Just when Tan Hua was about to be dragged out again....she had an idea.

TING! ? aha!! i know!!!

Tan Hua with all her might shake off the security grip on her and dashed to the table. She took the paper there, hold a pen and started drawing a woman wrist.w.a.tch design in less than thirty seconds. She even did it while avoiding the security!

The pen she held was moving in a very fast speed. The three people....the three main character were all stunned with Tan Hua sudden action.

Ren Yuan: What is he doing??

Mi Shu: ....don"t tell me....that office drawing a design?

Nan Shen: ....

Tan Hua finished drawing right when the security finally caught her. But Tan Hua still try to not be dragged out before she made sure that Nan Shen wasn"t going to kill her.

Mi Shu was a talented fas.h.i.+on designer so it couldn"t be helped when she saw another fas.h.i.+on designer doing design in front of her eyes....she would get excited.

Mi Shu s.n.a.t.c.hed the paper from the table and admire it in silent as her eyes began to sparkled beautifully.

"Ren Yuan! This design is going to be a top notch design! awesome!" With an excited voice, Mi Shu showed Ren Yuan the design and she made the man stunned.

The wrist.w.a.tch Tan Hua made was a unique one for woman. The wrist.w.a.tch was decorated with little diamond and in her design, the wrist.w.a.tch looked totally elegant like what high-cla.s.s women would wear.

This...was....unexpected! The design was unique, truly good!

Tan Hua design was actually normal in her world but wasn"t normal. Tan Hua noticed this when she saw the three people attire from their head to their shoe.

It was somehow....boring!

The reason why for Ren Yuan and Mi Shu, Tan Hua design was good....was because the fas.h.i.+on in this world couldn"t be compared to the one in Tan Hua world.

The fas.h.i.+on designer in this world didn"t dare to use weird material or weird shape so even though it was gets pretty boring.

The model of the clothes, shoes, bag, jewelry and anything in fas.h.i.+on world...was monotone.

The idea of adding diamond on a wrist.w.a.tch was something out of imagination in this world. They tend to separate jewelry and accessories like wrist.w.a.tch.

Nan Shen who was silent all this time also approached Ren Yuan to see the design. The design made by a nameless office boy could made Ren Yuan stunned to this extent?

When Nan Shen saw it...he was also stunned.

What....what kind of design is this....

He had never imagine that someone would use diamond for a wrist.w.a.tch design! It sounded bizarre but....but....he did like it! It was...beautiful.

Even though it was only a drawing....wasn"t the real thing yet but he could imagine what would happen if this design was made into the real thing.

It would shook the fas.h.i.+on world!

Nan Shen, Ren Yuan and Mi Shu were about to asked Tan Hua more about this when the person wasn"t inside the room anymore.

Tan Hua was already thrown out from the building and banned from ever entering it again.

"Where"s that boy? where did he go?" Mi Shu was the most panicked one in the room. How could she not panicked? That boy....a nameless lowly office boy...could actually made a design that was on par with professional designer work!

No no that boy design could even made a new era in fas.h.i.+on world. Just who is he?? Why did he work as a mere office boy in the first place if he had this talent??

Nan Shen who previously thought to kill Tan Hua...suddenly canceled his plan. Looking at Mi Shu panicked was clear that Mi Shu cherished that boy as a talent!

Ren Yuan tried to made the security called Tan Hua back but sadly she was already gone. What about her cv? Her personal information? Sadly the employee already deleted it all the moment Ren Yuan fired Tan Hua.

Ren Yuan made a search all around the city for the sake of Mi Shu but he didn"t find Tan Hua.

So...where is Tan Hua???

The girl whom the three big shots were looking for...already went back home after of course changing her uniform....with a boy clothes this body brought.

Tan Hua found the address of her house in her ident.i.ty card and her house was at the neighboring city.

Tan Hua already gave up. She could only hope that Mi Shu love her design so Nan Shen wouldn"t kill her. would be better if she shut herself in her home....upss this body home she means...

An hour riding her first train....Tan Hua nearly faint when she arrived. That was her first time riding this thing called TRAIN.

OMG even though it was still only 12 p.m in the afternoon but....oh G.o.d...?

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