Nan Shen was in fact a very possessive person. Once he claimed something to be his, he won"t let other people touch it without his permission.

Now Nan Shen had claimed Tan Hua to be his "pet", he was super irritated when someone else, moreover a man he hate to the bone, touched his "pet".

He is the first one to discover Tan Huo talent, he is also the first one who claimed him as his own. Lan Yanjin...don"t you dare s.n.a.t.c.h his "pet"!

"Can you let go of my employee?" Nan Shen even though he was so angry, still maintain his forever good smile on his face.

" don"t even take a good care of your own employee. How disappointing" Lan Yanjin laughed mockingly and pushed Tan Hua slowly to Nan Shen before he casually leave the place without saying anything else.

He was only here for business anyway. He didn"t have time to "fight" with young master Nan.

Tan Hua who saw Lan Yanjin leave, couldn"t help but sigh in relief.

Oh G.o.d that troublemaker had gone!

Tan Hua was relieved because she had a feeling that the longer Lan Yanjin stay, the more Nan Shen look displeased. Maybe at one point, Nan Shen would explode.

Haishh she didn"t know what"s going on between this Lan and Nan but one thing she realize. Lan Yanjin and Nan Shen wasn"t in a good term at all. Maybe...they were enemies!

"hhh..." After Lan Yanjin gone, actually Nan Shen also secretly released a sigh in his heart. He knew that his family wasn"t as rich as Lan family and his achievement wasn"t as great as Lan Yanjin so everytime they met, he felt anxious.

Nan Shen wasn"t someone perfect. He too had his weakness which is actually, he felt inferior to Lan Yanjin. Nan Shen may be super confident even in front of other business man who were richer than him but in front of Lan Yanjin, he felt small.

They were both 28 years old, both had no girlfriend and both were the sole heir of a super big company. But, Lan Yanjin manage to make his family company grow to the point of making it famous in international stage while he only manage to make his family company famous in national stage.

Secretly, Nan Shen felt insecure whenever he met Lan Yanjin. This was the sole reason why he dislike Lan Yanjin. It"s because Lan Yanjin could made him felt like he was nothing.

"Boss are you alright?" In the middle of his thought, Nan Shen heard Tan Hua calling for him while tugging his sleeves very casually as if they weren"t boss and employee at all.

" I"m fine" Nan Shen face actually look tired but because he wanted to act cool in front of his doggo, he wore that gentleman mask again as he stroke Tan Hua hair.

He didn"t know why he felt so agitated when he saw Tan Huo and Lan Yanjin together. He just...suddenly felt threatened.

Nan Shen was actually going to scold Tan Hua because she suddenly went missing and she turned off her phone but then he just didn"t feel like doing so.

He knew that this was his fault for ignoring Tan Hua when Tan Hua was the one who supposed to have fun with Mi Shu so...he really didn"t have the right to get mad at Tan Hua.

"Let"s go" Nan Shen once again sighed before dragging Tan Hua by her back collar, bringing her back to where Mi Shu was waiting for them.

That day the seemingly peaceful shopping ended up in a bad mood for Nan Shen, anxiety for Mi Shu and curiosity for Tan Hua.

Nan Shen was bad mood because of Lan Yanjin, Mi Shu was anxious about her date tomorrow while Tan Hua was curious about her mixed appearance.

Thus just like that the morning turned into night.

8 p.m at Tan Hua house.

Tan Hua had just finished her meal and had washed the dishes together with Shen Ling when suddenly she got another phone call.

I am barbie girl in the barbie world ?

"Tan Tan! your phone!" Shen Ling who was the nearest to the phone, immediately grab it and threw it to Tan Hua so she could took the call.

Shen Ling reaction was so bizarre because he just felt irritated everytime Tan Hua phone rang. Everytime he hear that ringtone coming from Tan Hua phone, he felt sick! How could a grown up woman still use barbie song for her phone ringtone??

"Uhh you can just give it to me normally" Tan Hua catched the phone and quickly look at the number calling her.

Who is it this time? Mi Shu?

"h.e.l.lo..." Tan Hua had just say greeting when the person over the phone, suddenly talked so much like doing a rap.

"Tan Huo! Tomorrow is Mi Shu date! Should I come with them and wreck their date or what??" The one who called Tan Hua this time was the idiot boss, Nan Shen.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ...why should she care?! She didn"t want to bother Mi Shu date and she didn"t care whether Mi Shu ended up with Ren Yuan or not. She just want to live her peaceful life okay??

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