Nan Shen had tried to call Tan Hua several times already but she turned off her phone! This made Nan Shen really desperate.

At Tan Hua place.

"Take off your wig" Lan Yanjin look at Tan Hua who was already changed into a dress but still had that man hairstyle wig on her head.

It looks disturbing but this woman is surprisingly quite cute in a dress.

"Uhh yes yes" With another mumble, Tan Hua look at the mirror and slowly took off her black hair wig, revealing her true hair behind.

When Tan Hua revealed her real hair, it startled Lan Yanjin who saw it. could this be?

Tan Hua hair was not long, it was short only reaching her jaw. Not only that, Tan Hua hair colour was surprisingly blonde!

Tan Hua knew this was weird as she didn"t remember the original soul have dyed her hair into blonde so she was born with this hair colour.

But it was weird that her sister hair colour was brown. Even her parents hair colour were also black or brown. Only she and her twin brother, Tan Huo, had blonde hair but brown eyes colour.

In fact, even Tan Huo and Tan Hua face didn"t resemble Tan Hui or their parents face which was often doubted by the twins.

But in the end, their parents say that the twins look like their grandparents so there was no need to doubt it any longer.

Back to Tan Hua place.

Lan Yanjin stare at Tan Hua who by now already look 100% like a real cute girl.

Tan Hua was indeed cute if she dressed up as a girl. Her short blonde hair paired with the soft pink dress she wore, made her look like a fairy straight from the book.

Even Lan Yanjin himself find Tan Hua to be cute. But...aside from feeling that Tan Hua was cute...he was actually quite startled about another thing.

Lan Yanjin was startled because he saw Tan Hua real hair colour was blonde. Well it could be she dyed it blonde but somehow for a short moment, he recalled someone whom he thought was quite similar with Tan Hua.

When Lan Yanjin was a child, he met someone who had beautiful blonde hair just like Tan Hua but somehow he couldn"t remember it clearly.

Was Tan Hua a child of that woman he met with his parents when he was a kid?

But..Tan Hua eyes weren"t blue like what that woman should have so she was definitely not a foreigner like that woman.

....wait. What if...Tan Hua was a mix like him?

Lan Yanjin was indeed a mix from western and asian. His father was from a super rich asian family while her mother was a well-known model from western making him have black hair and blue eyes.

Could it be...Tan Hua was also a mix? If that so...

Lan Yanjin eyes suddenly darkened when he thought of this.

In this world, a mixed blood like Lan Yanjin was often seen as a weird existence. They were seen as an alien or an abnormal existence.

If Lan Yanjin appearance only took after his father or his mother alone then it would be fine but his appearance took half of both his parents.

Now Tan Hua...was also like Lan Yanjin. She had blonde hair but her eyes weren"t blue, it was brown instead.

"Oy you" Lan Yanjin beckoned Tan Hua to come when Tan Hua was admiring her reflection on the mirror.

"Yeah?" Tan Hua actually felt irritated that this man interrupted her time to admire her self wearing woman clothes but this clothes was given by Lan Yanjin so Tan Hua could only obediently came over.

"Are you half asian? Who are you? Why do I find you familiar?" Lan Yanjin look straight at Tan Hua eyes with serious expression of his face. His usual lazy att.i.tude suddenly change into a serious one.

He really did feel like he had seen this woman before with her appearance was a girl now. He just couldn"t remember!

"What? No. My parents are both asian I am Tan Hua...also I never meet you before" Tan Hua tilted her head in confusion. This body was fully asian right? After all this body had asian parents.

Also, she never met Lan Yanjin before so how could he find her to be familiar?

Hearing Tan Hua innocent answer, the light inside Lan Yanjin eyes dimmed and he instantly went back to his lazy att.i.tude.

Hhh it must be a coincidence. Maybe this woman wear brown contact lense or whatever it is. He just think too much.

Lan Yanjin quietly went back to the sofa and plopped down after asking Tan Hua to came to his place too.

"Now I already try this on, can I wear the man clothes?" Tan Hua quietly sat at the sofa across Lan Yanjin place.

Well she actually wanted to take a picture of her girl appearance just for mood booster but she was to embarra.s.sed to do it with Lan Yanjin being here.

" don"t want to take a picture first? You won"t be able to dress up as a girl in quite a long time ahead right" Lan Yanjin smirked teasingly.

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