t.i.tle: The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

Chapter: 014.1

The sky is cloudless and sunny today ~

Madness is everywhere ~

While Dong Xi hummed this song, she watched over the steamer basket on the stove.

White smoke lingered in the room.

After miss returned from Shang Qing temple, she was sickly and without spirit for several days. She didn"t even touch the braised pork that she had previously liked so much.

Old master saw miss"s increasingly pale face. His heart ached. He ordered that cooks must make delicious food that would make miss lively again.

As a result, the cooks had put in all of their effort and used various valuable items. They used caterpillar fungus, bird"s nest, shark"s fine, bear paw, and young deer antler… in the end, they even made the current generation"s leading scholar"s herbal soup meant to boost a male"s s.e.x drive. Shi Quan Da Bu soup.

(T/N: Literal meaning is ten large comprehensive supplements. This is an actual soup, but it"s meant for people suffering from anemic or internal bleeding. )

After miss had eaten this continuously for several days, she felt so painful that she wanted to die. Finally, she pulled Dong Xi aside. While crying, she explained that her lethargy was because of her period. She wanted to eat sweet stuff.

"That"s so simple. Why didn"t miss ask the cooks to make it?" Dong Xi asked in surprise.

"Unfortunately, they won"t be able to make the type of food that I want to eat." Miss faintly smiled, but her tone was depressed, "This place doesn"t have those types of ingredients."

"Oh. Miss should tell master what she wants to eat and he"ll go to the palace to request it. After all, you"ll be relatives by marriage in the future." Dong Xi curled up her lips in a smile. Her face showed that she didn"t take QingQiao"s words seriously.

"The palace won"t have it. Even if you search the world, I"m afraid that you won"t be able to find the food that I want to eat." Miss shook her head and bitterly smiled.

"What could be so rare?" Dong Xi was full of curiosity about this food that even the emperor couldn"t provide.

"… It has a brown color. Its taste is very rich and dense. Its somewhat bitter, but also somewhat sweet. It melts in your mouth. Its good points are unending…" Gradually, a soft light appeared in miss"s eyes. Her voice was full of reminiscing and yearning. "That silky feeling… you won"t be able to understand."

(T/N: Can you guess what food QingQiao wants to eat?)


Dong Xi scoffed. What is "you won"t be able to understand"?

Miss was looking down on her too much. She was a first cla.s.s servant in the Gu residence with high emotional intelligence and an enlightened mind. Although she couldn"t make the item called "chocolate", could she be bad at attending to a girl during her menstruation period? Wasn"t it just that she felt pain because she lost some blood?

Dong Xi snorted. Miss would certainty be fine eating just mola.s.ses and red date for the pain. Miss was good about everything, but she liked to play a role. Look at this exclusive mola.s.ses and red date cake that was created in Dong Xi"s hometown. Wouldn"t it allow miss to be lively once again?

Dong Xi deeply breathed in the alluring white smoke from the opened green bamboo steamer basket. The smell was incomparably intoxicating.

En, it smelled really good.

This translation belongs to FuyuNeko. Please use an ad-blocker, mew.

After Dong Xi had taken the cake out of the steamer, she placed it inside an ebony box. Then, she wrapped a cotton cloth around it to keep it warm. She happily walked towards the reception pavilion.

Miss had previously said, "A good steel must be used for a knife" blade." Although Dong Xi didn"t even know what "steel" was, this didn"t hinder her from advancing further in taking stock of how to curry favor with the miss.

In her future, she would definitely be a first-cla.s.s servant girl in Prince Duan"s residence… A popular person in front of Prince Duan and his wife…

She smiled as she continued to think and eat. When she reached the reception pavilion"s entrance, her smile immediately stiffened.

A man turned around to look at her and asked, "Dong Xi girl, where are you going?" Under the sunlight and shade, his delicate silhouette seemed like an ink painting. His hair was as black as ink and his skin was white as snow. Clearly, this was vividly contrasting. But, because of that gorgeous face, he looked like a serene and strange type of harmony.

"This servant greets the prince." Dong Xi quickly saluted and presented the black box, "My family"s miss hasn"t been feeling well the past few days. This servant made this snack for miss and was about to bring it to the reception pavilion."

"So, miss is at the reception pavilion?" Duan Yu lightly smiled.

Dong Xi saw dazzling light and overflowing bright colors.

"I was wondering why I couldn"t find her in her room. So, she was hiding there to bask in the sunlight. Bring me there to see her."

Dong Xi was forced by power (Author"s note: false) and mesmerized by beauty (Author"s note: truth). At the moment, she was perfectly happy to bring Duan Yu to the reception pavilion. She would regret this decision for the rest of her life.


