Tan Hua almost kick the wall after answering the call.

Why the heck this boss ask her for everything?! Is she a love master or a therapist?? Solve your own love problem please! She was also single without boyfriend!

"Boss can you just stop wrecking other people date?!" Tan Hua was tired when she heard Nan Shen planned to tag along in Mi Shu date just to wreck it.

That would be too childis.h.!.+ Who would be so shameless to tag along in other people date just to prevent those two from becoming a couple? At least if she would never do such a shameless thing.

"Then what should I do! I want to know how"s their date going and if possible preventing them from having close contact...I don"t want those two to become a couple after this date!" Nan Shen voice over the phone sounded desperate and tired.

Nan Shen was indeed desperate and tired. He didn"t want Ren Yuan and Mi Shu to officially become a couple after this date! If that happen then he would be the only one who was still single right??

But he also didn"t want to date some random b*tch who only see his money! Mi Shu was the perfect candidate to be his girlfriend how could he let Ren Yuan get her first?

"Hhh...but you still can"t tag along! It will be awkward for the three of you" Tan Hua ma.s.saged her forehead trying to give a common sense for this childish boss.

Its a surprise that Boss Nan actually acted like a little brat. She thought Boss Nan would be like a mature super cool CEO like she always found in novels or dramas. It turned out that this Nan Shen wasn"t that mature at all!

"So? What do you suggest?" Nan Shen sighed when he asked Tan Hua for advice.

Tan Huo already have a girlfriend right so he should be knowledgeable about something like this!

Tan Hua never thought that her sudden lie about having a girlfriend would backfire at her. Now Nan Shen thought Tan Hua could be his love teacher so he would always come for Tan Hua for advices!

Tan Hua went silent with Nan Shen question. Well it was true that she didn"t want Nan Shen to shamelessly tag along with Mi Shu and Ren Yuan during their date but then if they want to prevent Mi Shu and Ren Yuan from becoming close...

What should they do?

Tan Hua didn"t realize that she already included herself inside Nan Shen problem. It should be Nan Shen problem but then she was also dragged into it and now acted as Nan Shen partner in crime.

"Hmm...we can tail those two from afar?" Tan Hua had this idea when she suddenly recalled a scene from a drama she watched.

In the drama, the people there also tailed a couple who were on a date and do everything the could to "accidentally" preventing the couple from doing anything "immoral".

"Hm...so when we tail them, we will also try to prevent them from doing anything unnecessary?" Nan Shen nodded his head subconsciously hearing Tan Hua suggestion over the phone.

It was indeed a good suggestion. They could watch Mi Shu and Ren Yuan, they could also do everything they could to prevent those two from doing anything that would made them into a couple!

"Yep this is a good idea right boss? Let"s tail them!" Tan Hua was excited that she finally had suggestion for Nan Shen. Now she had done her duty as Nan Shen counselor she could sleep!

"Alright don"t forget to meet me in front of the company building at 8 a.m. Their date start at 9 a.m so don"t be late!" Nan Shen cut the call after he said this.


Tan Hua sighed in relief that she just did her job well and was about to have a nice dream when she suddenly jolted in shock.

Wait wait. What did Nan Shen say? Meet up at 8 a.m in front of the company building? Because Mi Shu date start at 9 a.m?

....EHH???!!! D-don"t tell her...s-she also had to go with Nan Shen to tail Mi Shu on her date?! ?

W-why?! Why did this happen?? Tomorrow is Sat.u.r.day! She is supposed to laze around in her house watching drama!!

Why the h.e.l.l she had to go with Nan Shen just to tail Mi Shu and Ren Yuan....in order to prevent them from becoming closer?? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Tan Hua had the urge to bang her head to the wall and curse her own "clever" idea. This happened because she gave Nan Shen that idea!! But...but why did she has to come along with Nan Shen?!

This....this is unreasonable!!

That night, Tan Hua ended up sleeping while having a nightmare about tomorrow"s agenda. She would have to play "spy" with Nan Shen when she was supposed to have her day off!

Of course that night, both Nan Shen and Tan Hua didn"t know that while they are planning to tail Mi Shu on her date, they would actually going on a date too!

Tomorrow would absolutely be exciting, not for Tan Hua or Nan Shen but for us readers.

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