In front of Tan Hua eyes she saw a handsome young man with weird combination of black hair and blue eyes!

His face look cold like Ren Yuan but somehow his att.i.tude toward Tan Hua wasn"t rude. Well even though he wasn"t rude, his eyes contained no emotion. He really looked like someone who didn"t have interest in anything in this world.

This man...look exactly like a high breed cat! That haughty yet lonely eyes looked exactly like her old cat at home.

H-how handsome!! ?

At that moment Tan Hua had forgot that her clothes was wet with the cold drink and her waist was still being held by the young man.

"Hey you alright?" The man blinked his eyes in confusion when he saw Tan Hua expression.

Did this boy knocked his head over and become this silly?

"Ah yeah I am alright" Tan Hua immediately snapped from her daze and also hurriedly stand on her own.

It was embarra.s.sing to have a stranger hug your waist right? Moreover she was dressing like a man now, it would be pretty weird if people saw a man hugging another man"s waist like this.

"T-thank you for your help sir!" Tan Hua bowed down politely as she thanked the man but then she didn"t realize her s.h.i.+rt was wet with the cold drink making Tan Hua slightly bulged chest could be seen.

When the man saw this, his cold and flat face for the first time had a change.

The man raised his eyebrow as he felt a sudden interest in Tan Hua.

This actually a woman? How interesting...

For the first time, the man who always had flat expression like a rag doll, shown a different expression to Tan Hua. The corner of his lips subconsciously raised a little.

At this time Tan Hua was about to quickly escape from that place to change her clothes when the man suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back instantly giving her a heart attack.


! What happen?? Why the h.e.l.l she was caught again?

Tan Hua hadn"t even refute or stepped on the man"s foot out of anger when the man suddenly dropped a bomb to her.

"Hey. You...are a woman?" The man whispered faintly to Tan Hua ears.

The man"s voice was kinda monotone and sounded lazy but his words immediately made Tan Hua had s.h.i.+ver all over her body.

....WHAATTT??? H-how did this man knew?? ?

Tan Hua immediately turned her head and looked at the man as if she looked at a strange alien which made the man quite taken aback.

Usually when someone had a secret and it was exposed by other people, their reaction would be shocked, afraid or angry.

But then Tan Hua expression wasn"t anything like that. She instead, looked as if she just saw a strange creature in front of her eyes.

The man felt like Tan Hua was thinking that he was an alien!

"Pft" When Tan Hua looked at the man with such eyes, the man unconsciously let out a faint chuckle.

Really interesting. This crossdresser woman actually have such a unique response! She didn"t look shocked, afraid or angry. She just stare at him as if he was the one being weird here.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Tan Hua blinked her eyes innocently when she saw the man suddenly chuckled when she didn"t even say anything.

What"s so funny huh?? She was being serious here! Is this man some kind of alien or what? How could he knew her true gender??

"No. Nothing" The man stopped laughing and without even saying anything, dragged Tan Hua to a certain clothes shop with him.

This sudden action of the man, immediately made Tan Hua felt like she was being kidnapped.

Was this man a kidnapper?!

"H-hey where are we going?? Let go!" Tan Hua tried to use her martial arts technique to release her hand from the man"s grip and she did succeed.

The man was slightly stunned when he saw Tan Hua very casually use martial arts technique to break free from his grip.

Ho...this woman surprisingly also knew martial arts huh? Interesting indeed.

Tan Hua thought she was already safe and was about to ran away but then before she could do so, the man suddenly use the same martial arts technique to instantly grabbed Tan Hua hand!

This time, the man didn"t leave any opening for Tan Hua to break free from his grip.


T-this man...also knew martial arts! Moreover he seemed very good at it!

Realising this, Tan Hua heart beat faster and she finally had a little fear in her heart.

Could this man be a mafia? Or maybe Nan Shen"s enemy? If so...she would be in danger!

Maybe Tan Hua watched too many action movie like spy movie and mafia movie so her thought was really absurd.

Which mafia would take someone to a clothes shop if they want to kidnap that someone? illogical!


The man in just less than a minute, already brought Tan Hua to a private room inside a famous clothes shop and of course, there were only the two of them alone inside.


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