The Devil's Origin

Chapter 30 : Heart to Heart

Chapter 30 : Heart to Heart

A/N: A story full of sweet temptation with shota. There"s aphrodisiac in usage.



Today I went to the kitchen to grab some food.

On top of the table, there laid a plate of tempting confectionary.

I unconsciously made grabby hand toward the chocolate went I heard a voice warning me.

"Maou-sama, that sweets is not for you to eat you know?"

The was Elk, the incubus that worked as a chef in the castle.

The round, glistening chocolate looked so tempting.. So.. alluring..

"Hm..Are you going to give it to someone else?"

"They"re a.. Prototype. I"m doing an experiment."


"I will give it to Maou-sama first thing first after I"ve perfected it." The beautiful women winked… No- The beautiful man.. Yeah, a man.

So it was a prototype.. Then that means it"d be okay for me to eat it, right? Lucky me~

Without any hesitation, I grabbed one of the round chocolates.

The chocolate was too big so I wanted to break it into half but it seemed wasteful to not eat it all in one go so I decided to shove it the whole piece into my mouth.

As my mouth was stuffed full with chocolate, the sweet concoctions melt in my mouth, spreading the sugary liquid into every corner of my mouth.

In that moment.. I suddenly felt very hot, my body was burning.

"Hy-ah!" I gasped.

"Maou-sama?! Huh?! Did you eat it?!"

My vision was a blur, everything was spinning in circles.

It was like the whole ground was shaking underneath me.

W-what was happening? Was it the sweets? What kind of things did Elk put into it?

"What did you put in the chocolate? Ugh.. My head hurts.."

"Oh my goodness!"

Elk immediately handed me a gla.s.s of water which I received gratefully.

After I gulped the water down, I could finally feel myself calming down a little.

"That sweets is a special recipe pa.s.sed down between the s.e.x demon clan.. We use sake.."

Ah..Sake.. So he used sake.. No wonder my body felt warm..

"…and a small amount of aphrodisiac, special medicine to boost libido and another one to make you feel extra lewd."

"What kind of things are you thinking of making?!?!?!"

"Fufu~ I"m thinking of giving it to Maou-sama later, I"m sure you will become so delectable after you eat it but the one you ate is still a prototype. I added too much aphrodisiac in it so the effect might be a bit too effective."

Suddenly, my "son" grew bigger in my pants even though I didn"t touch it in the slightest.

My body also became hot once again, dammit this chocolate! Why is it so friggin" effective??

"Young master, regarding our plan for the next demon to conceive…."

At that time, Velke went into the kitchen.

My body felt heavy like someone was pinning me down.

I whimpered weakly for Velke"s name and spread my arms out, pleading Velke to carry me in his arms.  "Ve-Velke…Velke.."

I had a hunch this perverted incubus would eat me up if I stayed with him.

Of course Velke immediately hugged me and pulled me up in a hug without any hesitation.

"What"s happening here?" Velke asked.

"Maou-sama ate sweets with sake in it."

"What! Young master"s body is still of a child!!!"

"It was an accident. Rather than that, Maou-sama do you feel any discomfort? I will take full responsibility in comforting you if you want~"

"Your help is unnecessary. I will think of a way." Velke replied curtly.

Ugh.. I wish they would stop arguing and take me to bed already..


Velke exited the kitchen, brought me to his room and put me on top of his bed gently.

"Young master, are you alright?"

"Ah.. "m not.. F-ine.."

Dammit.. My head is spinning and my body is scorching hot I feel like my mind is melting away..



Velke encircled me into his embrace and the aching sensation vibrated all over my body.

It was painful… It was frustrating.. My emotions was spiralling out of control..

"Velke.. My body.. Is burning…Please..Comfort me.."

"By that.. Do you mean you want me to embrace you..?"

I could feel my body was boiling from within, my vision was dyed in red.

I couldn"t think properly, my rational thought already long gone when the unbearable heat impaled me from within.

"Mess me up.." I breathed out.

"Affirmative." Velke whispered sweetly into my ear, making me tremble in excitement.


Velke threw my clothes off systematically and he roamed his hand all over my body ever so gently, like he was caressing a still water.

The place that Velke touched was burning, trail of scorching madness followed with each stroke.



"Harder.. Touch me more.."

