Tan Hua head fell to Nan Shen shoulder when she had just fall into her deep sleep making Nan Shen who was back to watching Ren Yuan and Mi Shu, flinched out of shock.

L-little Huo??

Nan Shen body stiffen when he felt Tan Hua head on his shoulder.

W-what"s going on?! Why the h.e.l.l little huo"s head suddenly on his shoulder??

"Little h-" Nan Shen was about to shoved Tan Hua head on his shoulder but when he saw Tan Hua was sleeping, he suddenly stopped.

Ah...so little huo is asleep! No wonder little huo suddenly leaned on him....

Nan Shen sighed in relief after seeing what actually happened. He thought little huo was acting strange when he felt little huo head on his shoulder. It turned out little huo fell asleep.

Nan Shen thought since little huo might be tired he could lend his shoulder as a pillow for a few minutes until little huo woke up.

But...plan would always be plan.

At this time, Tan Hua was sleeping peacefully with steady breath. Because her head was really close to Nan Shen neck, somehow her breath also hit Nan Shen neck.

!! Gah!

Nan Shen would flinched everytime he felt the ticklish sensation from Tan Hua breath making him disturbed.

L-little huo!! it"s ticklis.h.!.+

Nan Shen really wanted to move away and let Tan Hua sleep on the seat but looking at Tan Hua tired face, once again he couldn"t bear to.

After all it was his selfish wish dragging little huo here so he has to at least be good to him right...

That way Nan Shen bear the ticklish sensation on his neck. He tried to focused his mind on Mi Shu and Ren Yuan instead of focusing his mind on the ticklish sensation on his neck.

But once again maybe G.o.d wanted to play with him. At this distance between him and little huo, Nan Shen slowly could smell a good fragrance coming from Tan Hua body.

What"s this good smell? Smells like candy...

Nan Shen turned his head and found out the smell came from the sleeping beauty beside him.

Once again when Nan Shen saw Tan Hua face which was illuminated by the faint light coming from the screen, his heart skipped a beat for no reason.


L-little huo really look beautiful...

That long eyelashes, small pink lips, white skin...at this time Tan Hua indeed looked beautiful in Nan Shen eyes. For Nan Shen it was as if he was seeing a sleeping fairy.

Not only that...little huo also smells nice!

Smelling something nice would always calm one person heart but in case for Nan Shen, his heart became chaotic instead.

He didn"t know but he suddenly had this impulse to touch little huo face. He just had the urge to!


Nan Shen carefully moved his right hand to the back pa.s.sing Tan Hua shoulder and circled her neck.

Nan Shen heart still beat faster and faster when his hand moved closer to Tan Hua cheek. He didn"t know why he just want to stroke this white cheek.


Nan Shen finger touched Tan Hua cheek and slowly moved to trace it, feeling the smooth sensation from Tan Hua skin.

Ah...it"s so soft! and smooth! like a baby skin!

Nan Shen subconsciously smiled as he gently stroke Tan Hua cheek a few times to satisfy his fetish for something soft and smooth.

Uah really soft! He didn"t expect little huo face would be this good to touch.

Still rubbing his finger on Tan Hua cheek, Nan Shen began to trace his finger to Tan Hua lips.

But when Nan Shen finger had just touched Tan Hua lips, the image when they accidentally kissed earlier suddenly popped out in Nan Shen mind making his finger stopped on air.

!!! GAH!!! ? W-what did he do??? Why the heck he stroke little huo face here and there?!

Nan Shen quickly retracted his hand when he had snapped out from his sudden impulse he felt earlier.

This is crazy. Having little huo sleep on his shoulder making him went insane!! Wake up Nan Shen, little huo is a boy! ...maybe...

...wait but he can"t let little huo kept being like this!! His shoulder would get numb! right his shoulder would get numb. it"s definitely not because he was afraid he would do something more dangerous later, definitely not!

Nan Shen then carefully moved his head a little to look at Tan Hua face. He had decided that he must woke Tan Hua up for the sake of his shoulder, and his heart.

His heart would explode if he let little huo sleep on his shoulder!

Nan Shen had strengthen his decision to made Tan Hua awake but then when he saw how Tan Hua was sleeping very peacefully as if she was in a dream land, his heart once again get weak.

Hhh...let"s just focus on the movie to calm his heart. He really couldn"t bear to let Little huo woke up. Little huo must felt very tired.

And so just like that Nan Shen let Tan Hua sleep on his shoulder while he himself focused his mind on watching the movie.

But...since his mind was tired, his heart was chaotic and the movie was unexpectedly boring, Nan Shen also slowly felt sleepy!

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