-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| c |Lammas Day | | 2| d | 3| e | 4| f | | | 5| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6| A |* _Transfiguration of our Lord_ | | 7| b |Name of Jesus 8| c | 9| d | 10| e |Saint Laurence, Archdeacon of Rome, and Martyr 11| f | 12| g | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13| A | 14| b | 15| c | 16| d | 17| e | 18| f | 19| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20| A | 21| b | 22| c | 23| d | _Fast_ 24| e |_Saint Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr_ 25| f | 26| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 27| A | 28| b |Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Confessor, Doctor 29| c |Beheading of Saint John Baptist 30| d | 31| e | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --Prov. 27, to v. 23 |Rom. 2, to v. 17 ||Prov. 28, to v. 15 |--Matt. 16, v. 24 to | || | 17, v. 14 --30, to v. 18 |--2, v. 17 ||--31, v. 10 |--17, v. 14 Eccles. 1 |--3 ||Eccles. 2, to v. 12 |--18, to v. 21 --3 |--4 ||--4 |--18, v. 21 to 19, | || | v. 3 --5 |--5 ||--6 |--19, v. 3, to v. 27 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --7 |--6 ||--8 |--19, v. 27 to 20, | || | v. 17 --9 |--7 ||--11 |--20, v. 17 --12 |--8, to v. 18 ||Jeremiah 1 |--21, to v. 23 Jeremiah 2, to v. 14 |--8, v. 18 ||--5, to v. 19 |--21, v. 23 --5, v. 19 |--9, to v. 19 ||--6, to v. 22 |--22, to v. 15 --7, to v. 17 |--9, v. 19 ||--8, v. 4 |--22, v. 15 to v. 41 --9, to v. 17 |--10 ||--13, v. 8 to v. 24 |--22, v. 41 to 23, | || | v. 13 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --15 |--11, to v. 25 ||--17, to v. 19 |--23, v. 13 --18, to v. 18 |--11, v. 25 ||--19 |--24, to v. 29 --21 |--12 ||--22, to v. 13 |--24, v. 29 --22, v. 13 |--13 ||--23, to v. 16 |--25, to v. 31 --24 |--14, & 15, to v. 8 ||--25, to v. 15 |--25, v. 31 --26 |--15, v. 8 ||--28 |--26, to v. 31 --29, v. 4 to v. 20 |--16 ||--30 |--26, v. 31 to v. 57 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --31, to v. 15 |--1 Cor. 1, to v. 26 ||--31, v. 15 to v. 38 |--26, v. 57 --33, to v. 14 |--1, v. 26 & 2 ||--33, v. 14 |--27, to v. 27 --35 |--3 ||--36, to v. 14 |--27, v. 27 to v. 57 --36, v. 14 |--4, to v. 18 ||--38, to v. 14 |--27, v. 57 ..................... |--4 v. 18 & 5 ||..................... |--28 --38, v. 14 |--6 ||--39 |Mark 1, to v. 21 --50, to v. 21 |--7, to v. 25 ||--51, v. 54 |--1, v. 21 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Ezek. 1, to v. 15 |--7, v. 25 ||Ezek. 1, v. 15 |--2, to v. 23 --2 |--8 ||3, to v. 15 |--2, v. 23 to 3, v. 13 --3, v. 15 |--9 ||--8 |--3, v. 13 --9 |--10, & 11, v. 1 ||--11, v. 14 |--4, to v. 35 --12, v. 17 |--11, v. 2 to v. 17 ||--13, to v. 17 |--4, v. 35 to 5, v. 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]

Days marked with an asterisk * are those for which proper Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are canonically sanctioned in the Scottish Church.


