The Devil's Origin

Chapter 1

The Devil’s Origin - Chapter 1

The Devil is Born

It was an abrupt event.

In the way a drop of water falls, I was born into this world. At that moment, my consciousness cleared and I opened my eyes for the first time.

“Wh … what is this place . . ?”

Now that I was aware of my surroundings, I could clearly tell that I was lying in a stone pool of hot water. No, not hot water; it feels sticky, but it doesn’t make a sound when I move. I could tell that this was a very strange liquid. When I pulled myself away from the warmth of the liquid, I realized I was in what appeared to be an old, abandoned house. The narrow room was about the size of three tatami mats, and in the center was the mysterious pool of liquid. Aside from this, the room was completely empty.

Hmm . . ? Three tatami mats . . ?

I understand the measurements of three tatami mats, but I do not know where this understanding comes from.

When I looked down at the surface of the pool, a boy with a common-looking face was reflected. A boy . . ? I touched my face with a small hand, watching as the reflection did the same. I feel that this 10-year-old face doesn’t suit me.

And, also … how am I able to recognise this face as about 10?

< you="" seem="" to="" be="" confused="" about="" various="" things.="">>

Suddenly, a voice echoed inside my head.

“Who are you!?”

< i="" am="" the="" system.="" i="" will="" guide="" you.="">>

The voice in my head sounded young, like a child.

< if="" this="" had="" been="" done="" properly,="" your="" birth="" would="" have="" reset="" your="" mind.="" however,="" you="" appear="" to="" have="" retained="" your="" previous="" knowledge.="">>

Previous knowledge … does that mean, knowledge from a previous life?

It sounds like someone from an RPG … a role-playing game? Is that also something from my previous life?

< it="" would="" be="" better="" for="" you="" to="" develop="" a="" little="" more,="" but="" you="" do="" not="" have="" time="" to="" spare.="">>

I wonder why I don’t have much time.

Perhaps I’ve been born during a time of crisis and the world is facing certain destruction. I was probably created to be a Hero and defeat the Demon King.

< you="" have="" the="" right="" idea,="" but="" that="" is="" not="" quite="" it.="">>

Oh? Then what am I?

< the="" devil.="" many="" monsters="" are="" going="" extinct;="" before="" they="" die="" out,="" it="" is="" your="" responsibility="" to="" save="" them.="">>

… … . ?

Devil . . ? That means I’m the Demon King, right!? The Demon King who laughs wickedly while killing innocent humans, am I really such a thing?

< the="" role="" of="" the="" devil="" is="" not="" to="" kill="" humans.="" some="" devils="" do="" so="" as="" a="" hobby,="" but="" your="" real="" purpose="" is="" to="" protect="" monsters.="">>

No way … I can’t believe I’ve become the Demon King …

< the="" world="" is="" indeed="" in="" a="" time="" of="" crisis.="" the="" heroes="" have="" become="" too="" strong;="" the="" balance="" between="" humans="" and="" monsters="" has="" collapsed.="" humans="" have="" begun="" to="" fight="" one="" another="" and="" are="" self-destructing.="" in="" order="" to="" prevent="" this,="" you="" must="" restore="" the="" balance.="">>

Oh, is that so … I’m so shocked I can barely understand the situation.

< because="" of="" your="" previous="" memories,="" you="" must="" find="" this="" difficult="" to="" accept.="">>

That’s right, but … I don’t feel like I could accept this even if I didn’t have any memories.

It seems likely that I’ll wake up and return to a normal life working for a company soon. A company … I can’t quite recall, but I wonder if I used to work for a company.

< yes,="" you="" had="" a="" normal="" life="" and="" worked="" for="" a="" company.="" you="" were="" entirely="" ordinary,="" but="" you="" happened="" to="" die="" prematurely.="">>

I wonder why being called ordinary like that is a little painful …

Why was I chosen to become the Demon King?

< to="" put="" it="" simply,="" it="" is="" because="" you="" were="" so="" normal.="" there="" would="" be="" no="" meaning="" to="" your="" existence="" if="" you="" run="" off="" to="" kill="" humans="" just="" because="" you’ve="" become="" the="" devil.="">>

So, does this mean I don’t have to kill humans now that I’m the Demon King . . ?

< because="" the="" number="" of="" monsters="" has="" been="" decreasing="" drastically,="" a="" devil="" who="" will="" help="" them="" prosper="" is="" more="" important.="">>

I was chosen for such a practical reason …  I don’t quite understand it, but it seems that all I can do now is fulfil my duties as the Demon King.

