_Pinch._ I charge thee, Satan, housed within this man, To yield possession to my holy prayers, And to thy state of darkness his thee straight: I conjure thee by all the saints in heaven!

_Ant. E._ Peace, doting wizard, peace! I am not mad. 55

_Adr._ O, that thou wert not, poor distressed soul!

_Ant. E._ You minion, you, are these your customers?

Did this companion with the saffron face Revel and feast it at my house to-day, Whilst upon me the guilty doors were shut, 60 And I denied to enter in my house?

_Adr._ O husband, G.o.d doth know you dined at home; Where would you had remain"d until this time, Free from these slanders and this open shame!

_Ant. E._ Dined at home!--Thou villain, what sayest thou? 65

_Dro. E._ Sir, sooth to say, you did not dine at home.

_Ant. E._ Were not my doors lock"d up, and I shut out?

_Dro. E._ Perdie, your doors were lock"d, and you shut out.

_Ant. E._ And did not she herself revile me there?

_Dro. E._ Sans fable, she herself reviled you there. 70

_Ant. E._ Did not her kitchen-maid rail, taunt, and scorn me?

_Dro. E._ Certes, she did; the kitchen-vestal scorn"d you.

_Ant. E._ And did not I in rage depart from thence?

_Dro. E._ In verity you did; my bones bear witness, That since have felt the vigour of his rage. 75

_Adr._ Is"t good to soothe him in these contraries?

_Pinch._ It is no shame: the fellow finds his vein, And, yielding to him, humours well his frenzy.

_Ant. E._ Thou hast suborn"d the goldsmith to arrest me.

_Adr._ Alas, I sent you money to redeem you, 80 By Dromio here, who came in haste for it.

_Dro. E._ Money by me! heart and good-will you might; But surely, master, not a rag of money.

_Ant. E._ Went"st not thou to her for a purse of ducats?

_Adr._ He came to me, and I deliver"d it. 85

_Luc._ And I am witness with her that she did.

_Dro. E._ G.o.d and the rope-maker bear me witness That I was sent for nothing but a rope!

_Pinch._ Mistress, both man and master is possess"d; I know it by their pale and deadly looks: 90 They must be bound, and laid in some dark room.

_Ant. E._ Say, wherefore didst them lock me forth to-day?

And why dost thou deny the bag of gold?

_Adr._ I did not, gentle husband, lock thee forth.

_Dro. E._ And, gentle master, I received no gold; 95 But I confess, sir, that we were lock"d out.

_Adr._ Dissembling villain, them speak"st false in both.

_Ant. E._ Dissembling harlot, them art false in all, And art confederate with a d.a.m.ned pack To make a loathsome abject scorn of me: 100 But with these nails I"ll pluck out these false eyes, That would behold in me this shameful sport.

_Enter three or four, and offer to bind him. He strives._

_Adr._ O, bind him, bind him! let him not come near me.

_Pinch._ More company! The fiend is strong within him.

_Luc._ Ay me, poor man, how pale and wan he looks! 105

_Ant. E._ What, will you murder me? Thou gaoler, thou, I am thy prisoner: wilt thou suffer them To make a rescue?

_Off._ Masters, let him go: He is my prisoner, and you shall not have him.

_Pinch._ Go bind this man, for he is frantic too. 110

[_They offer to bind Dro. E._

_Adr._ What wilt thou do, thou peevish officer?

Hast thou delight to see a wretched man Do outrage and displeasure to himself?

_Off._ He is my prisoner: if I let him go, The debt he owes will be required of me. 115

_Adr._ I will discharge thee ere I go from thee: Bear me forthwith unto his creditor, And, knowing how the debt grows, I will pay it.

Good master doctor, see him safe convey"d Home to my house. O most unhappy day! 120

_Ant. E._ O most unhappy strumpet!

_Dro. E._ Master, I am here entered in bond for you.

_Ant. E._ Out on thee, villain! wherefore dost thou mad me?

_Dro. E._ Will you be bound for nothing? be mad, good master: cry, The devil! 125

_Luc._ G.o.d help, poor souls, how idly do they talk!

_Adr._ Go bear him hence. Sister, go you with me.

[_Exeunt all but Adriana, Luciana, Officer and Courtezan._]

Say now; whose suit is he arrested at?

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