! Mi Shu! Found her!

"Big bro! I find Mi Shu and Ren Yuan! They are right there! lining up for h..haunted house..." Tan Hua voice who was excited earlier suddenly turn quieter when she realize Mi Shu and Ren Yuan was lining up to enter haunted house.

Hahaha...haunted house?! S-she hate it!! She couldn"t enter such a scary house...she would faint!!

Tan Hua was no good with ghost and scary place so when she saw the haunted house, she almost flee away from the place.

But...unfortunately before Tan Hua could ran away, Nan Shen had caught up to her.


Nan Shen suddenly took Tan Hua by her wrist to prevent her from running here and there like a dog without leash, making Tan Hua couldn"t run even if she wanted to.

"Oh right! They are there. Let"s go there now!" This time it was Nan Shen turn to drag Tan Hua to line up at the haunted house area.

Nan Shen was so fast to drag Tan Hua that Tan Hua already suddenly lined up to enter the haunted house.

? no!! haunted house!!

"b-big bro...I...can we not enter this haunted house?" Tan Hua hand was shaking as sweat began to drenched her back.

She was really afraid of darkness and ghost. Yeah it might be lame for a 22 years old woman to be afraid of darkness and ghost but! She was!! She was lame! She admit it! Now...just get her out from this situation!

"Why not? usually haunted house would be the best place for people to act lovey dovey! Ren Yuan might hug Mi s.h.i.+ who is scared of ghost and such. So! We have to tail them and stop them!"

Nan Shen eyes sparkled with determination while he tighten his grip on Tan Hua wrist making the poor girl almost scream out of pain.

d.a.m.n it!! Nan Shen hand acted as a leash for her neck huh?! She can"t escape ?

Tan Hua actually wanted to say she is unwell but then she was worried she had to sleep on Nan Shen lap again so...she just kept quiet and hope Nan Shen had stomachache or something else that preventing them from entering the haunted house.

But...it was already 5 minutes and Nan Shen seemed alright. They were now so close to the entrance of the haunted house. From here...Tan Hua could already hear few screams coming from the other visitors who were inside the haunted house now.

Ah ah G.o.d...how scary would it be?!

Looking at the people in front of her who were decreasing fast, Tan Hua had already gave up her plan to escape. She saw how fast they lined up and even from this position they could see Mi Shu and Ren Yuan.

This...she really had to enter the haunted house!! This is checkmate for her!

Nan Shen didn"t notice Tan Hua gloomy face as his focus was on Mi Shu and Ren Yuan so poor Tan Hua could only acted like a rag doll being dragged here and there to lined up.

10 minutes later...

Now...she and Nan Shen were already at the very front! Well Mi Shu and Ren Yuan were already inside the haunted house and now it was their turn.

Even from this position, when they haven"t enter the haunted house, Tan Hua could already saw how eerie it must be inside the haunted house.

In this house visitors had to walk while getting disturbed by many kind of ghosts until they found the exit. Sounds easy but for Tan Hua, this feels like exploring a maze.

Would this be like maze runner?! ? She didn"t want to!! Let"s just go back now!

Tan Hua was about to ran away after accidentally saw a glimpse of horror setting of the haunted house when suddenly she heard the one guarding the haunted house spoke up.

"Next please" The one guarding the entrance of the haunted house quickly let Tan Hua and Nan Shen enter the haunted house with face full of smile, nearly making Tan Hua slap that person out of anger.

Don"t smile! It"s scary!

"Don"t let go of my hand okay" When they entered, they were immediately welcomed by darkness which made Tan Hua body froze on spot but thankfully Nan Shen acted fast.

He tighten his grip on Tan Hua hand as to not let her went missing inside this maze-like haunted house.

Usually in this kind of situation Tan Hua would felt excited when the person she might like, hold her hand and soothe her but...Tan Hua was never a romantic person to begin with.

Instead of feeling her heart beat faster because of this sweet bubbly scene, her heat beast faster because of fear.

She was so scared for G.o.d sake!! It was so dark here and even though there wasn"t any ghost yet...she already had gooseb.u.mp everywhere.

Can she shout? Like screaming KYAAA or such? Can she?? SHE CAN"T!! She was dressed like a man now so if she act like a scaredy cat , Nan Shen would felt disgusted right?

Okay...she had to be brave! Be brave! This is just a fake ghost just a fake haunted house! She can do it!

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