"Wait what are you doing? and where are we going??" Tan Hua was confused with Nan Zhen sudden behavior. She did felt shocked when she saw a car appeared out of nowhere but she was more shocked when Nan Shen stuffed her to the car.

"Just sit tight and sleep" Even though it"s still morning, Nan Shen ordered Tan Hua to sleep as she sat to him while he drove.

"S-sleep?" Tan Hua was taken aback when she saw Nan Shen facial expression wasn"t good at all. He looked annoyed!

What the h.e.l.l was wrong with Nan Shen? Why she had to sleep? It"s morning! Why would she sleep?

Tan Hua didn"t know where Nan Shen would brought her but knowing the man won"t harm her in any way, she decided to shut her mouth and try to sleep.

Looking from Nan Shen facial expression, she was afraid he would snap if she asked him a few more times. If Nan Shen snapped...who knows what he would do...

Maybe throwing her away from the car?! No she doesn"t want that!

30 minutes later...

"We are here" Nan Shen stopped his car when the car arrived in front of a big luxurious villa not far from the beach but still quite far from the R Hotel.

"Eh?" Tan Hua didn"t sleep along the way, she enjoyed the view outside the car instead so when she saw Nan Shen stopped in front of a villa, she became even more confused.

Villa? Nan Shen villa? Wait if he had villa why the heck they had to booked a hotel??

"Get down" Nan Shen opened the car door as he asked Tan Hua to quickly went out from the car too. The man already went out and was now waiting for Tan Hua in front of the villa.


"Em what are we doing here?" Tan Hua hurriedly went out from the car and carefully asked Nan Shen the question she had wanted to ask.

"We will spend the rest of our li- vacation here" Nan Shen nearly said spending the rest of their lives here but he forgot he haven"t even confess to the girl let alone marrying her.

"Wait what?! But our stuff is still in the hotel!" Tan Hua immediately got fl.u.s.tered when Nan Shen said that but the man himself looked calm as he opened the villa door.

"Don"t worry my men will bring our stuff here. Ren Yuan and Mi Shu too will followed us here" Nan Shen opened the door and once again, grabbed Tan Hua by her wrist before dragging her in.

"Wah...so beautiful..." Upon entering the villa, Tan Hua couldn"t help but gasped in surprise. She had seen many beautiful and luxurious building in her original world.

Her family also had villa but seeing Nan Shen villa she still couldn"t resist the urge to praise it.

The villa vibe really was nature-friendly one. The floor was made from wood while the wall was normal wall but they got greeny wallpaper with flower and plants everywhere making the vibe looked like they were in the nature.

"You like this villa?" Nan Shen saw Tan Hua was admiring the villa and a smile subconsciously appeared on his face.

If you like it you can have it after they got married ?

Nan Shen shook his head trying to stay calm as he guided Tan Hua to her room. He really didn"t want to stay in this villa even though he liked it, he prefer hotel.

The reason? Because this villa had 4-5 rooms in total! It means he won"t have excuse to make Tan Hua sleep in the same room as him.

Yet he had to move here now since there were two giant bugs back at the R Hotel!

15 minutes later...

"Hey let"s go somewhere..." It"s been 20 minutes since they arrived at the villa and their stuff had arrived 10 minutes ago. Now Tan Hua had arrange her stuff, she didn"t have anything to do.

"Go where?" Nan Shen who was sitting down on the sofa in the living room, flinched when Tan Hua said she wanted to go somewhere.

Oy he had worked hard to make a time alone with this girl, if they went out now won"t they meet other people? Not to mention he felt they would b.u.mp to either Shen Ling or Lan Yanjin if they went out.

"To the beach? or shopping" Tan Hua tilted her head as she talked. She wanted to go to a shopping mall to see if her product had been sold in this country or not.

"Tan Huo...I think I"m sick..." Seeing Tan Hua wanted to go out, Nan Shen immediately used his plan B. By now, Nan Shen didn"t have anything to do to make Tan Hua stay.

The only way to make her stay? Say he didn"t feel well!

"Eh really? Hurry go to your bed! let"s don"t go anywhere until you feel better" Tan Hua looked worried when she heard Nan Shen said he didn"t feel well.

The doctor said Nan Shen had to take a rest but the man drove 30 minutes away from the hotel won"t he be tired?! Haishh.

"Alright..." Nan Shen used his top notch acting skill to look weak even though he did feel a bit tired as he dragged his body to his room.

Succeed! ?

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