Nan Shen "little brother" was hidden under his pants but since the material of the pants wasn"t thick, Nan Shen could still felt every stroke Tan Hua made to his "little brother" that made him turned into a statue.

Hahahaha....d.a.m.n you Tan Hua!!! You want to test his limit huh?! Huh??!! I-it doesn"t feel good at all!! Ah wait wait don"t stroke it there!! Gah!! ?

"Tan Huo stop!!" Nan Shen breath became heavy as he immediately grabbed Tan Hua naughty hand and shove it trying to stop Tan Hua from doing anything naughty again but he once again underestimate Tan Hua.

At first Tan Hua was silent so Nan Shen could take time to calm down the heat in his body. He had to calm down otherwise he would pounce on this girl and made the biggest mistake ever.

Calm down...calm down...d.a.m.n. He couldn"t! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

His "little brother" was already stroked for a few times by that tiny devil hand how could he stay calm now?! His "little brother" already reacted just now and he was afraid it would be aroused in no time.

Thanks G.o.d he didn"t drink any alcohol. Otherwise by now he already eat this girl to the bone!! d.a.m.n girl just stay quiet until they reach home okay?? By then let him pour cold water to this girl. See if she would try anything naughty again.

Tan Hua who had her hand shoved from Nan Shen "little brother", at first was calm but then that uncomfortable feeling rose again and she instantly snapped when her source of "entertainment" was gone.

Hmph! She just felt something half-hard down there. It"s starting to be good but then this man shoved her hand again!! Hate it hate it! She have to bite this man!

When Tan Hua hand was shoved aside, she didn"t gave up. This time she suddenly wrapped her hand around Nan Shen neck and bite his neck acting like a little vampire.


"Gah!!! Tan Hua what are you do-" Nan Shen was shocked when Tan Hua bite his neck out of sudden and even licked it slowly as if eating ice cream in summer.

Wait wait his neck is sensitive for G.o.d sake!! What is this little devil doing?!


Nan Shen moved backward and try to hold back Tan Hua head with his hand as to not let her bite his neck anymore. He had have it enough. Which man could hold back this long?! He could! Praise him now.

Tan Hua had her mouth covered with Nan Shen hand and she was being pushed away from Nan Shen. This made her irritated! She still haven"t had her intimate body touching up until now and this man dare to push her?!

"Uhhh" Tan Hua eyes began to turned teary seeing Nan Shen pushed her quite far away. While sobbing, she use her last attack to make Nan Shen comply to her wish, to have s.e.x.


Nan Shen had just calmed down his "little brother" by distancing his self from Tan Hua when suddenly from the corner of his eyes he saw Tan Hua was trying to undress her dress by lowering down the zip on her back.

!!! For G.o.d sake what is she trying to do now?!

Tan Hua still sobbing, trying her best to "strip" even though the dress she wore was designed to be hard to take off by herself. She need someone else help to lower down the zip.

"N-nan Shen...lower down the zip please...uhh" With tears wetting her cheek, Tan Hua use her puppy eyes technique to beg Nan Shen to "strip" her when she found out she couldn"t do so by herself.

Nan Shen: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

This girl want him to strip her to seduce him?! Even when she was drugged she was still an idiot huh?! Who would do so???

Tan Hua moved closer to Nan Shen and grabbed his arm as she rubbed her barely big to Nan Shen arm hoping Nan Shen would gave up and help her lowered down her zipper.

It"s hot! She want to get naked and roll on the cold floor to feel comfortable. C"mon man help her!!

Tan Hua looked at Nan Shen with her two bigs teary eyes while still rubbing her chest to Nan Shen arm making the man almost throw her out from the car if not for his super good patience.

d.a.m.n girl!! You know he is a man right?! How could you seduce a man by rubbing your chest pleading to help lower down the zipper?! It"s not going to wo- It works!!

Nan Shen saw his "little brother" peeking out from his pants and instantly had the urge to kill himself. He thought he wouldn"t be seduced with this girl crocodile tears and how she rubbed her not big

B-but his "little brother" stood up!!

Nan Shen face instantly blushed red when he had confident he wouldn"t be seduced but he got seduced in the end.

J-just why?! This girl isn"t s.e.xy at all only beautiful!! Wait is he getting aroused when he saw this girl cry?? Don"t tell him he is a s.a.d.i.s.t! ?

Author: you are ?

"Nan me..." Tan Hua once again blinked her eyes cutely as she rubbed both her cheek and her to Nan Shen arm.

Gah!!! (」゚ロ゚)」

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