Nan Shen lowered his head feeling like he couldn"t look at Tan Hua eyes as he grabbed her wrist and started to walk away to the cinema.

"Okay big bro!" With a smile, Tan Hua quickly followed after Nan Shen to the cinema.

Nan Shen and Tan Hua didn"t know at all that their "play", pretending to be a couple to tailed after Mi Shu was seen by someone.

At the same time when this happen, someone not far from Tan Hua and Nan Shen place, saw this scene when Nan Shen took Tan Hua hand and walked away from the store.

"Y-young master? Going out with a beautiful girl?? I-is this a miracle??W-wait wait master and madam have to know!!" The man who saw Tan Hua and Nan Shen as a "couple", excitedly went away from the place and made a phone call to the so-called master and madam.

Back to Nan Shen and Tan Hua.

While Tan Hua was walking beside Nan Shen, for some reasons a lot of people in the mall were looking at her while whispering to each other, making Tan Hua anxious.

"Big bro a lot of people are looking at makeover is weird after all right??" Tan Hua tugged Nan Shen sleeves while looking dejected.

Those people were whispering to each other after they saw her! Was her transformation really that weird? Maybe because she was weird in this kind of clothes those people are looking at her.

Tan Hua knew her face in this world wasn"t as beautiful as her original body not to mention that this body she used, almost never wore woman clothes again for a few years.

Tan Hua felt not confident with her own appearance. She thought people were looking at her because she was weird and she was walking beside Nan Shen who was as handsome as h.e.l.l.

Maybe...they thought she wasn"t suitable to be beside Nan Shen?

Just when Tan Hua was feeling down, a big hand landed on her head delivering warmth and a weird sense of calmness.

"You are not weird. Instead, because you are so beautiful they are curious to know your true ident.i.ty" Still wasn"t able to look at Tan Hua eyes, Nan Shen patted Tan Hua head for a second before retracting it again, acting as if nothing ever happen.

Okay he did this wasn"t because of anything! I-it was just because he hate seeing little Huo dejected face. That"s it. No ulterior motive!

Nan Shen cheek blushed a little after he comfort Tan Hua with a pat.

Gah! He used to find it easy to pat little Huo head but now when he wore woman clothes, he couldn"t do so as easy as before! (」゚ロ゚)」

This little Huo...really look like a real woman! Is it possible?? Look at little Huo legs. It were so skinny like a woman"s leg. His waist, his hip...also looked like a normal woman!

Could it be....

Nan Shen began to suspect whether Tan Hua was actually a girl. Because looking at her which had became this beautiful, it was kinda weird for a real man to transform like this!

Why didn"t he think like that before? There was a chance that Little Huo is a girl!

Nan Shen was so immersed in his suspicion that he didn"t realize he had subconsciously took Tan Hua hand again and hold it as if it was something normal.

For Nan Shen who was busy with his deduction, holding hands wasn"t weird but for Tan Hua it was a shocking event.

!! B-bossss what are you doing?? ?

If before Nan Shen only took Tan Hua by her wrist then now he really did hold her hand just like what a normal couple did. This made Tan Hua felt self-conscious!


Sensing the warmth on her hand and the grip Nan Shen had, Tan Hua heart suddenly started to beat fast. Her body temperature raised and she suddenly felt her hand became sweaty!

T-this again! What happened to her?? Why the h.e.l.l everytime she was with Nan Shen her heart would beat so fast as if it would explode anytime? She would find it difficult to breath, her heart felt like someone squeezed it tight.

Her body would felt hot and all of sudden she would became sweaty.

This...don"t tell her she had a weird disease?! ?

Author: ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ DIE!!

Tan Hua was doubting her health and thus she completely forgot to release her hand from Nan Shen hand. The same happened with Nan Shen.

He was too busy trying to gather evidence about Tan Hua might be a girl so he too casually held Tan Hua hand until they arrive at the cinema.

Inside the cinema.

Nan Shen and Tan Hua had book the ticket for this romance movie but one thing they didn"t understand about. It turned out that the seat in this cinema was special, maybe because the ticket was also super expensive.

If usually seat in cinema would be for one people each, this seat...was for two people! There wasn"t any block between them so it was just like they were sitting at normal sofa outside cinema.

Mi Shu and Ren Yuan also sat on this kind of seat and their seat was 3 rows in front of Tan Hua and Nan Shen seat!

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