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| f |Giles, Abbot and Confessor 2| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3| A | 4| b | 5| c | 6| d | 7| e |Enurchus (Evurtius), Bishop of Orleans 8| f |Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10| A | 11| b | 12| c | 13| d | | | 14| e |Holy Cross Day 15| f | _Fast_ | | 16| g |* _Ninian, Bishop of Candida Casa_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17| A |Lambert, Bishop and Martyr 18| b | 19| c | 20| d | _Fast_ | | 21| e |_Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist, and Martyr_ 22| f | 23| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24| A | 25| b | 26| c |Sainte Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage, and Martyr 27| d | 28| e | 29| f |_Saint Michael and all Angels_ 30| g |Saint Jerome, Presbyter, Confessor, and Doctor | | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Ezek. 13, v. 17 |1 Cor. 11, v. 17 ||Ezek. 14, to v. 12 |Mark 5, v. 21 --14, v. 12 |--12, to v. 28 ||--16, v. 44 |--6, to v. 14 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --18, to v. 19 |--12, v. 28 & 13 ||--18, v. 19 |--6, v. 14 to v. 30 --20, to v. 18 |--14, to v. 20 ||--20, v. 18 to v. 33 |--6, v. 30 --20, v. 33 to v. 44 |--14, v. 20 ||--22, v. 23 |--7, to v. 24 --24, v. 15 |--15, to v. 35 ||--26 |--7, v. 24 to 8, v. 10 --27, to v. 26 |--15, v. 35 ||--27, v. 26 |--8, v. 10 to 9, v. 2 --28, to v. 20 |--16 ||--31 |--9, v. 2 to v. 30 --32, to v. 17 |2 Cor. 1, to v. 23 ||--33, to v. 21 |--9, v. 30 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --33, v. 21 |--1, v. 23 to 2, v. 14 ||--34, to v. 17 |--10, to v. 32 --34, v. 17 |--2, v. 14 & 3 ||--36, v. 16 to v. 33 |--10, v. 32 --37, to v. 15 |--4 ||--37, v. 15 |--11, to v. 27 --47, to v. 13 |--5 ||Dan. 1 |--11, v. 27 to 12, | || | v. 13 Dan. 2, to v. 24 |--6, & 7, v. 1 ||--2, v. 24 |--12, v. 13 to v. 35 --3 |--7, v. 2 ||--4, to v. 19 |--12, v. 35 to 13, | || | v. 14 --4, v. 19 |--8 ||--5, to v. 17 |--13, v. 14 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --5, v. 17 |--9 ||--6 |--14, to v. 27 --7, to v. 15 |--10 ||--7, v. 15 |--14, v. 27 to v. 53 --9, to v. 20 |--11, to v. 30 ||--9, v. 20 |--14, v. 53 --10, to v. 20 |--11, v. 30 to 12, ||--12 |--15, to v. 42 | v. 14 || | ..................... |--12, v. 14 & 13 ||..................... |--15 v. 42 & 16 Hosea 2, v. 14 |Gal. 1 ||Hosea 4, to v. 13 |--Luke 1, to v. 26 --5, v. 8 to 6, v. 7 |--2 ||--7, v. 8 |--1, v. 26 to v. 57 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --8 |--3 ||--9 |--1, v. 57 --10 |--4, to v. 21 ||--11, & 12, to v. 7 |--2, to v. 21 --13, to v. 15 |--4, v. 21 to 5, v. 13 ||--14 |--2, v. 21 Joel 1 |--5, v. 13 ||Joel 2, to v. 15 |--3, to v. 23 --2, v. 15 to v. 28 |--6 ||--2, v. 28 to 3, v. 9 |--4, to v. 16 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