Velke was touching me like I was a fragile porcelain but that was not what my body desired.

I wanted him to rough me up, to grab every corner of my body until it hurt.

More.. Harder.. Stronger..

From my chest, my back and down to my thighs.. Velke explored every inch of my skin with his nimble finger curiously before he started to gnaw on my sensitive body.

"Ah!!" I cried out as my body spasmed in delight, jolts of electricity ran up to me.

Velke didn"t even come near my d.i.c.k but I came untouched when he bite into my skin.

"Maou-sama.. So sensitive..Every part of you is.. So utterly sweet.."

"More..More.. Touch me more..!"

I didn"t even know what I was saying anymore.

Threads of warm white c.u.m pooled on my stomach but I was nowhere close to finished.

I was still squirting, that d.a.m.ned chocolate was stronger than I thought.

I craved for more touch, I wanted more release.

"Uugh.. I had just come but I"m still not satisfied…"

"I see. Then let us proceed."


Velke slipped his manhood into my a.n.u.s, breaking into my tight wall of muscle.

Because of the aphrodisiac my body became utterly lewd.

The pain from my inside being stretched out so suddenly was nothing but pleasurable.

Velke slowly inched his shaft in, he was not fully sheathed in yet.

I could feel myself contracting with each movement, as if my whole body was begging him to fill me up more wordlessly.

When the bulbous head was finally in, Velke paused his ministrations.

Giving me a moment to take a breather.


"But young master, you"re still not used to it yet.." Velke warned.

"It"s fine.. Hurry up.."

It"s fine even if you break me, I want Velke"s burning rod inside of me soon.

After receiving desperate pleas from me, Velke nodded in confirmation and started to thrust his hips, filling me to the brim with his hot shaft.

He pistoned in and out of me, each pull wrecked me from the inside out.

Both pain and pleasure were mixing together, my brain became muddled from all the burning sensation.

"More..! More..! Angh..! Haa!"

"Young master.. Anymore than this will put a burden on your body.. Ngh-!"

Velke"s blunt tip rubbed on my r.e.c.t.u.m,  he arched his hips as he came deep inside of me, coating my walls with his hot c.u.m.

"Ngh- S-Sho good! Hy-ah…! Ngh–! Feels gh-ood! Ahng..!"

My intoxicated mind kept on searching for release ,for more friction, for more pleasure.. More and more..

I just couldn"t get enough..

My body was in pain and aching. I didn"t even understand why is this happening to me.

"Hy-ah..! Ah..!"

"Is it enough..?"

"No! More..Ngh-!"

Velke pressed me down to the mattress with his body, enveloping me with his warmth and picked up his pace once again.

The bed was creaking under the pressure as Velke snapped his hips forward, rubbing my pleasure spot with each thrust.

"I… What the h.e.l.l am I doing here..!" I yelled in desperation.

"Young master.."

Large drop of tears stained the sheet below me, my vision became blurry as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Suddenly.. I.. Became the Maou.. And.. Being told.. Revive.. The demonkind.. Why..Why is this happening to me.."

I poured all the thoughts that had clogged up my heart.

The dam broke and everything spilled out of control.

"That"s right.. I"m a boy you know! Why… Why do I have to be embraced!"

I sniffedd angrily, my nose was clogged, it was hard to breathe but I just had to let it all go.

"Young master.."

"I hate it.. I know I was a human before.. But I don"t have any past memories.. I don"t know what kind of human I was before.. I don"t know who I am exactly.. I .. Don"t know anything.. But.. I suddenly.. Transported to this world.. Suddenly.. "System" told me I"m the maou.. System pushed all the responsibilities to me..Ugh.. Hic-"

"I see.."

"All these beast.. Violating me.. It"s scary.. Uuh.. I don"t even understand.. It"s scary.. Uuuwah!"

I wailed,crying my heart out to Velke.

"Young master.."

"And you.. Does your d.i.c.k really have to be that big?? Everyone.. Everyone"s d.i.c.k is also so f.u.c.king big.. My body keep being torn apart because of how big you guys are!"

"That.. I apologize."

"H-anggh..! W-why are you getting bigger?!"

"I apologize."

Suddenly Velke"s shaft who was already big to begin with, grew even bigger inside me.

