It was cramped!! Stuffy!! A lot of people stuffed inside one long moving box a.k.a train and they became flat burger. REALLY!

Tan Hua who had only ever ride her personal car or plane or helicopter...was stressed out when she HAD TO ride a train. SHE DIDN"T HAVE MONEY TO CALL TAXI or anything!! ?

Tan Hua was tired. How the h.e.l.l did people went by train all day? She would die if she had to do that every day!!

When Tan Hua was almost arrived at her home to had her precious rest time....someone called her from behind.

"Tan Huo!"

? who is Tan Huo? She is Tan Hua! Ah. Must be someone else not me then~

Tan Hua didn"t look back to the person calling "Tan Huo". It wasn"t her name afterall so even if it did sound similar to her name...better ignore it.

But Tan Hua didn"t expect it when that someone tapped her shoulder. "Tan Huo! Are you listening??"

Tan Hua: Σ(゜゜) me??

"" When Tan Hua turned her head to look at the person calling her...she suddenly had a headache.


All of sudden the memories of this body she occupied now, rushed madly to her mind. The memories were a lot! It was like a fragments of video being stuffed inside a box.

Tan Hua really want to curse someone. IT IS TOO LATE!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

When she really need the won"t come but now all of sudden it came!

Tan Hua didn"t know that the memories were triggered when her new body meet her sister. That person calling her was her sister.

"Tan Huo!" The woman looked worried when she saw Tan Hua face paled and she hold her head in pain.

What the h.e.l.l i"m Tan Huaaa not Tan Huo!! Who is this woman???

Tan Hua was about to corrected the woman that her name wasn"t Tan Huo this new body name must also been Tan Hua right?? That"s what she usually read in novels!

When Tan Hua about to talked....she didn"t know why but her vision went blank and....she fainted.

SHE FAINTED!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Tan Hua mind wasn"t able to receive that many informations so the brain choose to restart itself by making Tan Hua faint.

Hahahaha ?

2 hours later....2 p.m

Tan Hua regain her consciousness. The first thing she saw...was a plain white low ceiling above her body. this was her new body house....

Tan Hua recalled the memories she just receive and sighed.

How could she transmigrated into this kind of person??? The "Tan Hua" life in this world was too miserable and complicated compared to her life!

Tan Hua in this world was an orphan. Her mom died when she was giving birth to her and her twin brother. Her father owned a stone mine but went bankrupt when Tan Hua and her brother were in third grade elementary school.

Her father became depressed and choose to suicide. Since then Tan Hua lived with her twin brother and her older sister.

Tan Hua had an extremely identical twin brother called Tan Huo who was called earlier.

That woman who called her earlier was her older sister, she was 28 years old, 6 years apart from her. Ever since her father died, this sister named Tan Hui was the one who took care of the twins.

Tan Hui didn"t go to senior high school nor did she go to college as she had to worked in order to raised up her younger twins.

But, the sad thing didn"t end here. Tan Hua twin brother, Tan Huo, died in a car accident protecting her when the two of them had just graduate from senior high school and was about to enter college.

Ever since Tan Huo died, Tan Hui became mentally unstable. She often called Tan Hua as Tan Huo and thought that Tan Hua was currently away from home, entering college.

This was getting serious as Tan Hui became delusional. The psychiatrist suggested Tan Hua to live as Tan Huo from then on, in order to not made Tan Hui commit suicide.

Since then, Tan Hua (18 years old) began to live as Tan Huo. She cut her hair, wore a wig all day and dressed up like Tan Huo. She even burn all thing related to Tan Hua and lived completely as Tan Huo.

Her ident.i.ty card, her name...everything became Tan Huo.

? wuaaah Tan Hua of this world....your life is so miserable!

Tan Hua unconsciously cried for the Tan Hua in this world. Why? Because now....she had became THAT miserable Tan Hua.

No wonder this body worked as an office boy! She didn"t go to college!!!

Tan Hua once again sighed after she remembered all her new body memories.

So....she was now in a poor family? ?

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