"Wait wait go away I"ll sleep I"ll sleep!" Tan Hua was scared silly when she saw Nan Shen climbing the bed and was now already in front of her with both his hands beside her body, trapping her in the middle.

Oh G.o.d this position is so ambiguous! Not to mention they"re alone here. Isn"t this dangerous??

"Aren"t you the one asking me..." Nan Shen grinned as he move his body closer to Tan Hua making the girl moved away yet her back hit the edge of the bed.

She is stuck!

"No it"s not what I mean...anyway you have job right go go" Tan Hua tried not to look scared since the more she show this devil that she was fl.u.s.tered or scared, this devil would tease her instead!

"Well I also take a day off it"s Sunday" Nan Shen did say the truth since he prepared this day so he could confess to Tan Hua. Now he thought again...won"t right now be a good time to confess?

Let her be in fear of him doing something to her and BOOM! A sudden confession.

"T-then maybe other work??" Tan Hua was desperate to looked calm but her trembling voice betrayed her. The girl quickly pull her blanket as her only "s.h.i.+eld" against the devil in front of her.

Could she just kick this man away? No no he haven"t do anything yet so that would be impolite. B-but if this man dare to do anything to her...she will kick his b.a.l.l.s!

"Hey why are you so eager to chase me away? I say I don"t have work at all today so I can enjoy a good time with you, my little brother~" Nan Shen grinned looking like a devil with horn on top of his head.

Okay if Nan Shen face is like this...he is up to no good!

"Okay what do you want to do?? I want to sleep since you say I should rest" Tan Hua gave up her plan to chase away Nan Shen. The man wouldn"t do as she said anyway.

"Hmmm are you avoiding me? lately you know...I feel like you avoid me" Nan Shen ignore Tan Hua question as he lowered his head making his face came closer to Tan Hua face than before.

"W-what? N-no I didn"t avoid you! Wait you said you have something to say to me? What is it? Tell me now and go" Tan Hua body s.h.i.+vered when Nan Shen eyes looked straight to her eyes.

She didn"t know why but her heart beat faster just from his gaze alone! Oh momma she is sick!

"You want me to say it now? really?" Nan Shen raised his eyebrow as he stare straight to Tan Hua eyes again making her heart almost leapt from her chest.

"Y-yes! you say it"s important so say it now and leave!!" Tan Hua couldn"t keep her calm at all and started to became fl.u.s.tered. It"s clear she wasn"t comfortable with Nan Shen being so close to her now.

"Alright listen well okay" Nan Shen chuckled as he move his right hand which had been supporting his body and direct it to Tan Hua face making the girl flinched out of reflex.

"B-big bro? just say it" Tan Hua tried to block Nan Shen hand from touching her face again but the man grabbed her hand with his hand and pushed her down to the bed making her completely trapped underneath his body.


If before she was sitting on the bed after Nan Shen lay her down, now she had went back to when Nan Shen put her on the bed.

Tan Hua: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ why they are in another ambiguous position again?!

"Big bro??" Tan Hua really freaked out and attempted to use her free hand to push Nan Shen away when the man also caught her other hand making her froze on spot unable to do anything.

Emmm is is just her or this position is even more dangerous than before?? Isn"t this looks like she is going to be "eaten" clean??

"Let me go!" Tan Hua try to break free but Nan Shen gripped her wrist tight making her unable to move. She wanted to kick Nan Shen b.a.l.l.s but thinking it would hurt, she didn"t have heart to do it.

"Listen carefully I won"t say it twice" Nan Shen whispered to Tan Hua ear as he acted like a cool wolf ready to eat his meal but actually he was so nervous that his back suddenly sweated a lot.

Only by acting like a bully he would be able to calm down. He was about to confess okay who wouldn"t feel nervous?!

"O-okay but be quick" Realising it"s pointless to struggle, Tan Hua just let Nan Shen do what he wanted with her hand. It"s just that she couldn"t look straight to Nan Shen eyes so she would just look at his nose!

Anyway what is Nan Shen going to tell her? It"s impossible for him to do confession since he would just prank her so maybe is this about his s.e.xual preference? Like...he wanted to tell her he is gay?!

"Tan Huo. No. Tan Hua. I love you" Nan Shen decided to tell Tan Hua that he knew her secret, immediately dropped two bomb at once to the poor obvious doggo.


This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) -Zeh.e.l.l2218

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