The Devil's Origin

Chapter 31 : Roundtable Meeting

Chapter 31 : Roundtable Meeting

T/N: I"m still alive! No, I don"t have any plan in abandoning this novel but if anyone want to take this off my plate, just say so! I won"t get possessive or anything.


One day a sudden idea came across the hero"s mind. 

That"s right, I should go visit Mao-tan.

The hero stood from his seat, prepared to go. 

"Hero-dono, where are you going?"

"No, no where." 

Right. I"m still in the middle of a meeting..  

Next time, I will visit Mao-tan next time for sure! Definitely! (For sure!)


–  Roundtable Meeting –

"Well then, each and every one of you must be wondering why I gathered you here. Due to the influx of demonkind in Maou"s Castle I"ve decided to hold a meeting to discuss about the various things in Maou Castle."

On the first floor of Maou"s Castle, everyone had been sitting around a big circular table. 

I had thought that it"d be nice to have a place where everyone can gather and discuss about something. 

Yeah, a roundtable meeting! Ah! This situation looks like a real roundtable meeting! I"m so excited!

"Tch. How annoying." 

The one that had voiced his blantan disapproval was none other than Alex. He had his feet on the table and a scowl on his face. 

"Allexius-dono, you"re in front of Maou-sama. Please mind your manner." Sybyll chided Alex"s rude remark. 

"Then without any further delay, I will appoint Velke as our leader! Any objection? No? Okay please proceed, Velke."

"Understood. Let us talk about the management of Maou"s Castle. Collin, please present your report to us." Velke as the leader asked Collin.

Collin in return stepped forward and started,"Well first, our expenditure and revenue is a little bit.. Difficult to say the least. Currently we"ve had profitable trade so far but our saving is still too small. I think we still need to live frugally in order to increase our savings. Furthermore.. It saddens me to see that maou"s castle doesn"t have any treasure chamber. At the very least I want maou"s castle to have precious jewel stored if possible.." 

Velke nodded at Collin"s explanation and continued,"Then the next one is the report about search of other demonkind. Allexius."

"I found three demon in an island on the west and two demon in a mountain on the east."

"I see. What kind of demon are they?"

"Err… Ermm…. One demon with a horn.. Another one with a horn.. And several demon with two legs.. That"s about it." 

"…………….. Can you give us more detailed explanation?"

"That"s the best I can do. I can"t remember anything other than that." 

"Then.. Those demon hasn"t made an appearance in the maou"s castle yet, right?"

"Argh! So annoying! I"m going to sleep, wake me up when you"re done!" 

"You! I"m going to kill you!" 

"Huh?! You wanna fight?! Have at me!"

The situation between Velke and Allex turned dire. 

I was confused at the sudden turn of events but I hurriedly tried to mediate the two of them. 

"Now, now. We will get to know what kind of demon are they when they arrive. Thank you for your hard work, Allex!"

"You can thank me with your body." 

"S-stop s.e.xual harra.s.sing me in front of everyone like this!" 

I didn"t know whether he was being serious or joking.. Ah. Probably he was being dead serious about it though. 

"Ehem. The next one is the report of revitalizing the population of demonkind which is the one I"m in charge of. The dryad"s children is growing up nicely. I"m planning on reintroducing them in Moonlight Lake but since they"re still young and don"t have any means to protect themselves from human, I will need to cast glamour on Moonlight Forest to protect them. Joe, Jill I need your help to cast the magic please." 

"At your will."


"We will execute the plan in three days. I need you two to keep your schedule open on that day." 

"Ah right, Velke what about the slime, dire wolf and tentacle demon"s child that we"ve reintroduced before?"

"They"ve established their footing quite nicely. The one that we"ve reintroduced after them also able to blend with the pack without any problem." 

"I"m glad. It seems like they"re able to live peacefully without being caught up by the human then?"

"That"s right. I"ve also cast a glamour for their protection just in case something unexpected happened."

Ah what a relief. I"m happy to know that my children are doing well by themselves.

"The next one is regarding the matter of the castle"s defence. Chaos." 

"During the day me and Sybyll conducts daily combat training. Recently Lexus also joined our training. After that then we have beginner swordsmans.h.i.+p lesson with the children. Currently we have 40 children joining us. I believe they will become a valuable a.s.set for the castle"s defence." 

