
Tan Hua blinked her eyes staring straight to Nan Shen eyes as her heart stop beating for a second.

"What did you say?" Tan Hua mind went blank when she heard what Nan Shen just said. She had to asked Nan Shen to repeat his words in case her ear was playing prank on her.

Did she hear it right? Nan Shen called her real name instead of Tan Huo not to mention he also...said he love her!

"I love you Tan Hua" Nan Shen acted cool as he kept his eyes on Tan Hua eyes trying to see whether he would be rejected or not. He looked calm outside but inside, his heart almost explode into pieces.

T-Tan Hua asked him to repeat his word! Could it be she try to avoid his confession? Or her ear wasn"t functioning well right now? Maybe she went deaf!

"Y-you must be joking. This is your prank to tease me again right?" This time Tan Hua hear what Nan Shen said very clearly to the point the rang a few times in her mind.

No. She didn"t believe it. This must be a prank for real. How could Nan Shen knew she wasn"t Tan Huo but Tan Hua? Isn"t this mean he knew she was not a boy but a girl?

Since when he knew about this? But wasn"t Shen Ling already cover up her information? He had made it up so no one would knew that the one who die was Tan Huo not Tan Hua.

This must be a joke. She believe in Shen Ling ability so Nan Shen must be only bluffing!

One more thing. He just say he love her! This is a biggest joke. Like...how?? She haven"t do anything to him that could made his heart beat for her.

She was always in her boy appearance aside from when she pretend to be his girlfriend and when she had to do modelling.

How could he fall in love with her that fast?! Wait. No. Don"t tell her Nan Shen was a gay?? That"s why he fell for her in her boy appearance.

Wait wait wait!! This isn"t right. According to the drama, Nan Shen was supposed to be Ren Yuan love rival. It means Nan Shen must love Mi Shu right?

So if Nan Shen said he love her...won"t everything became a mess??

Hearing Tan Hua words stating what he said was a joke, Nan Shen couldn"t help but knitted his eyebrow as he strengthen his grip on the girl wrist.

"Do you think I"m joking? I know you"re a girl for quite a while already and I am not lying when I say I love you. Don"t ever think this is a joke"

Nan Shen was nervous. He was nervous seeing Tan Hua reaction to his confession was to think that it was only a joke. He was afraid Tan Hua didn"t like him that"s why she thought like that.

When Nan Shen was nervous, he became aggressive instead successfully scaring Tan Hua out of her wits.

"S-since when....since when you know I"m a girl?" Tan Hua gulped her saliva nervously seeing Nan Shen face turned dark when she thought of his words as a joke.

Oh G.o.d Oh G.o.d!! Nan Shen was serious! So he already knew that she was a girl?! Wait. Not to mention he said he love her! Her feeling was mutual with this man??

She still couldn"t believe it. This is all like a dream. No. Like a prank or a trap waiting for her to be all happy and excited before making her disappointed.

She didn"t want to be brought to the heaven only to be kicked out to h.e.l.l ah!

"I know your true gender after you pretend to be a girl back when we go to tail Mi Shu and Ren Yuan on their date. I see you in your girl appearance for the first time and couldn"t help but be suspicious of you"

Nan Shen saw Tan Hua didn"t take his words as a joke anymore and his heart suddenly felt light all of sudden. It means he still had hope right? Maybe Tan Hua was too shocked about him knowing her gender for now.

She must be too shocked to respond to his confession. He better explain everything before asking for her answer. After all if he had his secret revealed, he told would panic for a moment.

"T-then the whole time...you already know I"m a girl?" Tan Hua heart beat faster as she listened to Nan Shen explanation. If what Nan Shen said is true then he had know her true gender a long time ago!

So when he dressed her up...and all those teasing...he already knew she was a girl but still pretending he didn"t know?!

So he had bullied her all the time, laughing at her when he knew she was a girl? Then what about the brand? He knew she was a girl and couldn"t have a brand but he still supported her anyway?

"Yes I hire top hacker to inquire about your information" Nan Shen sighed seeing Tan Hua face was confused.

He really had opened a Pandora box by revealing he knew the truth about this girl. Now there wasn"t any secret between them anymore.

This novel is uploaded to webnovel.com with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) -Zeh.e.l.l2218

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