Lan Yanjin actually already knew Tan Hua wouldn"t be able to dress up as a girl in a long time based on his deduction.

Now looking at how this woman look so happy after wearing the dress, she must wanted to take a picture to capture this rare moment.

"! I...I..." Tan Hua face turned bright red when her wish to take a picture with this appearance was discovered by Lan Yanjin.

Fine!! She was indeed eager to take a picture!

"Mn then go ahead don"t mind me" Lan Yanjin waved his hand signaling Tan Hua that she could do what she wanted to do.

"Really? Yeah!" Tan Hua hurriedly stood up and was about to take a selfie using her front camera when she realized...her handphone didn"t have front camera!!

Lan Yanjin who saw Tan Hua fl.u.s.tered face couldn"t help but had the urge to tease her. She looked like a lost baby chicken!

"Hey" Lan Yanjin tapped Tan Hua head with his fist as he turned her head around to face him.

"What?" Tan Hua who was already in a bad mood because she couldn"t take a selfie, frowned when her head was being turned around by Lan Yanjin.

Why the heck this Lan Yanjin is so similar with Boss Nan in att.i.tude? Both of them are annoying!!

"I can take a picture for you using my phone" Lan Yanjin waved his newest brand of smartphone with very good back and front camera, making Tan Hua almost drooled from excitement.

Ahh the newest smartphone brand from Uphone! The camera is so good from what she heard.

"Really? You will lend me your phone?" Tan Hua hand trembled and her eyes were glued to the phone on Lan Yanjin hand.

With that phone she could take a very good picture! She would die from happiness then. After all ever since she transmigrated here...she never found her picture wearing woman clothes. Not in photo alb.u.m, or in her phone...or anywhere.

Maybe Tan Hui, her older sister already destroyed it all or the original soul of this body did it.

She really want a picture of her wearing woman clothes! Otherwise one day maybe she would forget her real gender.

"Yes but after that you have to take a selfie with me" Lan Yanjin pushed Tan Hua quite far from his place to take a good picture of her.

Of course Tan Hua immediately agree with Lan Yanjin request without knowing that this would be something that made her fell into another "trap" of this lazy devil.

Lan Yanjin began to took several picture of Tan Hua in many pose. Tan Hua would sit, stand up, and doing many kind of pose she wanted to be captured by the phone.

While taking photo of Tan Hua, Lan Yanjin always subconsciously had a smile on his face.

Well how could he not smile? In front of him was a cheerful cute young girl was happily "modeling" with her new appearance.

This girl...looked like 20 years old. He was 28 this year. Hm...would the age gap be too big?

Lan Yanjin had already have an interest in Tan Hua so he had also began to think of the future. It was rare to see someone like Tan Hua who could bear disguising as man even though she was clearly love to be a woman.

Not only that, somehow, Lan Yanjin felt like he was seeing a bright glittering sun everytime he saw Tan Hua smiling happily like this.

This woman looked naive and innocent but she was good in martial arts and had a tough heart to be able to hide her true gender even though it was obvious she was forced to do so.

Tan Hua didn"t know that this short meeting with Lan Yanjin would change her life in many meanings.

"Okay now let"s take a selfie. After that you can change into man clothes" Lan Yanjin grabbed Tan Hua arm and pulled her closer to take a selfie together.

Well it was weird for Lan Yanjin to went as far as taking a selfie with Tan Hua but this cat-like man already had a plan.

He was 28 years old and still single so his dad and mom was pestering him to get a girlfriend or if can, a fiancé. He could now show this selfie picture to his parents to deceive them!

After all he didn"t live in this country and he won"t met this girl again in the future, his lie would be super safe!

10 minutes later...

Tan Hua had finished taking a selfie together and had get her desired photo in her phone. She also had changed into her usual man appearance while getting herself one cute dress Lan Yanjin gave.

Now...its time to meet up with Nan Shen and Mi Shu!

"Thank you for everything Sir Lan!" Tan Hua waved her hand happily to Lan Yanjin as she went out from the store, holding a bag of dress Lan Yanjin bought for her.

Tan Hua thought she was going to go alone when suddenly she saw Lan Yanjin was already walking beside her with super casual poker face.

...what"s with this man??

Tan Hua was about to say something to Lan Yanjin when suddenly....

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