Tan Hua who felt her wig was already ready to fly away and left her behind, immediately had a heart attack.

No!! Her wig!!

This time because Tan Hua right hand was gripped by Nan Shen and her neck was being hug, she couldn"t react fast when the wig suddenly flew away from her head.

?? Ah ah ah!!!

Tan Hua try to reach the wig with her left hand as the train kept speeding. She already had the urge to puke but getting the wig back became her sole reason why she didn"t puke up until now.

Lucky Tan Hua, while the wig wasn"t on her head again, Nan Shen didn"t see any of this as he put his head on Tan Hua neck and shut his eyes tightly, hoping when he woke up this nightmare end.

But then...when Tan Hua thought her wig would fly away so far...the wig fell on top of Nan Shen head instead! It was super close to her head she could just react it with her hand.

!! Lucky!!

Tan Hua move her left hand to get the wig but then Nan Shen suddenly raised his head a little when he felt the train had slowed down a bit, thinking that the ride had ended.

The ride ended?

When Tan Hua saw Nan Shen raised his head a little, out of reflex she slapped his head back to her neck making Nan Shen view went back to seeing Tan Hua neck.


"!! What the?! Little Huo what are you do-" Nan Shen was about to raise his head again and scold Tan Hua but the girl kept slapping his head back to its previous position while her hand moved in a super high speed beating the roller coaster speed, to s.n.a.t.c.h her wig back!

Boss Nan could you please just stay for a while?! She need her wig for G.o.d sake!!

Right when Tan Hua manage to grab the wig on top of Nan Shen head and wore it on her head casually, the train suddenly stopped moving and the ride ended just like that.

"The ride ended!!" Nan Shen was so happy sensing the train stop moving that he forgot he still had his head on Tan Hua neck.

Nan Shen suddenly raised his head and...successfully hit Tan Hua jaw with a loud BUGH! sound.


Tan Hua: ? *faint*

Tan Hua hadn"t fix her wig properly when she felt someone hit her jaw with a very hard thing. The next thing she knew, her surrounding turned dark and she lost consciousness.

All the people who ride on the same train as Nan Shen and Tan Hua, had all went down earlier than them, including Mi Shu and Ren Yuan so when Tan Hua fainted, Mi Shu and Ren Yuan already left the roller coaster area.

"Huff the ride end...now are you satisfied Little h- ehhhh?!!" Nan Shen who already get off from the train, shrieked when he saw Tan Hua fainted on her seat.

L-little Huo fainted!!

This made Nan Shen thought Tan Hua was so scared of the roller coaster until she fainted from shock.

It turned out that someone other than him also felt the terror of roller coaster!!

Nan Shen wanted to say this out loud to the world that fearing roller coaster until puking after was normal since there was this boy who fainted after the ride ended but then...he remembered he had to take care of this boy who fainted.

First of all he had to do something with this boy!! Poor boy you faint because of the roller coaster...this ride really is should be banned!

Nan Shen never did know that he was actually the one causing the poor Tan Hua to faint on roller coaster. If Tan Hua was awake and knew what Nan Shen thought, maybe she would punch him to the seventh heaven.

"Help! Help! someone faint!" Nan Shen coughed a little before releasing Tan Hua from the seatbelt while asking for help from the nearby people.

Hearing Nan Shen call for help, the operator of the ride didn"t immediately let other batch of people to ride the roller coaster yet.

"Hold the people for now! Someone faint!" The operator quickly reacted by not allowing other people to approach the train as she quickly call for medical officer around the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

Hearing that someone fainted, the whole roller coaster area turned chaotic at the moment making Nan Shen forgot to locate where Mi Shu and Ren Yuan went after they ride roller coaster.

The medic team arrived faster than ever and Tan Hua was brought to a safe area to be given a proper treatment.

In the end, Tan Hua and Nan Shen didn"t do anything to observe Mi Shu and Ren Yuan when they rode the roller coaster. The whole scene ended up with Tan Hua being left to rest with her head being put on top of Nan Shen lap.

5 minutes later....

"mm..." Tan Hua had slowly regain her consciousness back. She felt her eyes were so heavy but she still opened her eyes.

Tan Hua expect to see the hospital ceiling or such but then the view she got was Nan Shen handsome face was looking down at her.

(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.) What?! What the h.e.l.l happened?!

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