The Central Eskimo

Chapter 38

#Nedlung#, peninsula from the point of which deer are driven into the water; from _nedlugpoq_, he swims.

#Nedluqseaq#; from _nedlugpoq_, he swims.

#Neqemiarbing#, where something is carried in the hand.

#Nerseqdjuaq#, the large valley.

#Netchillik#, with seals.


#Netchillirmiut#, the inhabitants of Netchillik (the seal country).

#Nettilling#, with seals.

#Niaqonaujang#, similar to a head.

#Nikosiving#; from _nikuipoq_, it stands erect.

#Nirdlirn#, the goose.

#Niutang#, hoop used in whaling.

#Nudlung#, the posteriors.

#Nudnirn#, the point.

#Nugumiut#, the inhabitants of the point.


#Nuratamiut#, the inhabitants of Nurata.

#Nuvujalung#, the large cape or point.

#Nuvujen#, the points.

#Nuvukdjuaq#, the great point.

#Nuvukdjuaraqdjung#, the little Nuvukdjuaq.

#Nuvuktirpang"#, the greatest point.

#Nuvuktualung#, the only great point.

#Nuvung#, the point.


#Okan#, the codfish (plural).


#Operdniving#, place where one lives in spring.

#Oqo#, the weather side.

#Oqomiut#, the inhabitants of Oqo.



#Padli#, with the mouth of a river.

#Padliaq#, the little mouth of the river.(?)

#Padlimiut#, the inhabitants of Padli.

#Padloping#; from _padlorpoq_ (lying on the face?).

#Pamiujang#, similar to a tail.

#Pangnirtung#, with many bucks.

#Pikiulaq#, _Uria grylle_.

#Piling#, with many things (i.e., game).

#Pilingmiut#, the inhabitants of Piling.



#Pujetung#, with plenty of blubber.



#Qaggilortung#; from _qaggi_, singing house.

#Qairoliktung#, with plenty of seals (_Phoca grnlandica_).



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