< it="" is="" good="" that="" you="" are="" taking="" responsibility!="" now,="" i="" will="" explain="" your="" abilities="" now="" that="" you="" are="" the="" devil.="">>

Oh, the Demon King gets abilities?

< if="" i="" put="" it="" in="" terms="" of="" levels,="" will="" it="" be="" easier="" for="" you="" to="" understand?="">>

                                      ●DEVIL ●

[ Level One ]


lvl.1「Demonic Growth」

lvl.1「Demonic Submission」



lvl.1「System Guidance」

< these="" will="" become="" stronger="" as="" you="" level="" up;="" you="" will="" also="" gain="" new="" abilities.="">>

As the Demon King, I have these abilities, huh … I wonder if the「Demonic Growth」ability will help increase the number of monsters.

< that="" is="" correct!="" however,="" in="" order="" to="" use="" the「demonic="" growth」skill,="" you="" must="" first="" use="" the「fertility」skill.="">>

What does the「Fertility」skill do? Is it anything like Mendel’s Law . . ?(1)

< lvl.1="" 「fertility」gives="" you="" the="" ability="" to="" control="" monsters="" by="" mating="" with="" them.="">>

What, interspecies breeding!? Is this necessary to create monsters!? Really!?

< lvl.1「demonic="" growth」is="" the="" ability="" to="" create="" any="" kind="" of="" monster="" by="" taking="" the="" s.e.m.e.n="" of="" your="" partner="" into="" your="" body.="">>(2)

… … . ?

< as="" you="" level="" up,="" the="" number="" of="" eggs="" you="" can="" produce="" at="" once="" will="" also="" increase,="" so="" do="" your="" best="" to="" raise="" your="" level!="">>

That … uh … ‘taking in my partner’ … I feel like something here is wrong.

< do="" you="" not="" understand?="" you="" mate="" with="" the="" monsters,="" as="" in="" ‘copulation,’="" ‘s.e.xual="" intercourse,’=""  or="" ‘f.u.c.king.’="">>

You don’t have to explain that so explicitly! Hey, what exactly are you talking about!?

< when="" you="" take="" the="" s.e.m.e.n="" of="" the="" monster="" you="" want="" to="" increase="" into="" your="" r.e.c.t.u.m,="" 「demonic="" growth」will="" activate="" and="" develop="" eggs="" of="" the="" desired="" species.="">>

So blunt! I’m a man, you know!? Really!

< that="" is="" obvious.="">>

If you can only increase the number of monsters in such a way, you shouldn’t choose a man to become the Demon King! If you choose someone with a uterus, it would be a much more reasonable solution! Seriously!

< impossible.="" in="" the="" case="" of="" female="" monsters,="" the="" devil="" must="" be="" able="" to="" impregnate="" them="" and="" ensure="" the="" survival="" of="" the="" species.="">>

Well, if you put it that way, I suppose choosing a man makes more sense …

< unfortunately,="" there="" are="" very="" few="" female="" monsters="" remaining.="" it="" would="" be="" best="" if="" you="" mate="" with="" as="" many="" male="" monsters="" as="" you="" can.="">>

Hey! I don’t want to do things like that with slimes and tentacles! It’s like something out of an eroge!

< regardless="" of="" their="" similarity="" to="" creatures="" from="" erotic="" games,="" slimes="" and="" tentacles="" are="" among="" the="" decreasing="" monsters,="" so="" please="" mate="" with="" them="" as="" soon="" as="" possible.="">>

Why this …

< i="" hope="" you="" are="" now="" suitably="" motivated!="" do="" your="" best="" to="" rebuild="" the="" monster="" population!="">>

The childish voice of the System resonating in my head was bright.

My life as the monster-making Demon King began like this.(3)

Mendel’s Law was published by Gregor Mendel and discussed dominant and recessive alleles. I don’t know what it has to do with the story …
These two abilities seem really similar, but their descriptions are a little vague. If they’re explained more later, I’ll come back and fix this.
The original text says, “こうして俺のはじめてのモンスターメーカーが始まったのだった。” It’s almost word-for-word the original t.i.tle, which is “魔王のはじめてのモンスターメーカー”, and it’s a little mangled in English, so now that I’ve changed it to make more sense, the original reference here doesn’t come through. (´;︵;`)

I translated this between chapters of The Unicorn Legion; the later chapters are incredibly nsfw, but this one’s pretty clean. I’ll try to do more, someday …

(But not until I get a few more chapters of TUL translated! Really!)

~ ~ ~          

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