The Devil's Origin

Chapter 33 : Dwarf

Chapter 33 : Dwarf

T/N: I already said it on another translation of mine but I will say it here anyway. I"m.. pregnant! I"m still in my early trimester and I feel nothing but.. Pain. I feel dizzy, nauseous and lethargic all the time. I don"t have energy to do anything but if I don"t do anything, I"d get stressed instead. I need to eat but I don"t have any appet.i.te, I tried to force myself to eat but I will puke it again in the end. I keep on losing weight because of this, I already eat much more food than usual (compared to my diet before pregnancy) but I can"t keep the food inside me for long. Ah….. 


"Are you the Maou?"

On that day, a man with the same height as me but with rough looking face came to the audience room. 


The dwarf before me had the typical dwarf appearance that I used to see in the game. 

He had beard all over his face and bulky, short stature. 

But despite his height, he was good looking. 

Unlike Velke"s fragile, ethereal beauty, the dwarf had this certain charisma, like a good wine that ripened with age.

"That"s right." I answered. 

"What a feeble looking brat." The dwarf scoffed. 

Beside me, I could feel Velke was seething in anger. 

Well….. The dwarf was right though… I couldn"t say anything against it. 

"What"s your name?" I asked, trying to divert the topic. 

"My name"s Lugrant."

"Lugrant!!" Collin who had been silently watching us suddenly exclaimed. 

"Do you know him?" 

"It"s the legendary dwarf craftsmant, Lugrant!! He"s the creator of the legendary sword Luwarts and Zephyrant! All of his creation is nothing but first cla.s.s goods! His equipment often hidden in the deepest chamber of a difficult dungeon! The current market value of Lugrant"s creation no matter what it is, always exceeds 10 million!" Collin rattled on excitedly, his tail was swinging in full speed. 

"Humph, noisy brat." Lugrant, the dwarf said. 

"So? Are you here to swear your loyalty to me?" I asked. 

"Swearing loyalty to feeble brat like you is ridiculous but I had no other choice. If I don"t do it, the dwarf clan will become extinct."

"I see. Well then as a reward for swearing your loyalty to me, I will grant you a family."

As an answer, Lugrant snorted nonchalantly as if he couldn"t care less.


By looking at Lugrant"s face, I could see he was feeling very reluctant about this. 

He was here out of obligation, not because he wished to be. 

I took off my clothes as we arrived at the mating room. 

Lugrant stared at my naked body silently. 

His face looked so torn as if the bed was filled with sharp nails, ready to pierce through him. 

"Feeble brat." 

W-well I"m sorry for having such feeble looking body! It"s not like I can do anything about it you know! 

I sighed. 

"With a body like that, it feels like you"re going to break if I put this jewel on you." Lugrant said as he retrieved something from the pouch on his waist. 

I squinted my eyes to get a better look, it looked like an earring with a deep blood red ruby on it. 

And then without giving me any second to gather my thoughts, Lugrant pierced a hole in my earlobe with a needle.


The short, stinging pain made me flinch. 

"Wait, I need to do the other side too." 

Lugrant said before he once again pierced my other ear with a needle. 

Blood started to flow from my pierced ears, my head feels lightheaded when I saw the stained bed. 

Still not satisfied, Lugrant started to fondle my nipples. 

"W-what are you going to do?!" 

"I"m decorating this feeble body of course. You should feel honored." 

Lugrant then pierced my nipple but this time, he used a huge sapphire instead of rubies like the one he used for my ear. 

I thrashed violently but Lugrant easily grabbed both of my arms and tied it together. 

"S-stop it! I don"t want it! Ugh.."

All the places that he pierced throbbed painfully, the skin around it felt wet from what I a.s.sumed my own blood. 

Even though my right nipple was still throbbing in pain, Lugrant started to pierce my right nipple and put the same sapphire jewel on it as well. 


Without even asking for my consent, Lugrant pierced my body as he wished. 

The pain was unbelievable, sharp, stinging pain shot right through my head, I tried to catch my breath but it was no use, it was too painful. 

I tried to bite my lips to distract myself but the pain was too overwhelming. 

Drops of tears coated my pale face but Lugrant didn"t seem to care.

With a grunt, Lugrant took out another what I a.s.sume was another piercing from his pouch. 

The rod was longer and thinner than the other piercing he had used to me. 

"As expected, I need to pierce this part as well." 

A pair of calloused hand grabbed onto my manhood tightly, facing the shaft upward. 

I-it can"t be!

"No! Stop it! Not that place! Anything but that place!! Stop it!!" 

Ignoring my desperate pleas, Lugrant pointed the piercing onto the tip of my d.i.c.k and stabbed through my sensitive shaft without hesitation. 


The long and thin piercing went through my urethra up, filling my shaft with its cold metallic taste. 

The jewel was dangling on the tip of my blunt head, swinging back and forth as if it was mocking me. 

My brain couldn"t comprehend how did that long rod could fit into my small p.e.n.i.s. 


Looking at my pitifully decorated body, Lugrant finally let out a satisfied hum. 

"The jewels suit you as expected. When I first looked at your feeble body, I knew your body would look good with those jewels decorating it. Looking at the final result, I feel nothing but satisfaction. Yeah, the jewel truly suits you." 

