"B-big bro this..." Tan Hua felt a little bit uncomfortable when she sat beside Nan Shen. This seat was kinda small so when they sat side by side, her left arm would touch Nan Shen arm.

This...was kinda dangerous wasn"t it??

"Bear with it I know this is uncomfortable but we have to kept our eyes on those two. This is a crucial moment for Ren Yuan and Mi Shu! After all the seat...is made for a couple"

Nan Shen, haven"t realising that he was already seen as a couple with Tan Hua, told Tan Hua about this fact he knew.

That cunning Ren Yuan would for sure did something while the movie is playing! After all in this dark and small place, sitting next to each other, any kind of immoral action could be done!

Nan Shen never thought he and Tan Hua could also be included in the category of someone who would maybe accidentally did something immoral during the movie.

"Okay..." hearing Nan Shen answer, Tan Hua tried her best to make a little distance between her and Nan Shen. Actually she also felt nervous because the skirt of her one piece dress was kinda short...it was only a few centimeters above her knee.

Now when she sit, the skirt was pulled and the hem of the dress couldn"t even cover her thigh. This made her uncomfortable! She could only cover her thigh using the clutch bag Nan Shen bought for her.

Still...this clutch wouldn"t exactly going to cover up her thigh completely. The air conditioner in this cinema was quite cold so she could felt the cold air kissing her uncovered thigh!

One thing she would be grateful for was that during the movie this room would be dark so maybe no one would see her thigh! Including Nan Shen. She would be safe!

"Here popcorn" While Tan Hua was trying to sit comfortably, Nan Shen suddenly gave her popcorn out of nowhere, startling her and almost made her scream at that moment.

! Don"t scare her boss!!

"a...t-thank you" Tan Hua awkwardly took the popcorn and place it on her lap, using this basket of popcorn to cover up her exposed thigh.

Oh! This popcorn, very useful!

"nmn" Nan Shen quickly turned his head away again after giving the popcorn to Tan Hua. As expected he still couldn"t see Little Huo face when he was still dressing like this!

This is weird. He was fine with Mi Shu who was actually more beautiful than little Huo disguise but how could he wasn"t fine with little Huo?!

Maybe it was because he still wasn"t used to seeing little Huo become this beautiful? Right he forgot. He had to investigate Little Huo again after this end. After all...he suspected little Huo was a girl!

No men could be this beautiful except transgender or...a real women. So...little Huo might be a girl.

Hhh...then if little Huo was proven to be a girl...what would he do?

When Nan Shen arrived at this question, the cinema suddenly turned dark indicating the movie would start now, making him stopped thinking about what he thought before.

This actually already indirectly save Tan Hua! Good job cinema!

15 minutes later...

Nan Shen eyes were focused on Mi Shu and Ren Yuan, checking if Ren Yuan had made his move like maybe kissing Mi Shu or whatever it is while Tan Hua, completely ignored those two.

She was focused on watching the movie!

Nan Shen was too immersed observing every move Ren Yuan made when his hand moved a little to grab some popcorn for his hungry little belly.

The cinema was dark and Nan Shen eyes were on Ren Yuan. Nan Shen thought Tan Hua place the popcorn between them so he move to the place he thought would be where the popcorn was.

But...the popcorn was on Tan Hua lap so when Nan Shen touched the "popcorn", he only found empty air. Still insisting to grab popcorn without looking at it, Nan Shen hand moved a little further and now was near Tan Hua thigh.

What was covered with popcorn was Tan Hua thigh from above, her thigh which was the closest to Nan Shen body was still exposed to open air.

Nan Shen who thought the popcorn must be still around there, between him and Tan Hua, moved his hand toward Tan Hua thigh and instead of grabbing popcorn, he touched something else.

...hm? what is this? popcorn wouldn"t be this soft...

Nan Shen hand touched Tan Hua bare thigh which was the closest to his position. Not only touching, Nan Shen actually stroke it making Tan Hua who didn"t know what"s going on, shuddered when she felt a hand stroking her thigh.


"ah!" Tan Hua subconsciously let out a soft moan when she felt a hand stroking her bare thigh. Of course this was ticklish for her!

"B-big br-" Tan Hua was about to ask Nan Shen what happened but she couldn"t see Nan Shen clearly because of the dark. The light coming from the screen right now was dim so she could only whispered.

When Nan Shen heard Tan Hua voice asking him, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He wanted to grab popcorn but up until now he hadn"t get anything!

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