--3, v. 9 |Eph. 1 ||Amos 1, & 2, to v. 4 |--4, v. 16 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| A |Remigius, Bishop of Rheims | | 2| b | 3| c | 4| d | 5| e | 6| f |Faith, Virgin and Martyr 7| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8| A | 9| b |Saint Denys, Areopagite, Bishop and Martyr 10| c | 11| d | | | 12| e | 13| f |Translation of King Edward Confessor 14| g | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15| A | 16| b | 17| c |Etheldreda, Virgin 18| d |_Saint Luke, Evangelist_ 19| e | 20| f | | | 21| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22| A | 23| b | 24| c | 25| d |Crispin, Martyr 26| e | | | 27| f | _Fast_ 28| g |_Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles and Martyrs_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 29| A | 30| b | | | 31| c | _Fast_ --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Amos 2, v. 4 to 3, |Eph. 2 ||Amos 4, v. 4 |Luke 5, to v. 17 v. 9 | || | --5, to v. 18 |--3 ||5, v. 18 to 6, v. 9 |--5, v. 17 --7 |--4, to v. 25 ||--8 |--6, to v. 20 --9 |--4, v. 25 to 5, v. 22 ||Obadiah |--6, v. 20 Jonah 1 |--5, v. 22 to 6, v. 10 ||Jonah 2 |--7, to v. 24 --3 |--6, v. 10 ||--4 |--7, v. 24 Micah 1, to v. 10 |Phil. 1 ||Micah 2 |--8, to v. 26 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --3 |--2 ||--4 |--8, v. 26 --5 |--3 ||--6 |--9, to v. 28 --7 |--4 ||Nahum 1 |--9, v. 28 to v. 51 Nahum 2 |Col. 1, to v. 21 ||--3 |--9, v. 51 to 10, | || | v. 17 Habak. 1 |--1, v. 21 to 2, v. 8 ||Habak. 2 |---10, v. 17 --3 |--2, v. 8 ||Zeph. 1, to v. 14 |--11, to v. 29 Zeph. 1, v. 14 to 2, |--3, to v. 18 ||--2, v. 4 |--11, v. 29 v. 4 | || | ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --3 |--3, v. 18 & 4 ||Haggai 1 |--12, to v. 35 Haggai 2, to v. 10 |1 Thess. 1 ||2, v. 10 |--12, v. 35 Zech. 1, to v. 18 |--2 ||Zech. 1, v. 18 & 2 |--13, to v. 18 ..................... |--3 ||..................... |--13 v 18 --3 |--4 ||--4 |--14, to v. 25 --5 |--5 ||--6 |--14, v. 25 to 15, | || | v. 11 --7 |2 Thess. 1 ||--8, to v. 14 |--15, v. 11 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --8, v. 14 |--2 ||--9, v. 9 |--16 --10 |--3 ||--11 |--17, to v. 20 --12 |1 Tim. 1, to v. 18 ||--13 |--17, v. 20 --14 |--1, v. 18 & 2 ||--Mal. 1 |--18, to v. 31 Mal. 2 |--3 ||--3, to v. 13 |--18, v. 31 to 19, | || | v. 11 --3, v. 13 & 4 |--4 ||Wisdom 1 |--19,0. 11 to v. 28 ..................... |--5 ||..................... |--19, v. 28 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Wisdom 2 |--6 ||--4, v. 7 |--20, to v. 27 --6, to v. 22 |2 Tim. 1 ||--6, v. 22 to 7, v. 15|--20, v. 27 to 21, | || | v. 5 --7, v. 15 |--2 ||--8, to v. 19 |--21, v. 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]

Days marked with an asterisk * are those for which proper Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are canonically sanctioned in the Scottish Church.


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| d |_All Saints" Day_ 2| e | 3| f | | | 4| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5| A | 6| b |Leonard, Confessor 7| c | | | 8| d | 9| e | 10| f | 11| g |Saint Martin, Bishop and Confessor -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12| A | 13| b |Britius, Bishop 14| c | 15| d |Machutus, Bishop 16| e |* _Margaret, Queen of Scotland_ 17| f |Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln 18| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19| A | 20| b |Edmund, King and Martyr 21| c | 22| d |Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr 23| e |Saint Clement I., Bishop of Rome, and Martyr 24| f | 25| g |Catherine, Virgin and Martyr -------------------------------------------------------------------- 26| A | 27| b | 28| c | 29| d | _Fast_ 30| e |_Saint Andrew, Apostle and Martyr_ | | --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

Wisdom 9 |2 Tim. 3 ||Wisdom 11, to v. 15 |Luke 22, to v. 31 --11, v. 15 to 12, |--4 ||--17 |--22, v. 31 to v. 54 v. 3 | || | Ecclus. 1, to v. 14 |t.i.tus 1 ||Ecclus. 2 |--22, v. 54 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --3, v. 17 to v. 30 |--2 ||--4, v. 10 |--23, to v. 26 --5 |--3 ||--7, v. 27 |--23, v. 26 to v. 50 --10, v. 18 |Philemon ||--14, to v. 20 |--23, v. 50 to 24, | || | v. 13 --15, v. 9 |Heb. 1 ||--16, v. 17 |--24, v. 13 --18, to v. 15 |--2, & 3, to v. 7 ||--18, v. 15 |John 1, to v. 29 --19, v. 13 |--3, v. 7 to 4, v. 14 ||--22, v. 6 to v. 24 |--1, v. 29 --24, to v. 24 |--4, v. 14 & 5 ||--24, v. 24 |--2 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --33, v. 7 to v. 23 |--6 ||--34, v. 15 |--3, to v. 22 --35 |--7 ||--37, v. 8 to v. 19 |--3, v. 22 --39, to v. 13 |--8 ||--39, v. 13 |--4, to v. 31 --41, to v. 14 |--9 ||--42, v. 15 |--4, v. 31 --44, to v. 16 |--10, to v. 19 ||--50, to v. 25 |--5, to v. 24 --51, v. 10 |--10, v. 19 ||Baruch 4, to v. 21 |--5, v. 24 Baruch 4, v. 36 & 5 |--11, to v. 17 ||Isaiah 1, to v. 21 |--6, to v. 22 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Isaiah 1, v. 21 |--11, v. 17 ||--2 |--6, v. 22 to v. 41 --3, to v. 16 |--12 ||--4, v. 2 |--6, v. 41 --5, to v. 18 |--13 ||--5, v. 18 |--7, to v. 25 --6 |James 1 ||--7, to v. 17 |--7, v. 25 --8, v. 5 to v. 18 |--2 ||--8, v. 18 to 9, v. 8 |--8, to v. 31 --9, v. 8 to 10, v. 5 |--3 ||--10, v. 5 to v. 20 |--8, v. 31 --10, v. 20 |--4 ||--11, to v. 10 |--9, to v. 39 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --11, v. 10 |-- 5 ||--12 |--9, v. 39 to 10, | || | v. 22 --13 |1 Pet. 1, to v. 22 ||--14, to v. 24 |--10, v. 22 --17 |--1, v. 22 to 2, v. 11 ||--18 |--11, to v. 17 --19, to v. 16 |--2, v. 11 to 3, v. 8 ||--19, v. 16 |--11, v. 17 to v. 47 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