Ah I see so the castle"s guard will increase one day. I"m glad. 

"The next one is regarding the castle"s magic department. Jill, Joe." 

"There"s no problem." 

"Oi, Jill you need to elaborate more! We"ve surrounded the castle with glamour perfectly. The human no, even the hero won"t be able to find us for sure." 

"There"s no problem with the next generation sorcerer." 

"…Regarding with the next generation sorcerer we currently have 50 children in training. The velluclesis children is especially gifted in magic. No matter whether it"s a common or specialized magic, they can learn it faster than other children." 

"I see.. I didn"t expect that my children will show such gap compared to the other"s children." 

"Well in overall their magic power is twice as powerful compared to the other"s."

Ooh amazing. They"re still talented like Velke even though they were born from me. 

"Then the next one is regarding the castle"s food and supplies. Elk."

"The inhabitants of the castle keeps on increasing so I"m worried about our supplies. If by any chance the castle went into war, we wouldn"t have enough food to supply everyone." 

"I see.. Then we will need to increase the budget for our food and match it accordingly with our yearly expenses. Can you please provide me with the detailed list of food you"ll need later?" Collin said. 

"Yes, Collin-dono. I will give it to you later ah and another thing.." Elk trailed with a troubled look on his face. 

"Allexius-dono is a glutton and his appet.i.te is simply endless, he can wipes all the food I prepared in seconds because of that.. Please take care of your own kibble by yourselves, Allexius-dono." 


"That"s all from me." 

Elk ended his turn smoothly without giving any chance for Allexius to defend himself. 

Allexius could only slumped his shoulder in defeat. 

"Thank you, Elk. I think we"ve covered almost all of the castle"s report with this. Does anyone else have anything to add?" Velke looked around the room.

Collin raised his hand," I received reports from Elk that the sweets he had prepared in the castle often mysteriously disappeared. Can the said criminals raised their hand and confessed their sin to us?" 

"Ah, that"s me." I answered while raising my hand. 

"Are you also the one behind the disappearance of the ice cream in the freezer?"

"Yes, that"s my " 

"Why didn"t you ask for sweets if you wanted for more?? Sneaking a bite like a thief like this is not a good thing to do, Maou!" 

"Uuuh… But it"s embarra.s.sing to keep asking each and every time…" 

"Shouldn"t you be more ashamed to be exposed in a public meeting like this?!?!" 

Uuuh.. Collin snapped.


Copper raised his hand," Err…Err..I was cleaning the castle and..! In the east side of the castle I found a broken wall.. I wonder who did that?" 

""Ah.."" The twin dark elves started in unison. 

"Sorry, it"s our fault." 

"We were trying to kill each other off." 

"I won"t ask you two to stop fighting but please keep the damage to a minimum!"


These two twin.. I couldn"t help but wonder whether they"re in good terms or bad terms with each other..


"Next? No one? Well then, Maou-sama." 

"Please keep on continuing the good job in your daily task. If you encounter any trouble, don"t hesitate to come to Velke or me. Well then, that"s all. Dismissed." 

"With this, our meeting is officially over."

I stretched my stiff muscles after Velke announced the end of the meeting. 

Ah, holding a meeting truly made me feel like we"ve become a proper organization or some sort!

Then I returned to my own room to rest. 

Some of the demonkind were still sitting in the meeting room after Maou left. 

"Now that Maou-sama has left, let us begin the temporary impeachment trial. I, Chaos will become our moderator for today"s trial." 

""No objection.""

"Oh?" Velke looked surprised to see the twins demon agreed easily. 

"Now then, defendant Velke-dono we"re giving you one last chance to plead your case. Do you have anything to say to us?"

"What am I accused for?"

"You"ve been accused of monopolizing Maou-sama"s time. The other resident of maou"s castle have voiced their disapproval as well. Are you trying to say you have no recollection of doing any of the accused crime?"

"….Hmm…" Velke hummed. 

"Here"s our first witness. Collin-dono, please give us your statement." 

"He"s always, alwaysss stick close to Maou-sama and whenever I want to try to talk to Maou-sama he will brush me off saying I was an annoyance!" 

"Our second witness, Copper-dono. Please give us your statement."

