"S-so...w-when you say you love me...its me as my true self?" Tan Hua head was spinning around when Nan Shen explained everything to her.

How he knew she was a girl but still helped her making her own brand. How he had keep it a secret so one else knew about this...

"Yes I love you and I want you to know" Nan Shen gulped his saliva nervously repeating his confession. He had explain anything to Tan Hua, he had promise he won"t tell anyone about her secret...

So please what is your answer?? Could it be Tan Hua would say she didn"t like him...or maybe she love Shen Ling instead...or or worst case ever, she said she had a feeling for Lan Yanjin...

If he think it again how could Tan Hua had feeling for him when all he did to her was a bad thing. He bully her...tease her...he didn"t treat her like a princess...

B-but starting now he would treat her like a princess okay? Well maybe occasionally he would tease her but he had swore that he would spoiled this girl until she couldn"t live without him!


Nan Shen whole body was shaking as he kept Tan Hua trapped under his body. His eyelashes trembled as he try to keep calm, waiting for Tan Hua answer.

The silence in the room which usually was calming to him, now became very uncomfortable. He really wanted Tan Hua to say yes but even if she didn"t say yes...he wouldn"t give up!

"I...I actually love you too..." At this time, Tan Hua couldn"t help but feel her heart was being brought up to the sky after confirming Nan Shen feeling for her.

How could she didn"t feel happy? At first when Nan Shen said he knew she was a girl since long time ago, it would be a lie if she didn"t feel anxious. She was afraid Nan Shen would do something about it or maybe, get disappointed at her.

After all this means she had been lying to him right? Nan Shen hate liar. But then she heard Nan Shen said he love her...wouldn"t this mean he wasn"t mad at her lying about her gender??

Tan Hua felt like her surrounding suddenly turned bright with colour everywhere. Nan Shen wasn"t mad at her and even confess his love to her!

She just need to say that she love him too. Actually she was a bit embarra.s.sed to say that she love him too but she had to otherwise Nan Shen won"t know what she felt toward him.

She love him so much that she even thought of making him bent before.

Tan Hua face blushed red as she answered Nan Shen confession making her looked like an adorable shy cat. Even though she knew her feeling was mutual now, she still felt embarra.s.sed okay?

"! R-really? L-like seriously??" Nan Shen leg which was shaking before out of nervousness, suddenly stop when he heard Tan Hua answer.

He had prepared for the worst if Tan Hua reject him but then he clearly heard Tan Hua said she also love him. Is this a dream? He had done bad things to this girl but she still fall for him?

"Yes I"m serious..." Tan Hua cheeks blushed red as she repeated her words trying to convince Nan Shen by looking straight to his eyes but later found herself unable to do so.

She was embarra.s.sed okay??

"T-then we...we...." Nan Shen suddenly couldn"t speak out of nervousness and mixed feeling. He really felt so excited right now that he wanted to hug Tan Hua right away but he refrain himself from doing it.

L-like so...they"re couple now??

"We"re couple now?" Tan Hua innocently continued the word Nan Shen couldn"t say. She herself was super embarra.s.sed when she said this.

"Oh G.o.d..." Nan Shen was so exhausted after his confession was confirmed until he fell on Tan Hua body so suddenly when he lost the energy in his body.


"Nan Shen??" Tan Hua catched Nan Shen body but still felt she was about to die if the man didn"t go away! He is heavy okay??

"Thanks G.o.d thanks G.o.d..." Nan Shen slipped his hand to Tan Hua back and hugged her tight as he repeated this word to his self.

T-they finally became couple! Official!

"There there calm down I"m not going anywhere" Tan Hua giggled seeing Nan Shen acted like a child getting high score in his exam. She carefully patted Nan Shen back when he hugged her tight.

She didn"t expect Nan Shen would be this nervous when he confess to her. She thought he was all calm and composed. It turned out she was wrong

even a man like Nan Shen too had his own weakness.

"Right we"re couple now so you"re mine right?" Nan Shen slowly released Tan Hua as he sat down on the bed not trying to kill Tan Hua to death with his hug.

"Huh? Like....I"m yours?" Tan Hua t.i.tled her head, feeling confused with what Nan Shen said.

"I mean you"re mine now can I kiss you?" Nan Shen didn"t beat around the bush and immediately stated what he wanted. He haven"t kiss Tan Hua even though she is his girlfriend now!

So...let"s kiss!

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