[Transcriber"s note: The following two tables face each other in the original text. The Kalendar is the left-hand portion of the table and the lessons appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer are the right-hand portion.]


-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| f | | | 2| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3| A | 4| b | 5| c | 6| d |Nicolas, Bishop of Myra in Lycia 7| e | 8| f |Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10| A | 11| b | 12| c | 13| d |Lucy, Virgin and Martyr | | 14| e | | | 15| f | 16| g |O Sapientia -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17| A | 18| b | 19| c | 20| d | _Fast_ 21| e |_Saint Thomas, Apostle and Martyr_ 22| f | 23| g | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24| A | _Fast_ 25| b |_Christmas-day_ 26| c |_Saint Stephen, the first Martyr_ 27| d |_Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist_ 28| e |_Innocents"-day_ 29| f | 30| g | 31| A |Silvester, Bishop of Rome --------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORNING PRAYER ||EVENING PRAYER ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- I. LESSON |II. LESSON ||I. LESSON |II. LESSON ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- Isaiah 21, to v. 13 |--1 Pet. 3, v. 8 to 4, ||Isaiah 22, to v. 15 |John 11, v. 47 to | v. 7 || | 12, v. 20 --22, v. 15 |--4, v. 7 ||--23 |--12, v. 20 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --24 |--5 ||--25 |--13, to v. 21 --26, to v. 20 |2 Pet. 1 ||--26, v. 20 & 27 |--13, v. 21 --28, to v. 14 |--2 ||--28, v. 14 |--14 --29, to v. 9 |--3 ||--29, v. 9 |--15 --30, to v. 18 |1 John 1 ||--30, v. 18 |--16, to v. 16 --31 |--2, to v. 15 ||--32 |--16, v. 16 --33 |--2, v. 15 ||--34 |--17 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --35 |--3, to v. 16 ||--40, to v. 12 |--18, to v. 28 --40, v. 12 |--3, v. 16 to 4, v. 7 ||--41, to v. 17 |--18, v. 28 --41, v. 17 |--4, v. 7 ||--42, to v. 18 |--19, to v. 25 --42, v. 18 to 43, |--5 ||--43, v. 8 |--19, v. 25 v. 8 | || | --44, to v. 21 |2 John ||--44, v. 21 to 45, |--20, to v. 19 | || v. 8 | --45, v. 8 |3 John ||--46 |--20, v. 19 --47 |Jude ||--48 |--21 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --49, to v. 13 |Rev. 1 ||--49, v. 13 |Rev. 2, to v. 18 --50 |--2, v. 18 to 3, v. 7 ||--51, to v. 9 |3, v. 7 --51, v. 9 |--4 ||--52, to v. 13 |--5 --52, v. 13, & 53 |--6 ||--54 |--7 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

--55 |--8 ||--56 |--10 --57 |--11 ||--58 |--12 ----------------------------------------------||--------------------------------------------- --59 |--14 ||--60 |--15 ..................... |..................... ||..................... |.....................

..................... |--16 ||..................... |--18 --61 |--19, to v. 11 ||--62 |--19, v. 11 --63 |--20 ||--64, & 65, to v. 8 |--21, to v. 15 --65, v. 8 |--21, v. 15 to 22, ||--66 |--22, v. 6 | v. 6 || | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






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