
Nan Shen quickly raised his head and saw his cute little brother was feeding him sausage with a grin on his face.

"Hehe bos- big bro do you like it?" Tan Hua had went back from shopping for food and the table was instantly filled with the food she brought.

She just put down the food she brought when she saw Nan Shen lowered his head and seemed like immersed in a deep thought so she thought Nan Shen felt unwell or something.

Just like that Tan Hua thought of sharing her food with Nan Shen to cheer him up and this ended up to Nan Shen eating sausage for the first time in his life.

Sausage for commoner of course.

"B-bwuh? W-what is this?" Nan Shen was taken aback when Tan Hua suddenly fed him food. T-this wasn"t this sausage for commoner?! Wouldn"t it be bad for his stomach??

"Sausage!" Tan Hua happily ate the rest of the sausage Nan Shen just ate from without realising that she just did an indirect kiss.

Tan Hua was happy to find commoner food precisely because she never tried them before! Popcorn, hot dog, sausage, hamburger and such...all of them were made by her family chef in her previous world.

She never tried such food sold in amus.e.m.e.nt park or in cinema and such! That"s why she was so excited when she knew she could finally taste these commoner foods.

It was surprisingly good! (´ ▽`)

Nan Shen who saw Tan Hua ate happily could only sigh silently in his heart. He never ate this kind of commoner food but if his cute little brother fed him with it...how could he refuse?!

Indeed, Tan Hua didn"t ate all the food she bought alone. She felt bad if she ate all of these alone while Nan Shen only watched them ate so occasionally she would share the food she was eating with Nan Shen.

"Ahh open your mouth big bro!" Tan Hua this time fed Nan Shen with the hot dog she just take a bite before. This hot dog was delicious to Nan Shen would surely like it too!

Looking at the smiling Tan Hua and the hot dog in front of his eyes, Nan Shen didn"t have the heart to refuse Tan Hua so he reluctantly took a bite from the hot dog as he ate it slowly.

Hmm...not bad...

Nan Shen nodded his head after he ate almost everything Tan Hua ate before as all of them turned out to be quite delicious.

Just like that Tan Hua kept feeding Nan Shen the food she ate and the two of them didn"t even realize they were just having indirect kiss several times already.

5 minutes later...

"Pwah! I"m full!" Tan Hua had finished all the food she bought and now she happily stroke her bear-like belly with sauce all over her cheek.

Nan Shen who saw Tan Hua dirty face from the sauce, really wanted to laugh at him and dragged him to wash his face but then thinking that he had to be good to his little brother, he hold back the urge to tease Tan Hua.

"You are so clumsy" With a chuckle, Nan Shen took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the sauce on Tan Hua lips when she was just about to wipe it by herself, making her flinched subconsciously.

!! B-boss!!

Tan Hua face turned slightly red when Nan Shen stood up from his chair just to wipe the remaining sauce on her face with his precious handkerchief on top of that.

W-who is this?! Boss Nan wouldn"t be so kind!! Usually he would just splash water to her or mocking her by saying she was similar to his doggo when he eat but now!

Did Boss Nan really is possessed by ghost?? How could he didn"t say anything to mock her and just gently cleaned up the sauce with his handkerchief?!

T-this man isn"t Nan Shen! He must be a fake! An imposter!!

Tan Hua really felt that Nan Shen was weird today and thought he must be an imposter but then...he looked exactly like the Nan Shen she knew! Only his behaviour changed.

Ughh Boss Nan what happened to you??

"Done" Nan Shen chuckled again after he finished wiping off the sauce on Tan Hua cheek and lips. Nan Shen chuckled because he saw how Tan Hua face look surprised as if she just saw a satan in front her eyes.

This boy must think he is too kind today right? Well he did think the same. Actually he still had the urge to tease this boy and call him doggo this doggo that but then remembering he is his little brother now, how could he be so mean.

He had to be a kind big brother!

Of course Tan Hua had her cheek turned red like a tomato after being treated so kindly so...in order to hide her red face Tan Hua quickly pointed her finger to the roller coaster area as she said.

"Eh! Mi Shu and Ren Yuan is still at roller coaster area! We can catch up now" Tan Hua quickly grabbed Nan Shen wrist and dragged him to the roller coaster area very suddenly to help her forget her chaotic heart.

Nan Shen: ...roller coaster?! ?

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