"Tan Huo!"

Nan Shen arrived at the room while catching his breath. He was so d.a.m.n tired but he manage to arrive fast. Nan Shen thought he would see Tan Hua being tied to a chair and was beaten until he became like pig when this...was the scene he saw.

Tan Hua was standing over 5 people who were all laying on the floor with their face bruised here and there!!

.....WHAATTT?!?! What happened?!

Let"s go to 5 minutes ago before Nan Shen arrived to knew how the h.e.l.l the scene happened.

"d.a.m.n you gay! Why you have to shout for help huh?!" The st.u.r.dy man flung away Tan Hua phone in anger when Tan Hua shouted for help right before the man ended the call.


"...eh? which idiot will stay silent when they can shout for help? Not me obviously" Tan Hua tilted her head innocently before she shrugged her shoulder very casually.

She might be an idiot who was always caught in Nan Shen trap but then she wasn"t THAT idiot you know?! Even a 5 years old baby would know to call for help in dire situation if they could.

"You!!" The st.u.r.dy man was so angry that his body trembled. Well he was angry but at the same time also felt afraid of Tan Hua.

Tan Hua had called for help and the one she called for help was no normal coworker, it was the boss!

The st.u.r.dy man had cold sweat drenching his back. If he didn"t leave now then he would be caught by Boss Nan! It means...he would be fired!

"H-hey shouldn"t we leave now?? Boss Nan seems like he is going to come here...what if we get caught?" The leader of the gang timidly raised his voice to warn his friends about this fact.

Even Biao Zi, that b*tch also thought the same. She didn"t want to be fired! Not only that she was also afraid to offend the CEO of this company, Nan Shen!

"Y-yes let"s run now" The man beside Tan Hua subconsciously loosen his grip on Tan Hua arm. Well the other man still had his grip tight on Tan Hua arm though.

"Shut up! No matter what we do even if we escape we still will get caught! It"s better to beat up this gay first or all our plan now will be in vain!" The st.u.r.dy man raised his voice and voiced his opinion as he glared with red eyes to Tan Hua.

This sentence immediately made the people inside the room realized that no matter what they do, even if they ran now, someone like Nan Shen would always could find fault with them.

They were bound to be fired!

"Yeah you are right! Let"s just beat this gay first" the leader of the gang was the first one to be convinced by the st.u.r.dy man"s word.

The two men beside Tan Hua didn"t get convinced that fast and they didn"t realize they lower their guard against Tan Hua which was immediately known by Tan Hua herself.

This...an opening!

Without thinking long, Tan Hua twisted her left arm and punched the man"s jaw with her fist.



"Aghh!!!" The man on Tan Hua left side screamed in pain when Tan Hua fist landed right under his jaw.

After doing her attack, Tan Hua didn"t stay still at that place. With her free left hand, she turned her body and within a second, she punched the man by her right side, exactly on his vital "little brother".



"AAHHHH!!!!" The man immediately fell to the ground with white foam came out from his mouth.

He instantly fainted from the pain he felt on his "little brother" !!

Oh right the first st.u.r.dy man who fainted, up until now still hadn"t regain his consciousness this means...Tan Hua punch was deadly dangerous!

Of course it was dangerous as Tan Hua had predicted which spot on the man"s body would be the most dangerous one if it get punched or kicked.

Tan Hua had black belt for karate martial arts! If not for her new body being this weak, those two men who hold her arm earlier wouldn"t be able to hold her back for so long.

"Ughh f*ck! You! Get him!!" The st.u.r.dy man shouted to the leader of the gang as he too ran toward Tan Hua to grab her.

But who knows...Tan Hua was a bit clever now that she took the wooden bat one of the man left behind in just less than a second before the st.u.r.dy man get her.

When the st.u.r.dy man had reach Tan Hua back collar and was about to punch her head....Tan Hua suddenly twisted her waist, turned her body and using great strength, she swung the wooden bat on her hand.


The wooden bat hit the st.u.r.dy man neck and immediately made him fainted on spot.


The leader of the gang who had just about to attack Tan Hua from behind, was so shocked when he saw the st.u.r.dy man fainted and precisely at this moment Tan Hua hit the leader"s chest with her knee, sending a big K.O to the rest of them as well.


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