Noon. At the entrance to the reception pavilion.

If the blue sky had ears, at this moment, it would definitely hear Dong Xi"s prayers.

I shouldn"t have brought him here. I should haven"t brought him here… Dong Xi stood at the entrance. Her face was deathly pale.

Duan Yu silently looked at the young girl in the center of the room. His face didn"t show any expression.

Every month, women have those types of days where they don"t eat well or sleep well and their temperament is irritable. As a result, women considered themselves princesses or empresses during those few days. No one would dare to offend them.

Gu QingQiao would be an excellent example. Today, she complained that her body wasn"t feeling well and that her mood was bad.

And so, Old Master Gu said to the entire residence"s servants, "Do what ever miss wants. If miss isn"t happy, I"ll throw all of you out!" It was rare for Old Master Gu speak in such a stern voice.

And so, QingQiao"s received an amnesty. She picked the usual people from Gu residence to sing and dance for her. In reality, she did this as a future gift to Gu ShangShu. She had decided that before she left Gu residence, she wanted to present a show for him. For this reason, she secretly trained the servants for such a long time. Today could be considered an early test.

The servant girls would be the first to appear on the stage. Young, beautiful women dressed in colorful clothing with scarlet ribbons tied around their waists appeared. Their footsteps gleamed as they danced on the stage. As they swung their hips, with smiles across their faces, they sang out,

"The sky above a liberated area is bright and clear,

The liberated people like it very much,

Gu ShangShu"s grace and kindness is unending,

Yeah yeah, hey hey,

Yeah hey hey hey, Yeah hey hey hey,

Yeah yeah, hey hey,

Yingying yanyan, say "happy"."

(T/N: The first two lines of this song were from an actual folk song by an anonymous writer.)

Representatives of the kitchen workers followed them. The fleshy A"Da produced a deep sound from his chest and then loudly cried out, "Recklessly run."

Immediately, two small footboys came out from behind his left and right arm and sang, "Run run run run run run ~~~~"

A"Da seemed as if he were drunk and raised his voice to continue howling, "Recklessly flow."

The two small footboys nodded left and right. At lightning speed, they shook palm leaf fans, "Flow flow flow flow flow flow flow ~~~"

With a shake, A"Da"s beautiful hair flew and he continued to sing with deep emotions, "

The large waves from faraway rivers will never end,

They’ve flowed through the world and mixed with the torrential tide…"

(T/N: At first, I was thinking what could possible go on in QingQiao"s head to create such wierd song lyrics. But this is actually a messed up version of a Cantonese song "On the beach". Below is a video of Huang XiaoMing singing this song. It sounds way less ridiculous when he singing it.)

Of course, A"Da"s attempt at Cantonese wasn"t exact. And as he sang and sang, the lyrics were more and more off from the original lyrics.

QingQiao had been lying on her stomach on the bamboo couch. She was so laughing so hard that her body was rocking back and forth. Her laughter was like the sound of silver bells.

"Haha ha. A"Da you"re so eager." She used her hands to indicate for them to stop singing. She was out of breath from laughing. "This old aunt finally wasn"t fond of you in vain…"

Perhaps, it was due to laziness. Her hair wasn"t arranged in an elaborate hairstyle. She only had a ribbon loosely tying up her hair. She was wearing a somewhat old cotton gown decorated with fragmented flowers. Her words and manner were coa.r.s.e and her laughter was wanton. She looked like a village woman without the slightest trace of a daughter from a n.o.ble family.

Dong Xi felt like her brain was buzzing. She felt dizzy. She almost couldn"t stop herself from going over there.

Ah, Buddha and Guanyin (G.o.ddess of mercy). Why did you let Prince Duan Yu see this scene? Although miss frequently behaved like this in secret, her acting as a delicate girl was watertight in front of outsiders. Because I didn"t inform anyone before bringing Prince Duan Yu this time, I unexpectedly broke miss"s fake persona! Alas, why was it me? It was against expectations for it to be me! All of my meticulous services to curry favor with miss. My radiant and l.u.s.trous future prospect as a first cla.s.s servant girl in the prince"s residence…

Dong Xi mourned her future and secretly looked at Duan Yu"s face. The prince"s eyes were abstruse. His lips were tightly pressed together as if he was thinking of something, but also as if he wasn"t thinking of anything. Dong Xi"s mind whirled many times. She fantasied about her unlimited probabilities after she was kicked out. Hidden under his calmness, there could be a rapid and serious undercurrent.

Instead, the prince turned his head to look at her and he said with a fake smile, "She"s not feeling well?" After he said those words, he took big strides towards the center of the hall.

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