Roller coaster?! ?

Did this d.a.m.n boy just say roller coaster?! No!!

"T-the line is very long! Better just watch those two from afar" Nan Shen broke in cold sweat when Tan Hua already got him right at the roller coaster area.

Hahaha this must be a joke. He can"t ride roller coaster at all. He just can"t! What if he suddenly throw up or do something embarra.s.sing in front of Tan Huo? He will lose his charisma as a big brother!

"Not at all look! The VIP line is so short! We can make it in time to be at the same train with Mi Shu and Ren Yuan!" Maybe G.o.d had decided to punish Nan Shen for his past sin treating Tan Hua like a doggo so very suddenly the VIP line for the roller coaster got empty very fast.

Seeing the really empty line, Nan Shen had the urge to bought this amus.e.m.e.nt park and close down the roller coaster area.

d.a.m.n b*tch!! The VIP line was so long before and now it suddenly went empty?! Is this magic?!

? ...wait..Oh my G.o.d! Is this his punishment for treating Tan Hua as a doggo before?? If so...G.o.d please forgive him!! ?

Wait. He can make excuse so not to ride this d.a.m.n roller coaster!! He is so genius!

Nan Shen wanted to say his stomach hurt etc but then...unfortunately Tan Hua didn"t give him time to say these excuses.

Tan Hua very casually still made Nan Shen wait in the VIP line to ride the roller coaster with a happy face.

Yeah! Roller coaster! She never ride one before so this must be very exciting! ?

Tan Hua could thought so now because she haven"t ride roller coaster in her previous world either but the poor Nan Shen already had the urge to puke when he saw roller coaster in front of him.

Nan Shen face immediately turned pale and he looks like a zombie!

Unfortunately Tan Hua didn"t see Nan Shen face which had turned into a complete zombie. She only drag him to line up and in less than a minute, the two of them had got in to the train at the last row while Ren Yuan and Mi Shu sat at 2 row in front of them.

"...hahaha.." When Nan Shen sat down at his seat with the seatbelt already clicked on and ready to depart anytime, he could only gave a wry laugh as his soul slowly leave his body.

T-this must be G.o.d punishment. He is sure!

On the other hand while waiting for the train to depart, Tan Hua had an excited expression on her face. This was the first time she would try riding roller coaster!

In her previous world her parents were too overprotective so everytime she went to amus.e.m.e.nt park she could only play a "safe" ride such as merry-go-round, ferris wheel, tea cup ride...or car racing etc.

All of them are truly "safe" ride without any excitement!

Tan Hua had always longing to experience thrilling ride such as roller coaster or anything that could made people scream. Now....she could finally felt it too!

It must be good as to made people scream out of "excitement" right??

Poor Tan Hua was so naive that she had such a thought. While Tan Hua looked like she was waiting for the train to suddenly depart in high speed, Nan Shen already had the urge to faint after he saw the track.

Haha..what a track...there is even an upside down track! His body would be turned upside down very fast by then? Oh and that very steep gliding down track...hahaha he would feel like his b.u.t.t floating if he went through that track.

He wanted to faint!! (╥﹏╥)

"Alright everyone the ride will start at 3...2...1....GO!" the person operating the machine gave the last smile to everybody who ride the roller coaster and right after she said "GO", the roller coaster departed in a very high speed!


The moment the train move, Nan Shen immediately grab Tan Hua hand and squeeze it as if he was squeezing a plush doll making Tan Hua who just felt like she was riding wind, nearly scream from the pain.

"Bos- big broo!!! What are you do-" Tan Hua really did whisper to Nan Shen ear while grimacing in pain but then before she could finish her sentence, the train pa.s.s through the steep gliding down track making Tan Hua almost bite her own tongue.

"aaahhhhhh!!!!!!" Tan Hua had a shock when she felt her body was gliding down at a very fast speed.

T-this...what was fun about this thing??!!

Tan Hua had a heart attack while Nan Shen now had move on to pull Tan Hua neck and hug it as if he would die any minutes soon making Tan Hua once again, almost die when she from the lack of air.

"Big brroooooo!!!" this time when Nan Shen hug Tan Hua neck, the train pa.s.s through the upside down track and right at this moment, Tan Hua felt as if her wig was going to fell down anytime soon. The wind was too much after all.

It would be magic if the wig won"t be blown off.

!! W-wig! Her wig!!

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