"I don"t want this.. This.. It"s painful.. Why..Why do I have to keep being embraced.. Isn"t.. Isn"t fine if it"s not me? Why does it have to be me? Uuuuwah!"

"Young master.."

"I.. Why do I have to do all of this.."

Tears overflowed, my eyes feel hot, my chest constricted with each breath I took.  

"Do you want to stop?" Velke asked.

"Hicc.. Hm? What?"

"If it"s painful then I will hide you from everything."

"What are you talking about?"

"If you want to stop being the maou, the two of us can go and live quietly together. Away from all of this."

"Hick.." I sniffed as I processed Velke"s offer.

"I will protect you with all my life." Velke whispered, there was no hesitation in each syllable.

That.. That is a really tempting offer..


"I"m not going to stop."

"Young master.."

"It is my duty."

"Young master.."

"Of course there"s time when I feel like I want to die already.. It hurts but.. I am needed here. Everyone is really kind.. I.. like everyone.."

"Young master.."

"After all …."

An image of a young boy with jade green eyes came into my mind.

"After all I"m the maou.""

That"s right. My days are not filled with rainbows and sun. It"s hard. It"s painful. There"s also the time when I feel so.. So sad. But even then.. I am the maou.

Everyone still needs their maou. I"m not going to run away from my duty.

"I see."

Velke looked relieved and disappointed at the same time.

"Your offer is very tempting but.. I"m sorry I will have to decline."

"When I first met you, I was charmed almost instantly. Ah.. That"s right. I"m glad I haven"t made a mistake. You"re definitely the master that I can proudly serve."

Velke pressed his body close to me, I could feel his heartbeat resonating with mine.

"In the future, if you ever think of running away.. I will prepare the necessary arrangement without fail. Please don"t forget it." Velke said as he kissed my forehead, the brief touch felt soft and fluttery.

"And now.. It is my duty to bring comfort to you.."


The bulging erection inside of me started to move once again, the tip rubbed on the walls of my r.e.c.t.u.m.

The slight burns of stretch felt so good, it was painful but good nevertheless.

"More.." I breathed out between long pants.


The bed creaked from the intense pounding as Velke bringing me to the edge of pleasure.

Velke pushed his shaft so deep he reached my "s" colon, reshaping it to his d.i.c.k.

Each spot that Velke rubbed felt so incredibly good, my body spasmed with each movement.


"Young master.. Young master.."

"More! Ngh..! More!"

As Velke increased his pace, the shape of his enormous d.i.c.k was visible on my stomach.

There was prominent bulge on my flat stomach as a result to Velke slamming me with his d.i.c.k to oblivion.  

The vigorous pounding brought me closer to the edge but the burning heat in my body showed no sign of dissipating.

Velke"s shaft swelled, a clear sign that he was close to burst.

His d.i.c.k pushed through, breaching up to my r.e.c.t.u.m up to my intestine.

Litany of l.u.s.t echoed in the room, I moaned out loud even when my throat felt sore from all the crying and screaming.

"Young master.. I"m coming.."

A pair of strong arms encircled around my waist and Velke arched his hips out, making sure he was as deep as he could to impregnate me.

I whimpered as I could feel the familiar sensation of thick, hot s.e.m.e.n splashed in my womb.


S-six.. I remembered we did it six times.

Ah.. More like I couldn"t remember anything after the sixth round.

Strange, Velke used to wake up before me but he was still deep asleep now.

His beautiful face was marked with tiredness, an unusual sight to behold since Velke always looked so sharp and almost ethereal.

Ah.. I really did wring him dry huh.. No wonder he looked so tired..

Of course I felt dead tired as well.

I couldn"t even lift a finger.

And.. My head felt groggy and heavy.. So this was what hangover felt like..

Hey system.


Not that.


You told me.. You chose me as the maou because I was the most suitable one at that time, right?


Then one day I will make it so everyone can see that if it"s not me then, there"s no one else fit to be the maou.

If it"s not me.. If it"s not my soul then nothing can be the maou. I will prove it to you.



System seemed to say something but suddenly my head throbbed in pain, I couldn"t hear what system was saying anymore. It must be because of the sake in the chocolate that I had. Hangover was a pain…


T/N: Soooo we can see VelkexMaou again finally! I"m so happy~~~

Chapter 31 (not yet)

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