This move made Nan Shen instantly had gooseb.u.mps all down to his body followed with a sliver of pleasure even if he hate to admit it.

Man!! Driver drive faster please!! He want to dump this little devil to a cold bath!! No. Let"s dump her to a lake.

Nan Shen already try his best to ask the driver so they could arrive faster but it was going to take 10 minutes more. He was already at his limit!

Should he tie this dumb doggo so she couldn"t seduce him again? But he didn"t have rope....oh he could use his tie!

Nan Shen quickly loosen up his tie as he planned to tie Tan Hua hand with this tie so she wouldn"t be able to do anything seducing but his move was being misunderstood by Tan Hua.

She saw Nan Shen took of his tie and thought he finally agreed to do something fun with her!

Oh oh this hateful man finally succ.u.mb to her "temptation" isn"t he? It"s good!!

It was silent and calm inside the car even though it was noisy before because of Tan Hua naught action but once again the silence was suddenly broken with one question from Tan Hua.

"Nan Shen you want to do it here?" Tan Hua innocent question made the driver almost hit the car to the tree somewhere else.

W-what is this miss saying?!

Not to mention Nan Shen even the driver face blushed red when he heard Tan Hua very innocent and casual question as if it wasn"t something bad to say.

Nan Shen who heard this almost stuffed Tan Hua mouth with the tie on his hand. He was just about to tie Tan Hua hand with this tie when suddenly the girl ask something that could mislead other!

Oy dumb doggo what are you saying?! Who want to do it with you?? Moreover in the car with the driver is still here??

Is this girl already out of her mind?! How the h.e.l.l she think he want to do it with her?! He didn"t want to okay!!

"You!!" Nan Shen gritted his teeth in anger seeing Tan Hua was so calm and casual when she asked something like that. This made him seen as a pervert you know?!

"What? Nan Shen want to do it now? Lower down my zipper first!" Tan Hua t.i.tled her head innocently as she tried to make Nan Shen strip her again making Nan Shen almost exploded right there.

What?! who wanted to do it now?? And what"s with the zipper??

The driver who hears this thought his master wanted to relieve some stress with the miss so he very "tactfully" offered Nan Shen.

"Em young master I can leave the car for a while if you can"t hold it back anymore" The driver said this very seriously thinking Nan Shen wanted to do it with Tan Hua in the car.

Young master must not be able to hold back his self anymore to want to do it in the car! He understood he would leave now!

"Wait wait what are you saying?! Just drive home fast!!" Nan Shen almost tear down the tie on his hand when the driver offered him something embarra.s.sing.

Now even the driver thought he wanted to do it with this dumb doggo!! d.a.m.n you Tan Hua!!

Nan Shen grabbed Tan Hua wrist and quickly tie it with his tie out of anger. He really couldn"t let his girl do as she please even though she was under a drug effect!

But once again this made Tan Hua excited instead.

"Eh you like it rough? You even tie my wrist! Not bad!" Tan Hua giggled as she approached Nan Shen about to seduce him again even though her hand was tied tightly.

It was clear this man wanted to have s.e.x too so why the h.e.l.l he still dilly dally?! Hurry up and have s.e.x with her won"t you?!

"You!! Shut up!!" Nan Shen finally snapped seeing Tan Hua once again spoke nonsense which could utterly destroy his reputation as a gentleman.

What like it rough?! He just want to stop this girl from doing anything strange!!

Nan Shen hold Tan Hua wrist with both of his hand so everytime Tan Hua wanted to move closer, Nan Shen hold her back. With this happened a few times, Tan Hua really felt frustrated.

Can"t they have s.e.x already?! She felt uncomfortable you know??

At Nan Shen house.

Nan Shen immediately carried Tan Hua with her hand still tied as he ordered his humanoid maid to fill the bath tub with super cold water. If they could add as many ice they could find!

"Nan Shen are we going to your bedroom??" Tan Hua rubbed her cheek to Nan Shen chest as she asked with sparkled eyes only asking to be slapped to death by a certain angry young master.

Bedroom?! No! You will go to bathroom!! Just eat your cold bath!!

Nan Shen didn"t reply at all and endured the continuous rubbing Tan Hua did. She even shamelessly rubbed her flat chest to Nan Shen chest again. Fortunately Nan Shen could endure it otherwise Tan Hua would be dead by morning.


Before Tan Hua could speak any nonsense again, Nan Shen immediately threw her to the cold bath prepared by the humanoid maid earlier


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