
Tan Hua put her hand on her waist as she laughed like a maniac, looking down to the people who fell to the ground in front of her leg.

But then right at this time, Nan Shen came in.


"Tan Huo!" Nan Shen opened the door right when Tan Hua was stepping over one of one of a man"s body inside the room while looking very villain-like.

....and so this was exactly what Nan Shen saw when he came to the room in hurry.

"Σ(゜゜) ...boss?!" Tan Hua who was just about to grind the people under her leg, froze on spot when she saw Nan Shen at the door looking at her as if she was a monster.

Of course Nan Shen would had an expression as if he was seeing a monster because not only Tan Hua was seen "torturing" someone, her face was also red which was mistakenly thought as blood by Nan Shen.

....h-he thought Tan Huo would be tied to a chair with bruise on his face everywhere but then...he saw....that silly doggo killed people?! Moreover its 5 men taller and bigger than his body!

Then...what"s with "Help! I will die!" sentence Tan Huo said over the phone??


Nan Shen who saw this, silently approached Tan Hua with dark face which made Tan Hua flinched in fear.

∑(O_O;) Ah ah boss must be angry!! In his company, employee wasn"t allowed to fight with each other moreover...beating them up! Boss must be very angry now and wanted to fire her!!

Tan Hua closed her eyes in fear of Nan Shen sending her out to the seventh heaven when suddenly.



Nan Shen instead of sending Tan Hua flew to the seventh heaven, he put his hand on top of Tan Hua"s head and stroke it gently as he said.

"Well done Tan Huo! I am so proud of you!" Nan Shen laughed happily as he stroke Tan Hua wig which was already dyed in red and was in mess.

.....( ̄■ ̄;)!? WHAT THE??? Boss?? You are not angry??

"B-boss...can you please stop stroking my head...?" Tan Hua felt nervous when Nan Shen stroke her head like that because she felt like her wig was going to fell off anytime if he kept on stroking her head like this!

Let go of my hair you *sshole!! What if the wig fell down?! She would be dead then!

"Okay okay calm down" Nan Shen chuckled seeing Tan Hua gloomy face before he let go of Tan Hua head.

"Hm come here let"s go back" Nan Shen waved his hand to Tan Hua beckoning her to come over before Nan Shen walked away coolly.

But then as he walked, he "accidentally" stepped on one of the man who already fainted on the floor, looking very casual.


Tan Hua was at first calmly followed behind Nan Shen but when she saw this, she sucked in cold air as she thought that no matter how strong she was, she couldn"t be compared to Nan Shen cold-blooded nature!

Look! He was stepping on someone"s body as if it was a mere carpet! As expected of the second male lead-sama double role as villain! So cruel!

...ah wait wait it"s not the time to think about that. She...had to make sure Nan Shen wasn"t angry at her! What if he get angry and made her lose her job?

"Uh boss....you are not angry at me?" Tan Hua timidly followed behind Nan Shen as she also "accidentally" stepped on someone"s body, copying what Nan Shen did before.

Oh oh it"s unexpectedly good to step on someone else body!! ( ̄ω ̄)

"Why should I get angry at you?" Nan Shen suddenly stop walking making Tan Hua accidentally b.u.mped her face to Nan Shen back.

"Uhh...mm because I broke the rules of no fighting in the office?" Tan Hua rubbed her red nose as she looked up to see Nan Shen was looking down at her with weird face.

Of course Nan Shen would have weird face. He believed that Tan Hua was 100% innocent so all Tan Hua did must be for self-defense. Even if Tan Hua ended up "killing" all of them, in Nan Shen eyes it was completely normal!

He even felt a little bit proud that his trained doggo had began to follow in his way. His doggo killed people who were all stronger than him! How could he get mad at his doggo then?

"Why should I get mad at you? You did well! You even "finish" them all. Good job boy" Nan Shen pinched Tan Hua cheek as he once again stroke Tan Hua wig making the wig moved a little from its original position.

"Boss stop stroking my head!!" Tan Hua had already had heart attack when she sensed her wig moved a little but because Nan Shen hand was still on her head she couldn"t fix it.

But then Nan Shen as if wanting to tease Tan Hua, instead of stop stroking Tan Hua head, he made a mess with Tan Hua head and made the wig nearly fell down from Tan Hua head!


GAH!! The wig!!! (」゚ロ゚)」

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