Nan Shen also slowly felt sleepy!


Nan Shen head fell on top of Tan Hua head when he felt like he couldn"t bear it anymore. He was tired from his works last night and also because of many things he was thinking about. Not to mention the movie was boring for someone like him.

Nan Shen didn"t know when he fall asleep his head landed on Tan Hua head making him and Tan Hua both leaned to each other to sleep.

This scene actually looked so cute if only someone see them but luckily the cinema was dark and beside them, only a couple of people watch the same movie so no one saw this scene.

1 hour later....

The movie had ended and the lamp in this room had been turned on again. Many people who watched the same movie had went out from the room including Ren Yuan and Mi Shu.

When some couples who sat a few rows behind Nan Shen and Tan Hua seat went down the stairs, they saw Nan Shen and Tan Hua who was sleeping with their head leaned on each other.

"Ah that couple is so cute" the girl who saw this tugged her boyfriend sleeves and pointed her finger to Nan Shen and Tan Hua as they pa.s.sed by.

The girl giggled looking at Nan Shen and Tan Hua who sleep very soundly.

"Shouldn"t we wake them up?" the boy also chuckled faintly seeing this cute scene after he and his girlfriend had arrived at the door toward exit.

"Just let the staff wake them up. Let"s not disturb their sleeping time" The girl laughed cheerfully and went out from the cinema with her boyfriend.

At this time Mi Shu and Ren Yuan had went out from the cinema a few minutes ago and the two of them had went home to end their date.

But Nan Shen and Tan Hua was still sleeping on their seat until the staff who came to clean up the room, spotted them and woke them up.

"Miss, miss, wake up" the staff was a girl so she naturally choose to woke up Tan Hua instead of Nan Shen. While she was waking up these two, she also giggled like the couple earlier seeing this cute scene.

This was the first time she found a couple who slept during a romance movie. The two of them even leaned to each other when they fall asleep! What a cute couple. The man was handsome while the woman was also very beautiful.

"" Tan Hua slowly opened her eyes when the staff poke her arm for a few times disturbing her dream.

"Ah you have wake up thanks G.o.d" the staff smile sweetly at Tan Hua before leaving Tan Hua and Nan Shen seat to do her own job.

Tan Hua with her head still leaned to Nan Shen shoulder, rubbed her eyes while yawning lazily.

Mmm...did she fall asleep?

Tan Hua had slowly regain her consciousness and realize that she had fall asleep during the movie. She was about to wake up when she suddenly saw Nan Shen neck right in front of her eyes.

...!! W-WHAT?!

Anyone would know what it means to see someone neck right in front of their eyes when they woke up. It means...they slept on someone else shoulder!

Tan Hua was panicked when she realize she subconsciously fell asleep on Nan Shen head!

Ah ah!!! how could she did this??!! I-isn"t this embarra.s.sing?! ?

Tan Hua hurriedly raised her head about to leave Nan Shen shoulder but she didn"t realize that Nan Shen head was on top of her head.

So when she did raise her head, her head successfully b.u.mped into Nan Shen head with a loud THUD sound.


"gya!!" Nan Shen who was still asleep, instantly woke up when he felt his head hit something hard. His scream startled Tan Hua and even the female staff who was doing her job.

"Ah ah s-sorry big bro!!!" Tan Hua head went dizzy for a while. N-nan Shen head was on her head earlier?! J-just what happened??

Nan Shen blinked his eyes as he rubbed his head but then he also realize the same thing as Tan Hua. He knew that Little Hua slept on his shoulder but..if his head b.u.mped little Huo head...won"t it mean...he slept while leaning on little Huo head?!

Nan Shen who realize this immediately stood up from the seat and walked away leaving Tan Hua behind. He was so embarra.s.sed that he fell asleep on Tan Hua head making him couldn"t face Tan Hua again.

!! B-boss?! where are you going??

"B-big bro wait!" Tan Hua quickly chase after Nan Shen but when she ran, she forgot she use high heels. Tan Hua wasn"t used to wearing high heels so she walked carefully earlier but now she ran, you know what happen.


! D-d.a.m.n it!!

"ah!" Tan Hua was running on the stair in the cinema and when she ran fast, since she use high heels, she lost her balance.

Nan Shen who wasn"t out from the cinema yet, hear Tan Hua scream and when he turned his head around, he saw Tan Hua was about to fell down from the stair.


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