The Devil's Origin

Chapter 6 >>

The Next Monster

While floating between consciousness and unconsciousness, I realized that this was the second time I was waking up in the arms of a worried-looking Velke. In the lukewarm pool, with a large egg beside us, I was lying in a handsome man’s embrace; it was a pleasant surprise.

<>< congratulations!="" you="" have="" successfully="" given="" birth.="" after="" some="" time,="" the="" velluclesis="" egg="" will="" hatch.="" the="" fountain="" of="" life="" acts="" as="" the="" devil’s="" womb="" through="" magic.="" if="" you="" lay="" eggs="" here,="" they="" will="" hatch.="" also,="" because="" the="" velluclesis="" is="" a="" much="" higher="" level="" than="" you,="" there="" is="" only="" one="" egg,="" but="" as="" your="" level="" increases,="" so="" will="" the="" number="" of="" eggs,="" so="" please="" do="" your="" best!=""> >

Alright … what’s going to happen to me if I have more of these huge eggs …

Well, Velke’s looking at the egg like nothing else in the world matters, so maybe it would be better to have more …

<>< now,="" what="" monster="" will="" you="" mate="" with="" next?=""> >

Next … well, I’d like another humanoid, please. And, if it’s possible, I’d prefer one that’s not so overwhelmingly powerful.

<>< what="" are="" you="" saying?="" from="" now="" on,="" you="" must="" bring="" your="" potential="" mates="" to="" you.=""> >

System’s words leave me speechless.

<>< do="" you="" remember?="" you="" were="" only="" able="" to="" select="" and="" teleport="" to="" your="" first="" partner.="" now,="" you="" must="" find="" a="" mate="" on="" your="" own.="" your="" power="" as="" the="" devil="" is="" still="" fragile,="" and="" most="" monsters="" will="" not="" be="" loyal="" to="" you.="" you="" have="" no="" choice="" but="" to="" mate="" with="" low-level="" monsters.=""> >

How do I find low-level monsters?

<>< you="" possess="" lvl.="" 5「perception」which="" you="" can="" use="" to="" search="" for="" monsters="" in="" your="" vicinity.="" you="" can="" call="" them="" using="" your="" lvl.="" 10「devil’s="" command」skill.="" you="" can="" only="" use「devil’s="" command」on="" monsters="" whose="" strength="" is="" lower="" than="" your="" own.="" if="" you="" use="" the="" 「devil’s="" command」skill,="" you="" can="" make="" them="" your="" subordinates.=""> >

Alright … I guess it’s important that I remember to use these skills … but is there a reason I have to go looking for monsters on foot . . ?

As instructed by System, I activated the「Perception」skill. Surprisingly, there were three reactions in the immediate vicinity.

● SLIME ●     [ Level 1 ]

● ORC ●     [ Level 8 ]

● DIRE WOLF ●     [ Level 10 ]

Impossible, impossible, impossible! No way!

<>< you="" will="" have="" to="" mate="" with="" them="" all="" eventually.=""> >

Ignoring the words of System who said such troublesome things, I …

“Velke, please prepare a bed in the next room.”

“Yes, my lord.”

I decided to go to sleep and escape from reality.

When I woke up the next day, I was still the Demon King. Oh, well …

I slipped my finger inside me again and determined that no traces remained from yesterday’s intercourse. Is this the power of the「Regeneration」skill?

After getting up, Velke helped me prepare. I discovered I could adjust the Devil’s Castle, which now had a total of three rooms. I decided to put the Fountain of Life in the innermost room, with my room on one side and Velke’s room on the other. Velke’s going to watch the egg in the room with the fountain when he’s not busy with other things.

Now, the reality I escaped from is back.

I activate 「Perception」.

Lvl. 1 Slime, lvl. 8 Orc, lvl. 10 Dire Wolf.

The options haven’t changed. Between the three of them, I have to choose …

Going off the erotic books and various other sources from my past life, I have a vague idea of how to deal with a certain one …

<>< you="" acquired="" knowledge="" on="" mating="" with="" a="" slime="" in="" your="" previous="" life.=""> >

I wish I didn’t know. It was just p.o.r.n; I thought it was something that could only happen online.

Upon invoking the「Devil’s Command」skill, the Slime apparently started making its way towards the castle


When I peek into the fountain room, Velke looks up curiously.

“I’ll be attending my duties as the Demon King in the next room, so if you happen to hear me crying, ignore it.”

“ … … I cannot accept that, my lord. If you call for help, what should I do?”

“Then, if I ask, please help me with all your power.”

I get the feeling that any monster that hurts me will become charcoal at the hands of Velke.

However, I am the Demon King. I am naturally superior to other monsters, and I’m not at all disadvantaged … I hope.

“I understand.”

“Velke, I … I’d appreciate it if you didn’t look down on me for this.”

“I am eternally your servant, my lord, but I understand that you are destined for other monsters … I will get jealous, but I promise I will not disturb you.”(1)

Velke gazed at me with painful eyes. I’m glad he was my first. I know it’s an inconvenience for him, but I’m glad he’ll be my guardian, too.

Now, my next partner will be a Slime.

I tortured myself over this line!! I just can’t figure out a better way to say this. This is the original text; “私は、魔王の物だ。しかし魔王は魔族全体のもの……嫉妬はするだろうが、主の邪魔はしないと約束しよう”.

I’m glad you’re all enjoying The Devil’s Origin! There’s something I’d like to ask you readers; do you prefer the way the chapter index is set up right now, with each chapter listed as it is released, or would you prefer I list all the chapters t.i.tles even without releasing the chapters themselves? Please let me know in the comments!

          ~ ~ ~          Chapter 6 >>

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