This time, Lugrant took out all the remaining jewels from his pouch. 

Surprisingly, there was a lot of jewels left inside that tiny pouch. 

"It"s been my long life dream to be buried in my jewels. I know you will be able to fulfill my dream." 

W-what is he talking about?! 

One by one, Lugrant took the jewel into his hand and lined the cold, glistening stone on my entrance. 

N-No way! Is he really going to-!

A particularly large jewel was inserted into my dry hole without any preparation beforehand. 


I screamed at the sudden intrusion, my ever virgin hole was suddenly stretched by that large jewel. 

"Ohhh, nice.. You know, I"m doing this for your sake as well. Maou is the jewel of all demonkind so in a way, you"re like a jewel box. Being stuffed with jewel fits you perfectly."

Another jewel poked on my entrance again. 

"This alexandrite has been waiting forever to go into you too." 

Lugrant then pushed the alexandrite into me. 

The jewels clanking against each other inside my velvety cave. 


"Agh-… Ngh… Ah… Haaa!"

I didn"t know how many jewels were inside of my anymore. 

I had lost count since the third? Or was it the fourth one? 

Each time I moved my body, even for a tiny fraction, the jewels will graze against another. 

My stomach was distended grotesquely since the various shapes of jewel was filling me to the brim. 

Lugrant looked very pleased with himself, his short but thick manhood stood proudly against his stomach. 

"My dreams of being surrounded by my jewels and the jewel box like Maou.. I can finally realize my dream now."

Even though I was already stuffed full with all those jewels, Lugrant still pushed his p.e.n.i.s into me. 


Some of the jewels went inside my colon as Lugrant pushed his hips down. 

Each time Lugrant thrusted in me, the jewels inside me scattered all over the place, messing with my body even more. 

"Gh-ua! Agh! Nghh!! Argh!! Aaaa!!"

My body felt feverish, the cold jewels provided me with no comfort at all. 

I had trouble breathing, the pain was everywhere, inside and out of my body. 

I couldn"t focus on anything but the pain, it was all over the place, it was everywhere, everything was painful. 

Yet, despite all the pain, my p.e.n.i.s was still responding. 

I wanted to come but the rod inside my p.e.n.i.s prevented me from coming. 

I felt like bursting from inside out, I felt very full, abnormally full. 

"Oohh.. This tightness.. Amazing.. You"re on the same level as legendary treasure.."

Lugrant quickened his pace, the pain intensified by tenfold thanks to his newfound vigor. 

It was painful, very, very painful but each time the jewels grazed on my sensitive spot, my p.e.n.i.s twitched in pleasure. 

Both pleasure and pain mixed together like a muddy cloud inside me. 

"Ghu! Arghh! Nghh! Ahng!! U-agh!" 

Lugrant simultaneously thrusted the piercing inside my p.e.n.i.s in and out.

My consciousness started to drift in and out yet Lugrant showed me no mercy. 

He still kept his brutal pace despite all of my screams and tears. 

"Ngh! I"m coming.." 

Lugrant pushed his thick d.i.c.k deep inside me as strings of thick, sticky s.e.m.e.n filled my inside. 

In addition to the colorful jewel inside me, a surge of white liquid also coated my womb. 


Lugrant brought me to the Fountain of Life where I could finally laid the eggs inside me. 

I pushed both the eggs and jewels out of me, I could finally have a room to breathe. 

Lugrant on the other side, was looking at me intensely, his eyes never blinked even once. 

"Both the eggs and jewels is pouring out from such tiny hole.. This.. This sight truly brings me a great creative surge like no other!" 

I had been giving birth in this fountain for so many times that I had gotten used to it a long time ago already but when Lugrant practically imprinting this sight into his memories forever, I felt very embarra.s.sed. 

Somehow I could feel him licking my body all over even though he was only staring at me. 

Ah, I wish he would take all this piercings off.. My ears and nipple feels sore. 

Lugrant already took the piercings on my p.e.n.i.s when we were mating, I couldn"t really remember pinpoint when since my memories was still cloudy. 

"Hey, Lugrant! Is it alright if I take all these jewels??" Collin asked. 

Collin, he was also looking at me intensely but his gaze held entirely different meaning compared to Lugrant. 

I could visually see his eyes s.h.i.+ning with gold. 

"I have no interest in the finished product. Ah but you can"t take the jewels on Maou"s piercing. It"s Maou"s, not yours." 

"Ohh! Okay okay! So the jewels that Maou had poured is fine for me to take! Nice!!"

Collin then started to urge me to give birth faster. 

Thi-this f.u.c.ker…..


Despite calling me feeble, Lugrant actually took a liking to me. 

He kept coming to the castle and when he looked at my body, he would once again decorated me with jewels and piercing. 

Turned out, he created all those piercing by hand and when he looked at my decorated body, for some reason he would get sudden urge of creativeness to create more things. 

Which resulted in him returning back home to produce the said item and.. Decorated my body with it. 

I couldn"t help but feel anxious each time Lugrant visited me. 

Of course having a legendary craftsman helped our financial situation greatly but I didn"t want to imagine what kind of things will Lugrant decorated me with. 

Chapter 34 (not yet)

T/N: Poor Maou! I want gentle demon for him! Give me a gentle demon!! 

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