--3, v. 8 to 4, r. 7 --7 |--3 ||--8, v. 15 |--4, v. 7 --9 |--4, to v. 32 ||--10, to v. 20 |--5 Nehem. 1 |--4, v. 32 to 5, v. 17 ||Nehem. 2 |--2 Peter 1 --4 |--5, v. 17 ||--5 |--2 --6, & 7, to v. 5 |--6 ||--7, v. 73 & 8 |--3 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --13, to v. 15 |--7, to v. 35 ||--13, v. 15 |1 John 1 Esther 1 |--7, v. 35 to 8, v. 5 ||--Esther 2, v. 15 & 3 |--2, to v. 15 --4 |--8, v. 5 to v. 26 ||--5 |--2, v. 15 --6 |--8, v. 26 ||--7 |--3, to v. 16 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

Job 1 |--9, to v. 23 ||Job 2 |3, v. 16 to 4, v. 7 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| g | 2| A | 3| b |Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4| c | 5| d |Translation of Saint Martin, Bishop and Confessor 6| e | 7| f | 8| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9| A | 10| b | | | 11| c | 12| d | 13| e | 14| f | 15| g |Swithun, Bishop of Winchester, Translation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16| A | 17| b | 18| c | 19| d | 20| e |Margaret, Virgin and Martyr at Antioch 21| f | | | 22| g |Saint Mary Magdalen -------------------------------------------------------------------- 23| A | 24| b | _Fast_ | | 25| c |_Saint James, Apostle and Martyr_ 26| d |Saint Anne, Mother to the Blessed Virgin Mary 27| e | | | 28| f | 29| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 30| A | 31| b | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Job 3 |Acts 9, v. 23 ||Job 4 |1 John 4, v. 7 --5 |--10, to v. 24 ||--6 |--5 --7 |--10, v. 24 ||--9 |2 John --10 |--11 ||--11 |3 John --12 |--12 ||--13 |Jude --14 |--13, to v. 26 ||--16 |Matt. 1, v. 18 --17 |--13, v. 26 ||--19 |--2 --21 |--14 ||--22, v. 12 to v. 29 |--3 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --23 |--15, to v. 30 ||--24 |--4, to v. 23 --25, & 26 |--15, y. 30 to 16, ||--27 |--4, v. 23 to 5, v. 13 | v. 16 || | --28 |--16, v. 16 ||--29, & 30, v. 1 |--5, v. 13 to 5, v. 33 --30, v. 12 to v. 27 |--17, to v. 16 ||--31, v. 13 |--5, v. 33 --32 |--17, v. 16 ||--38, to v. 39 |--6, to v. 19 --38, v. 39 & 39 |--18, to v. 24 ||--40 |--6, v. 19 to 7, v. 7 --41 |--18, v. 24 to 19, ||--42 |--7, v. 7 | v. 21 || | ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Prov. 1, to v. 20 |--19, v. 21 ||Prov. 1, v. 20 |--8, to v. 18 --2 |--20, to v. 17 ||--3, to v. 27 |--8, v. 18 --3, v. 27 to 4, v. 20|--20, v. 17 ||--4, v. 20 to 5, v. 15|--9, to v. 18 --5, v. 15 |--21, to v. 17 ||--6, to v. 20 |--9, v. 18 --7 |--21, v. 17 to v. 37 ||--8 |--10, to v. 24 --9 |--21, v. 37 to 22, ||--10, v. 16 |--10, v. 24 | v. 23 || | --11, to v. 15 |--22, v. 23 to 23, ||--11, v. 15 |--11 | v. 12 || | ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --12, v. 10 |--23, v. 12 ||--13 |--12, to v. 22 --14, v. 9 to v. 28 |--24 ||--14, v. 28 to 15, |--12, v. 22 | || v. 18 | ..................... |..................... ||..................... |--13, to v. 24 --15, v. 18 |--25 ||--16, to v. 20 |--13, v. 24 to v. 53 --16, v. 31 to 17, |--26 ||--18, v. 10 |--13, v. 53 to 14, v. 18 | || | v. 13 --19, v. 13 |--27 ||--20, to v. 23 |--14, v. 13 --21, to v. 17 |--28, to v. 17 ||--22, to v. 17 |--15, to v. 21 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --23, v. 10 |--28, v. 17 ||--24, v. 21 |--15, v. 21 --25 |Rom. 1 ||--26, to v. 21 |--16, to v. 24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]

Days marked with an asterisk * are those for which proper Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are canonically sanctioned in the Scottish Church.

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