Suddenly, Tan Hua heard someone familiar, called her name from afar.

"Tan Huo!"

Along with this voice, Tan Hua saw a very familiar figure was running toward her in high speed.

Before she could fully recognize the person calling her, she heard the sound SWOOs.h.!.+ and in the next second, she was dragged away by that someone who called her.

"Come here!" This someone was of course none other than Nan Shen.

Actually when Tan Hua and Lan Yanjin was walking side by side, Nan Shen was searching for Tan Hua and coincidentally he saw Tan Hua.

He was so excited to find Tan Hua but then he saw a tall man walking beside Tan Hua as if they were acquaintances.


Who is that?!

Nan Shen was paranoid that Tan Hua was "kidnapped" by someone so when he saw a man beside Tan Hua, he nearly charge forward and punch the man if not for the man unique appearance.

Black hair and blue eyes.

Among the people Nan Shen had met, only 1 person had this kind of trait, a mixed blood of western people and asian.

I-isn"t that...L-Lan?! Lan Yanjin??

Nan Shen was so shocked that he froze on spot for a second. He really didn"t expect to see Lan Yanjin in this kind of mall.

Why is that man here?? He is supposed to be at England!

Nan Shen body shook a little as he tighten his fist.

This Lan Yanjin...was indeed someone who could even made Ren Yuan and Nan Shen tremble when they heard his name alone.

Lan Yanjin, the sole heir of the Lan family. This family was so powerful that even if Ren family and Nan family was merged, it still couldn"t beat Lan family.

Lan family owned an international fas.h.i.+on company as well as entertainment industry specialise in modelling.

Nan family and Ren family may be the best family who owned top fas.h.i.+on company in their country but Lan family influence had gone over other countries as well.

This was why Nan Shen had such a reaction.

He first met Lan Yanjin, 5 years ago when they were attending a party organized by Lan family to celebrate the chairman birthday.

Nan Shen could be considered as Lan Yanjin "friend". Nan Shen also first met Ren Yuan at this party. The three of them were of the same age, at that time 23 years old. Because of that, the adults tried to made them became friend but only Ren Yuan could get a little bit closer to Lan Yanjin.

Nan Shen...couldn"t at all because he found out that Lan Yanjin had similar personalities with him which then, he dislike.

Both Nan Shen and Lan Yanjin were a s.a.d.i.s.t! It was just that, Lan Yanjin was lazier than Nan Shen and he wasn"t two-faced like him.

In the end Nan Shen never like Lan Yanjin because aside from their personalities, he was also often get compared with Lan Yanjin by his parents.

He get compared about how Lan Yanjin could already made evolution for Lan family company but Nan Shen was still doing his work just like a normal CEO.

This made Nan Shen actually felt inferior compared to Lan Yanjin.

Nan Shen tighten his fist when he saw Tan Hua together with Lan Yanjin.

Why is his doggo with that b.a.s.t.a.r.d? So he is gone to meet this young master Lan?!

"Tan Huo!" Nan Shen could felt like something explode inside his heart. He called for Tan Hua and without saying anything else, grabbed her wrist and dragged her away which ended up with this scene.

"Come here!" Nan Shen use quite a lot of power into his grip making Tan Hua subconsciously flinched.

B-boss?! Wait wait boss it hurts!!

Tan Hua wanted to say that her hand hurt but before she did, Lan Yanjin already helped her saying it.

"Young master Nan, let him go. You hurt his hand" Lan Yanjin appeared beside Nan Shen and with a smooth movement, he slapped away Nan Shen hand on Tan Hua wrist while pulling Tan Hua toward him.


Nan Shen felt his hand was empty and when he turned back, he saw Tan Hua was already with Lan Yanjin again. When Nan Shen look at Lan Yanjin, he saw a smug smirk at the corner of Lan Yanjin lips, instantly making him triggered.

"What are you doing, young master Lan? That boy is my employee" Nan Shen raised his eyebrow in displeasure and shot a glare to Tan Hua.

Silly doggo!! You are MY doggo! How could you get into other people side now? Unfaithful doggo!

With his glare alone, Tan Hua who already spent a lot of time with Nan Shen, instantly knew what he mean.

Ah ah b-boss is angry!! Wait why boss is angry? Could it be.. Lan Yanjin and boss aren"t in good term? ?

Tan Hua had a confused face facing Nan Shen glare making Nan Shen urge to strangle her alive, increase.

This doggo...!! Courting death!

Nan Shen gnashed his teeth in anger seeing Lan Yanjin casually grab Tan Hua hand as if they were in a good term.

What happened between his doggo and that b.a.s.t.a.r.d?! Why are they seemed to know each other? What exactly happened when this doggo went missing?

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