What the h.e.l.l happened?! Why is her head on Nan Shen lap? Is this the legendary romantic scene she often saw in drama??

B-but...if two men doing it....it"s not romantic at all! It"s scary!!

Tan Hua wanted to immediately ran away from Nan Shen after thinking like this but then Nan Shen pushed her head back to his lap.


"Where are you going? You are still dizzy right? Stay here for a while" Nan Shen pushed Tan Hua head back to his lap making Tan Hua couldn"t go anywhere.

"N-no I..." Tan Hua who felt her head went back to its original place, was about to struggle or roll her body to escape when Nan Shen suddenly flicked Tan Hua forehead as laughed looking like a bright sun.

"Don"t be shy with your big bro. Just go ahead and sleep!" Nan Shen chuckled as he suddenly felt relieved seeing Tan Hua had woke up.

Hhh thanks G.o.d little Huo had woke up...he thought little Huo was sick but turned out he is only a bit tired. That"s what the medical team said.

Now little Huo had wake up and maybe they should go tailed Mi Shu again but honestly he felt little Huo should sleep more...Look at his face...he looks pale!

"I...I...big bro this is weird!" Tan Hua turned her head to avoid seeing Nan Shen face in front of her eyes again while still having her head on Nan Shen lap.


Oh my G.o.d...her heart was beating so fast! What if it suddenly stop beating?!

Tan Hua was nervous when she lay her head on top of Nan Shen lap. This...this was too intimate! Won"t people look at them as if they were gay couple?!

"What is weird? It"s okay little Huo. Just lay down for a while until you feel better" Nan Shen slowly move his hand to stroke Tan Hua hair. He didn"t feel weird at all having Tan Hua sleep on his lap.

After all...this boy is his little brother now. It"s his duty as the big brother to take care of the little brother right?

"But..." Tan Hua still felt guilty to be treated like this. Wasn"t it weird for a mere employee to be treated like this?! Now she felt Nan Shen was truly weird!

Aside from afraid that Nan Shen would be seen as a gay...she was also afraid with Nan Shen unusual kind treatment. Is this another trap for her? Nan Shen who turn into this kind gentleman...is scary for her! ?

"Hhh are you worried that people might see you and me as gay couple? Nah they won"t. They see us as siblings" Nan Shen had his fun stroking Tan Hua hair which was a high quality wig.

Little Huo hair is so smooth. He like it!

While Tan Hua was "forced" to rest on Nan Shen lap with her hair being played, Nan Shen was enjoying his time to stroke Tan Hua hair as much as he want.

This feels like stroking a dog! Ukh wait wait stroking a little brother!

Tan Hua who had her hair being brushed here and there, instead of feeling good or sleepy, she felt nervous! She could felt how her heart beat faster in fear of her wig being brushed off.

What if Nan Shen realize her hair was a wig? What if the wig fall?!

"B-big bro what about Mi Shu? We won"t tail her again?" Tan Hua was stubborn so she immediately get an excuse to get away from Nan Shen "affectionate" treatment.

Right! If they weren"t going to chase after Mi Shu and Ren Yuan, they wouldn"t be able to tail them!

"....don"t worry I think they might go to haunted house. We will find them there for now you should just sleep okay" After quite a long pause, Nan Shen went back to stroking Tan Hua hair with blissful expression on his face.

Who cared about those two? Right now he just want to spend a quality time with his little bro. Anyway stroking Little huo hair is unexpectedly pleasant.

Hearing this, Tan Hua face darkened and with a sigh, she gave up. Now Nan Shen had said so...she could only be obedient and try to sleep!

Sleep Tan Hua, sleep!

5 seconds later...

....She can"t sleep! (✖īšâœ–)

Tan Hua couldn"t sleep at all and in the end she could only pretend to be asleep. She had to wait until Nan Shen was satisfied playing with her hair!

10 minutes later...

"Big bro...I have feel better let"s go now okay?" Tan Hua who had reach her limit, raised her head and get off from Nan Shen lap as fast she could before Nan Shen stop her again.

"Ugh alright if you say so.." Seeing Tan Hua who already ran away leaving him behind, Nan Shen felt quite sad. He was still unsatisfied! He wanted to stroke little huo hair for a little longer!

Nan Shen grumbled while chasing after Tan Hua who already started to find Mi Shu and Ren Yuan.

At this time, Tan Hua already tried to find the figure of Mi Shu and Ren Yuan among the sea of people.

Hmmm where is Mi Shu...is she around here...

! Ah! Mi Shu! Found her!

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