The Central Eskimo

Chapter 37

#Itivimiut#, the inhabitants of the coast beyond the land.


#Itutonik# (Etotoniq).


#Kaming"ujang#, similar to a boot.


#Kangertloa"ping#, the common bay.

#Kangertlua"lung#, the large bay.

#Kangertlukdjuaq#, the large bay.


#Kangertlung#, the bay.

#Kangia#, its head, its upper part (of a bay).

#Kangianga#, its upper part.

#Kangidliuta#, nearest to the land.

#Kangivamiut#, inhabitants of Kangia.

#Kautaq#, diorite.

#Kilauting#, the drum.

#Kingnait#, the high land.

#Kingnaitmiut#, the inhabitants of Kingnait.


#Kitigtung#, the island lying farthest out toward the sea.

#Kitingujang#, the gorge.


#Koukdjuaq#, the large river.

#Kouksoarmiut#, the inhabitants of Kouksoaq.

#Koukteling#, with a river.

#Kugnuaq#, the small nice river.


#Majoraridjen#, the places where one has to climb up.

#Maktartudjennaq#, where one eats whale"s hide.


#Manirigtung#, with many eggs.

#Manituling#, with uneven places.

#Metja#, the lid.

#Midlurieling#, where stones are thrown (for catching white whales).

#Miliaqdjuin#, the small ones, which shut it up(?).

#Miliqdjuaq#, the large one, which shuts up(?).

#Mingong#, the beetle.




#Nanuqtuaqdjung#, the little bear.

#Nanuraga.s.sain#, abounding in young bears.



#Naujan#, the gulls.

#Naujaqdjuaq#, the large gull.

#Naujateling#, with gulls.


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