"I wanted to help Maou-sama in any way I can but Velke-sama never give me any chance to do so! I"m so jealous! I also want to a.s.sist Maou-sama!" 

"Third witness, Lexus-dono. Please give us your statement."

"Hiii! Skipp! Skip me! If I were to say anything now I wonder what will happen to me…No! Nothing! I"m very satisfied with my current condition!" 

"Okay then fourth witness, Elk-dono. Please give us your statement." 

"He took a very long time when attending to Maou-sama! It is not an exaggeration to say he"s been monopolizing Maou-sama"s time!" 

The other demonkind started to say "That"s right!" between themselves, they became unruly. 

"Silence! I"ve received the witness" statement and with this I hereby declare Velke-dono to reduce his time together with Maou-sama to avoid more monopoly! Velke-dono do you have anything to say about this?" 

"Hmm.. I wonder about that.." Velke looked very calm despite all the demon was blatantly displaying their dissatisfaction.

"First and foremost, I"m the first demon that made a pact with Maou-sama. If we"re talking about the total duration of time I had spent with Maou-sama of course I will have more time compared to you guys. I was Maou-sama first man, or should I say I met Maou-sama when he was still a virgin. The bond between us was immediate and deep so it"s understandable for me to be with him since he trusts me greatly." Velke said, there was no hint of hesitation in his eyes. 

"Second, regarding a.s.sisting Maou-sama, truth to be told my intention to a.s.sist him was nothing but pure. I exist to comfort Maou-sama afterall. During the night, Maou-sama would ask me to become his pillow and of course I can do nothing but comply. Can you guys tell me right in front of my face that you guys won"t give in to your l.u.s.t when you see how delectable Maou-sama looks like? Or how good he smells?? Are you guys truly sure you can keep your libido to yourself??" 

All the bickering demon turned silent and cast their gaze downward at Velke"s question. 

Of course that"d be impossible, there was no way they could resist the temptation to push Maou-sama down. 

"Third.. This is the most important thing ―――――  that"s Maou-sama"s wish. That"s all from me."

The demon became restless again after Velke finished his sentence. 

"But still, it"s unfair for you to monopolize Maou-sama like that.." Collin pouted.

"That"s right! We want to do that kind of thing or this kind of thing with Maou-sama as well!" Copper said with vigor. 

"Uuuuh.. I"m so jealous! I also want to snuggle with Maou-sama!" Sybyll joined. 

Velke stood up and calmly said,"If it"s like that then… Come. You need to defeat me first."

That was right, Velke was the second strongest demon in the castle. 

The demon grew even more restless and boo-ed at Velke. 

"Silence! Alexius-dono, what do you think of this circ.u.mstances?"


Chaos asked Alex, the strongest demon in the castle. 

"I don"t really care. When I want to do it with Maou then I will do it. I don"t care if he monopolize Maou or whatever." 

The demon slumped their shoulder dejectedly. 

Right, their libido could be left dissatisfied but they knew they were no match for Velke. 

"I don"t see any point in continuing this futile discussion. Can we please wrap this up now?" Velke asked. 

"O-oh. *cough* Okay! I will state the result of the first temporary impeachment trial now! Due to the lack of evidence, Velke-dono receive no punishment at all. With this, the trial has officially ended." 

The demon left their seat while pouting and grunted. 

Next time.. Next time we will get him for sure!

They nodded to themselves to prepare better evidence next time. 


"Now Velke, give me your arms!" 

Maou thumped on the bed, asking the demon to lent his arm as Maou"s pillow. 


Not only the Maou physically looked like a child, he also acted like one. 

The Maou wouldn"t take "no" for an answer. 

"Ah, that"s right, I didn"t see everyone after the meeting has ended. Did something happen?"

Maou tilted his head in confusion while Velke took a moment to think before he replied,"No, nothing happened." 

With the subject dropped, Maou and Velke slept together with Velke lending his arm as Maou"s pillow. 


T/N: I"m sorry but I"m still busy with my wedding preparations so update will be superrr delayed!~ I will do my best after my wedding (it"s at the end of July so currently my I"m at my busiest state now) Yes, it"s my wedding! I"m getting married!~ 

Chapter 32 (not yet)

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