Nan Shen had regarded Tan Hua as an interesting toy/pet so when the toy/pet refused to be played, it irritated his s.a.d.i.s.tic side. He just became itchy to bully his disobedient toy! or dog maybe~

"Kayy bye boss~" Tan Hua went out from the car and was about to close the car door when she heard Nan Shen said something to her.

"Eiii what a pity at first i was going to take you to a high cla.s.s restaurant as you"re my slave, you"re my people now but prefer Mc Dorald instead so...yeah it couldn"t be helped...."

With a dejected and "what a pity" expression, Nan Shen acted as if he felt pity for Tan Hua to waste his chance to eat at a high cla.s.s restaurant.


Tan Hua stopped her step and her ears grow larger when she heard Nan Shen words.

(゜.゜) what? what did he said? He said something



"No no boss i"m not gonna go anywhere!" Tan Hua who was about to walk away from the car immediately dashed went inside and closed the car door with a BANG! sound.

Nan Shen: ? heh so easy.

Nan Shen looked at Tan Hua who was now back in his car again. Tan Hua had somehow grow imaginary dog ears and tail, wagging excitedly as she looked at Nan Shen like a good dog waiting to be fed.

"Hehe good boy let"s go!" Nan Shen stroke Tan Hua hair as his bad mood quickly vanished after he saw Tan Hua cute reaction.

This boy was really like a doggo. ?

Tan Hua who didn"t know that she was being treated like a doggo, excitedly waited for the car to arrived at the promised land a.k.a restaurant.

Is has been a long loooong time ago since ate in restaurant! Not to mention high cla.s.s restaurant ?. Boss Nan Shen turned out to be a kind boss wasn"t he?

Ei wait! She was going to have dinner with boss Nan Shen so....could it going to be that very cla.s.sic romantic scene where the man in drama brought his woman to a nice high cla.s.s restaurant to have a candle light dinner together?!

Awww(_´ω`) could it be that Boss Nan Shen fell in love with her at the first sight? KYAAA!! So romantic~

Tan Hua clearly forgot that she was disguised as a boy now so how could that super straight man, Nan Shen, fell in love with her at first sight? Keep on dreaming Tan Hua! You watched too much romance drama!

Tan Hua whistling happily as she looked outside the car window, not noticing that a certain reincarnation of an evil, was silently making "torture plan" for her.

Tan Hua had forgot that of course...there was no things such as free meal in this world.

Nan Shen still had a little grudge toward Tan Hua because Tan Hua made him felt bad mood before so....Nan Shen once again planned to bully his little doggo until his doggo beg him for mercy!

Nan Shen had a creepy evil smile along the way to the restaurant and if you could gave him a filter, you would see a devil horn on his head and a devil tail on his b.u.t.t wagging slowly, about to tease a certain innocent doggo. ?

CYC Hotel, 5 stars restaurant.

Tan Hua was currently sitting in front of a round middle-sized table with pure white tablecloth on it. Sitting across her was of course the handsome devilish second male lead-sama, Nan Shen!

It was 8 p.m and the sky had turned dark, filled with many beautiful stars decorating it. The restaurant Nan Shen choose located at the very top of the restaurant with a private room for each customer.

The room had a transparant gla.s.s for the customer to enjoy the beautiful sky and the city night view. The room shape was like a tube making the atmosphere inside was like in a sci-fi movie.

"Waahhh!! So beautiful!" Tan Hua looked at the night view below her room with a sparkling eyes. She had visited so many high cla.s.s restaurant in her previous world but this restaurant had a unique concept!

She felt like she was in s.p.a.ce.

"Good then, now you can order anything you want" Nan Shen looked very handsome with his gray suit as he very generously offered Tan Hua to ordered anything she wanted.

"Eh?! Really?! WOHOOOO boss!!! you"re the best!!!" Tan Hua was so excited that she subconsciously took Nan Shen hand and kissed it like a dog licking its master hand out of happiness.

!!! ZZZT!

Nan Shen body froze when Tan Hua lips touched his hand and he very quickly retracted his hand while still keeping a calm look.

What the h.e.l.l? He felt like he was being electrocuted. This is weird.

Nan Shen was taken aback for a second but he quickly forgot that weird feeling of being electrocuted. Maybe his phone vibrated and he mistook it for being electrocuted.

Never mind.....let"s just focus on laying trap for this disobedient doggo! ?

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