Nan Shen catched Tan Hua hand and began to helped her tying the handkerchief. His palm was basically on top of Tan Hua"s palm.

"Here. It"s like this" Nan Shen patiently guide Tan Hua with his own hand.

Aishh his doggo is really stupid isn"t he? It can"t be helped then....he had to help him. His doggo was wounded...he is a good boss afterall so it was normal to help his employee.


Once again...Tan Hua felt her heart beat faster. Now her body even felt slightly hot! Everytime Nan Shen was in close distance with her she didn"t know why...she would felt hot!

This was weird!

"T-thank you boss!" Tan Hua quickly retracted her hand as she felt nervous. This won"t do. She couldn"t get close to Nan Shen okay!

"Hm? Fine then" Nan Shen was a bit confused when Tan Hua suddenly retracted her hand and finished tying the handkerchief by herself.

That boy was acting weird huh. Did he ate something wrong? ?

"Since you have learn how to tie necktie now its time for the punishment I told you before" Nan Shen walked to his office desk as he called Tan Hua to follow him.

"ah? Y-yes!" Tan Hua who was fl.u.s.tered before, quickly ran to Nan Shen desk to receive her punishment.

What would the punishment be like? Would she had to do something kidnapping Mi Shu or what...

"Oy! Don"t daydreaming! Hmph. You better finish your work real fast otherwise I won"t let you have lunch" Nan Shen threw a key to Tan Hua while Tan Hua was wondering to herself.


...a key? For what? ? Is this key a secret key to Nan Shen secret jail? Maybe he wanted her to go there and be a prisoner? Or maybe she had to be tortured in a closed room?? ?

Because Tan Hua forgot to eat breakfast, her mind started to wondered into a wonderland. It was like she was having difficulty to think straight and sometimes....her mind wandered too far.

Just like now.

Tan Hua face turned pale as she slowly trembled in fear. Was this the punishment Nan Shen meant?? She would rather do bungee jumping from third floor without rope!! ?

"That key is a key to doc.u.ment room. Bring me doc.u.ment from shelf A. All of it." Nan Shen tapped the desk with his finger as his eyes were focused on his laptop. ?

Tan Hua mouth were opened wide like a fish needing water. Nan Shen words sounds like a dream to her ear.

It was just a key to a normal doc.u.ment room? Really? There won"t be any trap there?! She was suspicious!

"What are you thinking now? You want me to change your punishment?? Hurry and go! You better be here in 5 minutes!" Nan Shen shot a glare at Tan Hua when he felt no movement from his doggo.

Why the h.e.l.l this doggo kept on daydreaming?! Did this dumb doggo want to receive "harsher" punishment??


"Copy that boss!!" Tan Hua was instantly afraid that Nan Shen would changed his mind regarding to her punishment. This punishment was very reasonable!! She didn"t want to change it!!



Tan Hua went out from the room pa.s.sing over Wu Yin who was about to enter, in a lightning speed.

5 minutes! If she didn"t remember it wrong, the distance from Nan Shen office to the doc.u.ment room was quite far! She better run!! Run for her life!!


"Emm Mr.Nan? Here your coffee..." Wu Yin came to the room bringing fresh new coffee he just re-made. The old one had cold down afterall.

"Hmn. Put it here. Ah...also...treat Tan Huo hand after lunch break. That boy is wounded" Nan Shen answered Wu Yin without even seeing his face.

He was busy finis.h.i.+ng his unfinished job.

"...alright.." Wu Yin was actually startled hearing Nan Shen words. Since when Mr.Nan care enough to his employee to even ask him to treat that boy"s wound?

If he remembered it right....there was once a female employee who get hurt when working in his office but Mr.Nan didn"t even say anything like now.

How weird ? Mr.Nan seems to change a lot lately.

Meanwhile at the doc.u.ment room...

Tan Hua was currently having a big dillema. She realize now why the h.e.l.l Nan Shen called this work as punishment when all she gotta do is to bring the doc.u.ment in shelf A.

T-the doc.u.ment in shelf A....was A LOT!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The shelf was big and there was like...a lot reaaally a lot of doc.u.ment she must brought. If she put it in a box then she would have 2 big boxes to carry.

And she had to be back at Nan Shen office in 5 minutes! Isn"t this what you called mission impossible?! It"s basically impossible!! ?

What should she do?! She couldn"t possibly carry two big boxes at the same time right???!!!

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