!! The wig!!! (」゚ロ゚)」

Tan Hua heart leapt to her throat when she felt her wig almost fell off from her head. In this dire situation before Nan Shen realize that Tan Hua wore a wig, Tan Hua with fast movement grabbed Nan Shen wrist and made him stop moving his hand.


"Boss stop!!" Tan Hua shouted in front of Nan Shen face while her left hand slowly tugged on her wig to fixed it to its original place.

"What? You hate getting stroke by me?" Nan Shen hand stopped moving on top of Tan Hua head as he frowned when he asked so.

Why the h.e.l.l this doggo suddenly get angry? Wouldn"t any doggo like to be pet on head?

Up until now even when Nan Shen stroke Tan Hua head a few times, he didn"t realize Tan Hua was wearing a wig because the wig quality was good. Very good. Tan Hua bought it with all her savings so when her wig was tainted with the paint, she was depressed.

Now...Nan Shen nearly made her wig fell! If that happen then her effort to bought the best wig so her ident.i.ty wouldn"t be discovered would be in vain...

Get off your hand boss!!

Tan Hua glared at Nan Shen as she tried to shake Nan Shen"s hand off from her head.

When Nan Shen see this, he thought Tan Hua looked like an angry little dog who bare his teeth to anybody who touched him.

....why he suddenly wanted to tease this little doggo when he is angry? ?

Nan Shen smirked and instead of letting go of his hand, he became even more eager to start messing with Tan Hua head. He managed to break free from Tan Hua grip too!

!! BOSS!!! ? STOP IT!!! The wig is gonna fall now!!

"B-boss boss aw aw" Tan Hua hold the wig with both of her hands trying to prevent it from falling while Nan Shen had fun teasing and s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g Tan Hua hair.

Hahaha! It is so fun! ?

Nan Shen had his fun while Tan Hua nearly stepped on Nan Shen shoes to stop him from making her had heart attack.

She was so worried that the wig would fall!!

After 5 minutes of another tug war, Tan Hua manage to kept her wig on her head without exposing her real gender while Nan Shen had also felt bored to continue teasing Tan Hua.

Just like that, Nan Shen let Tan Hua go and brought her back to the office to do the same work she hadn"t finish before.

3 p.m at Nan Shen"s office.

At this time Tan Hua had went home earlier with excuse changing her clothes and was.h.i.+ng her dirty face. Of course Nan Shen let Tan Hua went home earlier than she used to.

"Excuse me boss...what about those men in the room?" Wu Yin fixed his eyegla.s.ses as he asked Nan Shen about those who bullied Tan Hua before.

"I think it is not only those man and the woman in the room who bullied Tan Huo. There must be someone who started this. I want you to investigate whoever get involved in this bullying. After that I"ll give you another instruction."

Nan Shen face turned cold as his eyes flickered with a trace of bloodl.u.s.t.

There were a lot of people in this company who dare to bully his doggo huh? Did they think he is so dumb not to notice their behaviour?

Heh. Let"s see after Wu Yin give him the information. Just wait! This won"t end with a simple fired from job.

Wu Yin who saw Nan Shen aura changed into a frightening aura, gulped as he suddenly broke in cold sweat.

Oh oh that look in Boss Nan eyes...someone was going to get into trouble!!

That very same day Wu Yin manage to informed Nan Shen about who started the bullying and he got around 30 names of employee who get involved in this bullying.

"Fire all of them and as usual, make them can"t live in this city anymore" Nan Shen threw away the paper he received as he casually decided 30 people live in less than a minute.

A few days since that incident, the 30 people who got fired, really can"t live in that city anymore as somehow they couldn"t get job anywhere. Every company refused them the moment they saw the reason why they were fired.

Aside from that they were also suppressed by many other forces and in just within a week, all 30 people who get involved in Tan Hua bullying, all moved out from the city with their entire family.

When other employee at Nan Shen company knew about this, all of them immediately knew that Tan Hua was someone considered important in Boss Nan eyes.

No one must offend him or they will offend Boss Nan too!

Since that incident, in the company no one dare to even refuse Tan Hua request and all of them acted super kind to her everytime they met her.

Well the dense Tan Hua didn"t know anything who caused this sudden change in their att.i.tude but Tan Hua could finally had peace for quite a long time.

Not too long though as she suddenly get call from Mi Shu!

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