
Nan Shen now stood behind Tan Hua as he began to loosen up the necktie on Tan Hua"s neck. Nan Shen lowered his head to the point of reaching Tan Hua neck and whispered.

"Now you can see my hands right?"

Nan Shen voice was so close to Tan Hua ear that she nearly jumped out off shock. Her hands were still being handcuffed so she felt extremely uncomfortable to have Nan Shen in such a close distance when she herself couldn"t do anything.

T-too close!! Boss!!! You"re too close! ?

"Y-yes boss..." Tan Hua voice was shaking as she suddenly felt nervous. The boss was right behind her!! How could she not panicked?!

Nan Shen then began to slowly teach Tan Hua about how to tie a necktie. He demonstrate it step by step as he also gave explanation to Tan Hua, to help her learn faster.

Tan Hua was focusing her gaze to Nan Shen beautiful finger, moving around to create a knot and suddenly she felt something wasn"t right.

Wasn"t the boss kinda weird today?

The boss wasn"t like his usual self...he looked like an angel now, truly a genuie pure angel. Usually he would scold her and bully her if she made mistake but now...

Boss went as far as teaching her how to tie a necktie. This was a rare thing...


Tan Hua heart once again suddenly beat faster as Nan Shen continue to show Tan Hua how to tie a necktie.

S-she was suddenly self-conscious.

In such a close distance, Tan Hua could sniff Nan Shen fresh smell coming from his parfume.

It smells good....refres.h.i.+ng....

Not only that, Tan Hua could also felt Nan Shen hair brus.h.i.+ng past her cheek as his hand moved to tie the necktie on her neck.

It was a tickling sensation which was quite weird for her. But she didn"t hate it.

Along with the sound of her heart beating faster, Nan Shen finished his demonstration on how to tie a necktie.

"Mn done! This time you can see me clearly right!" Nan Shen moved away from Nan Shen as he nodded his head in satisfication.

"Y-yes..." Tan Hua quickly lowered her head in order to hide her red face.

Just why she was acting weird now??

"Hm good. Then I want to see you try it" Nan Shen rubbed his chin looking very handsome.

....what? boss want her to try tying the necktie? HOW COULD SHE?! Her hands were still handcuffed!! Did she have to tie the necktie using her teeth?!

"Ukh...but boss my hand is still handcuffed! You have to release me first!" Tan Hua shook her hand as she looked at Nan Shen with pleading eyes.

Anyway she felt weird being handcuffed like this. She felt as if she was playing a BDSM movie or something.

In the first place...where the h.e.l.l did Nan Shen get this handcuff?! Was it normal for a CEO to kept handcuff in his office?! It wasn"t!

As expected of a s.a.d.i.s.t...this guy must have dreamed to play BDSM one scary!

"Ah sorry forgot" Nan Shen casually walked and release Tan Hua from the handcuff.

Unfortunately the handcuff was still a new one and had a sharp part inside. When Nan Shen released the handcuff, the handcuff accidentally scratched Tan Hua wrist a little.

"Ouch!" Tan Hua hurriedly retracted her hand as she looked at her wrist with pained expression.

It hurts!

"Huo Huo! are you alright??" Nan Shen who was very calm earlier suddenly turned worried.

He didn"t know the handcuff had a sharp part. It was an accident!

"ah? It"s alright..." Tan Hua pressed on her wrist as she watched drop of bloods came sliding down from her wrist.

d.a.m.n. It hurts!

"Wait. You are not alright." Nan Shen caught Tan Hua back collar as he dragged her to the sofa.

"Wait there" Nan Shen then hurriedly went to his desk and seemed busy to find something.

Tan Hua was rather taken aback with how Nan Shen att.i.tude was so much nicer now. Could it be because he was in a good mood since Mi Shu came here?


Ck! That pain again! How many times her chest hurted this morning?! It was only 2 hours since she came working and she already felt pain in her heart several times already.

Ukhh forget she had to focus on treating her wound.

When Tan Hua was immersed in her own thought, Nan Shen came and tossed a brand new handkerchief to Tan Hua palm.


"Wrap the wound with that. For now. Let"s wait for Wu Yin to come then we can treat your wound" Nan Shen casually threw the handkerchief to Tan Hua palm as he sat down on the sofa across Tan Hua place.

"Thanks boss..." Tan Hua quickly tried to wrapped and tied the handkerchief but since she could only used one hand, it was so difficult!

Nan Shen who was watching Tan Hua trying to tie the handkerchief even got impatient when he saw how clumsy Tan Hua was.

Aishh this doggo is really useless!


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