The divine protection that I got was a power that increase a girl level with s.e.m.e.n Chapter 5

“Mmm, Chiyupu, chiyupa”
“Mmm, Kyle-sama, 
“Hmmm, chupu”
“Please, touch here too. Ahh”
“Nnn fuu. Chupu, chupu”

I exchanged hot caress among the three brown girl one after another. While exchanging a soft kiss and touching the soft skin, in this present time I remember the past of how it came to this.
“Hey, Kyle-san”

The way to the village seem to be easy for Imu who was familiar, but for me it was a long journey filled with break in between severe road.

By the way Misha whose status was improved by s.e.m.e.n earlier, her body seem to be lighter now, I was seemed to be irritated that I was becoming a drag.

Meanwhile, I met eye with Misha many time during breaks when Imu came and talked to me. Somehow a “state” was acquired.

“In the cave a while ago what did you do to Misha”
“Eee, umm, what are you talking about…..?”
“That time, when Misha movement became so good that she able to repel the large centipede, it was Kyle-san power right”
Oh, well……”

When I stare into Imu eye directly unintentionally, her face got even closer.

“…… Well…….”

And so, I talked about the divine protection at last.

“I knew it ……Kyle-sama”
“Please lend me your power”
“Yes ?”

We who have arrived at the village were treated as benefactor who have help Imu. Misha mood seem to have gotten better after receiving good treatment. She doesn’t seem to have notice that I talked about the divine protection with Imu.

I alone was called to the village head in the evening.

“Kyle-sama. I heard the story from Imu. May I confirm the crest ?”

The village head lowered his head, I held out the crest which appeared on the inside of my arm while feeling uncomfortable about this village head. The contents are slightly embarra.s.sing.

“It is certainly as said.”
“Umm, how would I lend my power…… ?”

When I asked, the village head called out to outside the door. Then with Imu in the lead three girl entered and lined up beside the village head and sat down.

I waited for the word of the village head so as to not see the eyes of the girl who was somehow expecting thing to happen.

“Kyle-sama, Please. Please have s.e.x with these girls”
“……, Oh, COUGH COUGH. ……, Ah, Can you please tell me in detailed ?”

I choked on the expected development unintentionally, but decided to ask a detailed story before answering first of all.

“Yes. It was approximately four month ago now…..”

According to the story of the village head, 4 month ago, large spider monster called Arakune seem to settle down near the village. The monster understood human language, and demanded that they give a teenage girl if they do not want the village to be destroyed.

The Arakune demand the same for other nearby village, and for the first village that the Arakune visited was Muranaka but they resisted and in the end was completely eaten and destroyed. Therefore the other village could only obey the Arakune while in tears.

The girl that was chosen to be sacrifice to the Arakune, her family and lover challenged the subjugation of the Arakune but was killed and eaten. The villager in the vicinity contacted the nearby feudal lord for a subjugation request but a reply have not yet arrive.

“These daughter have already risen to level 2 by this year. If Kyle-sama would have s.e.x with them and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e into their wombs they would gain superior status and become level 4, it can obtain the power which even exceed a master of martial arts. If these three girl can pretend to be gifts for the Arakune, they can get near them and catch them off guard and surely be able to subdue it easily.”

I was restless hearing the story of the village head. As for that reason I have to have s.e.x with these three girls. Of course I never had s.e.x with a girl before. In the first place, the first time that my p.e.n.i.s was ever in a mouth was Misha.

But there was one thing that I did not understand from the village head story.

“Umm, isn’t it dangerous for those girls ?”

If the partner of the first experience died it would become a shock. Furthermore, it is because they relied on the power of my divine protection.

“Certainly it is dangerous. However these girl themselves have personally agreed to it. Also they would not challenge it to a fight suddenly, but will acquire training before the subjugation so that their power would improve.”
“Training ?”
“That is so. Therefore Kyle-sama could you have s.e.x with these three girls for 1 week, twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.”

2 e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n for one day X 3 person = 6 e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n in one day. And one week = 7 days. Though it seem to be a story from heaven, it is actually a story to squeeze my energy and suck me dry. There is another thing that I worry about.

“Well, this story, to Misha……”
“Of course, I promise to keep it a secret. Rather everyone in the village would keep it a secret. In addiction each village head will only speak about Kyle-sama divine protection in absolute secret beside several people including the village head.
“Is that so……”

I cast a side glance at the 3 girls in question frequently. All of them are slender and pretty girls with light-brown skin.

The first is Imu. It the girl that is slightly younger than me with the striking eyes. The hair is cut to around shoulder length. I notice that this girl is a different type of beautiful girl from Misha in my village.

The second girl give a feeling of being slightly older than Imu. Her hand and feet are long and seem to be quick, also I would mistake her for a boy if her hair is short because of her neutral appearance. But the original beauty after dressing up is standing out now.

The third girl who look to be younger than Imu conversely. She have a short and slightly roundish figure so she look even more childish. But because she is the same level as me, 2, there is a possibility that she is older than me. Anyway, this child would be number one if it was referring to being cute.

“How is it, Kyle-sama ?”
“Err, about the danger of pregnancy ?”
“Worrying about that is unnecessary. We can’t trouble Kyle-sama about that.”
“…… Ah, I understand. T, T, Thank you very much in advance.”

It was decided that for the next 7 days, I would be living a life of s.e.x with 3 brown beautiful girls.

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