The man threw Tan Hua over the sofa and release Tan Hua hand as he sat down casually at the sofa.

This move made Tan Hua instantly had a headache. She was so confused with this man action.

Why the h.e.l.l he bring her here? And is it really necessary to throw her away??

Tan Hua very much wanted to interrogate this man but then the man up until now, didn"t say anything else and just calmly read a fas.h.i.+on magazine on top of the table.

Ugh!! Hey!! Why the h.e.l.l he suddenly ignored her?! Talk a little can"t you?!

"Hey! Who are you? Why you bring me here?" Tan Hua stood up from her sofa and shouted with all her might.

She had felt enough of the bizarre things this strange man did to her!

First he suddenly knew she was a girl, then he dragged her into this room inside a clothes shop and now he went silent? She wanted to flip table for G.o.d sake!!

"Mm...don"t shout it is noisy" The man lazily yawned before he took a simple glance at Tan Hua who was huffing and pouting in anger.

Hmm it"s weird how he find this woman"s angry face is kinda cute. Like an angry bird.

When Tan Hua saw the man simply said she was being noisy and then ignored her again, she very very nearly flipped the sofa behind her.

d.a.m.n YOU r.e.t.a.r.d!! ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐is it that hard to answer her question?? Don"t act all mysterious!

"Huff....then if I ask you politely will you answer me dear sir?" Tan Hua took a deep breath and tried to asked the man again for confirmation.

Maybe this man dislike noisy people so she better be polite and "licked his boots clean" with her polite manner.

But then the answer the man gave Tan Hua, was enough to made her want to burn the room

"...maybe" the man didn"t even look at Tan Hua when he said so as he was still reading that fas.h.i.+on magazine he had in his hand.

!! That"s it. She can"t take this anymore!

Tan Hua was so angry that she quickly stood up and walked fast toward the door when suddenly the man spoke up again, this time making her freeze on spot.

"Just go with that wet s.h.i.+rt you wear then if you really are desperate wanting everybody to know that you are a woman." The man smirked when he saw Tan Hua who was about to open the door of the room and leave.

How could he let go of such an interesting toy? Gotta keep her here for a while.

The man surprisingly had the same s.a.d.i.s.tic side like our second male lead-sama, Nan Shen! But if Nan Shen was a two-faced b.a.s.t.a.r.d, this man was an emotionless doll with lazy cat att.i.tude.

This sentence of the man, made Tan Hua looked down to her clothes only to found out that her clothes was so wet that her chest could be seen behind it. After all she wore white s.h.i.+rt right now.

...!! Gah!!! (」゚ロ゚)」 H-her s.h.i.+rt was wet!! No wonder that man instantly knew her true gender.

...wait wait her clothes was wet...t-then she couldn"t get out of this room if she didn"t want anyone to find out her true gender right??

When Tan Hua realize this, she immediately went back to the sofa with a SWOs.h.!.+


The man who saw Tan Hua funny reaction, once again couldn"t help but have a smile on his handsome cold face.

Pft. This woman...her reaction is truly beyond imagination. She looks like someone popped out straight from manga or anime. So funny.

"Ehem. eyes sir..." Tan Hua awkwardly tried to open up a conversation knowing that the man actually had save her cover up her secret by bringing her here.

She should thank him!

"Don"t call me blue eyes sir. I have a name" The man frowned a little when Tan Hua called him blue eyes sir. It sounded weird.

"But I don"t know your name..." Tan Hua pouted and grumbled faintly when she saw the man look a little displeased.

Tan Hua grumble was of course heard by the man and his previous slight anger vanished right away.

Right. He hadn"t tell this woman his name yet.

"My name is Lan Yanjin. You can call me Sir Lan" Lan Yanjin casually gave out his name which actually could shook every people who heard it. Except the oblivious Tan Hua of course.

Ah? Lan Yanjin? Isn"t that name means blue eyes? ?

The oblivious Tan Hua of course didn"t know who Lan Yanjin is. She didn"t even know how frighteningly scary the name "Lan" was.

Even Nan Shen if he was here and heard this man name was "Lan", he too would at least had some kind of reaction but of course what Tan Hua notice from this man"s name was only the meaning!

She didn"t know that Lan Yanjin, this one name alone would made many people shuddered in both admiration and fear. eyes sir! Sir Lan. Sounds good.

"Alright blue ey- ehem. Sir Lan. My name is Tan Hua. Now...may I ask you why you bring me here?" Tan Hua cleared her throat and went straight to the next question.

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