I"m a barbie girl in a barbie world ?

Tan Hua phone suddenly rang at night but Tan Hua who was a heavy sleeper, choose to ignore it.

No one would call her anyway. Her sister was working now and Shen Ling...why the h.e.l.l he would call her? Hhhh maybe its a call prank.

But then the phone still ringing after a few times making the room filled with the all familiar barbie girl song.

Tan Hua couldn"t sleep!

....mmm...who is calling....???

Tan Hua lazily pick up her phone and was about to curse the one who called her when she saw....it was Mi Shu who called her!

M-Mi Shu? Why she called her at this time? Well might as well pick the call now.

"mmm....what"s up Mi Shu..?" Tan Hua yawned when Mi Shu called her around 10 p.m that night. She was sleeping before she answer the call so Tan Hua voice was still kinda hoa.r.s.e and sounded lazy.

"Ah Tan Hua! I...I have good news! T-this morning...you know, Ren Yuan invite me to a date!" Mi Shu giggled happily when Tan Hua pick up the call and immediately bombarded her with news.

Mi Shu voice over the phone sounded very cheerful at that time.

"...hm..? Date...? That"s good then...congrats..." Tan Hua nodded her head subconsciously and snuggled again into her warm blanket.

She already knew Mi Shu like Ren Yuan as not too long ago Mi Shu confess to her that she had feeling for Ren Yuan.

So...its good that Mi Shu was invited to a date by Ren Yuan but why the h.e.l.l she should know?? She was single and never went to a date! Now she felt like a miserable girl

"Its like this..I have to buy clothes for our date 2 days from now...I want you to accompany me to buy clothes! okay okay? I will buy you a clothes too...." Mi Shu asked Tan Hua to go shopping with her as maybe Mi Shu wanted to try to experience shopping with her best friend.

She went as far as using "buying Tan Hua clothes too" as a bait so Tan Hua would say yes.

Well Tan Hua was now Mi Shu best friend so Mi Shu was of course very excited to brought her to go shopping with her.

"Mmn...tomorrow?" Tan Hua didn"t really mind if she had to accompany Mi Shu to go shopping. She was also wanted to take a break for a while.

"Yep 9 a.m I"ll pick you up in your company. I"ll also talk to Nan Shen to let you go with me" Mi Shu was indeed responsible.

She was the one who invite Tan Hua so she gotta be the one asking for permission from Nan Shen and picking Tan Hua at her office.

Very considerate!

"Copy that...lemme sleep now..." Tan Hua rubbed her eyes to her pillow and before Mi Shu could say anything, she ended the call.


When Mi Shu knew Tan Hua had ended the call, she laughed faintly. She knew that Tan Hua must be sleeping but she still pick up her call. What a kind girl...

Tomorrow must be exciting!

The next day 9 a.m

Mi Shu had told Tan Hua that she had ask for permission to Nan Shen to take her to go shopping and she also called Tan Hua again to wait in front of the company building to wait for her.

"Hum hum hum~" Tan Hua walked to the entrance of her company building as she whistle happily.

Today she was in a good mood because she get to go shopping! Moreover with a rich friend like Mi Shu. She could see money everywhere! (`?ω?´)


Tan Hua was obediently waiting for Mi Shu car to pick her up when suddenly she heard foot step from behind her.

Tan Hua was too lazy to look behind and choose to ignore but then someone suddenly blew her ears from behind!


Σ(゜ロ゜;) GYAA!!

Tan Hua ears were sensitive so when that someone blew her ears, she exploded.

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ W-who dare to blew her ear?! COME HERE AND LET HER BEAT THAT PERSON!!

Tan Hua turned her head and was about to punch the rude someone when she saw a very familiar face in front of her eyes, was smiling like a devil while tucking his hand on his pants pocket.

....Σ(゜゜) b-boss?? Why is he here??

"Boss! Why are you here?" Tan Hua was suddenly felt suspicious when she saw Nan Shen was standing calmly behind her.

Nan Shen should knew that she and Mi Shu was going to go shopping! Why is he here then?

"Ah I"m also planned to buy new shoes and suit so I"ll go with you guys. Don"t worry I will talk to Mi Shu later" Nan Shen very shamelessly join Mi Shu and Tan Hua to go shopping.

....WHAATT??? Boss Nan want to go shopping with her and Mi Shu??!!

"But boss!" Tan Hua already half-crying when she knew Nan Shen intention. Mi Shu was going to buy her girl clothes in secret so if Nan Shen came, then Mi Shu wouldn"t be able to buy her anything!

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