Refining: (1) Purifying; (2) Purging; (3) Trial of faith; (4) Pa.s.sing through the fire of affliction to bring dross (sc.u.m, rubbish) to the surface; (5) Often the world is used to purify us; (6) G.o.d is with you through the fire; (7) G.o.d is refining you as gold.

(1) 1 Chron. 28:18; 29:4; (2) Mal. 3:3; (3) 1 Pet. 1:7 (KJV); Zech. 13:9; (4) Isa. 48:10; Mal. 3:2; (5) Deut. 4:20; (6) Isa. 43:2; (cf. Dan. 3:25); (7) Rev. 3:18.

Refrigerator: (1) Heart; (2) Cold person, church, or situation; (3) Feeding the flesh; (4) Sin; (5) No fire; (6) Without the Spirit; (7) Without love.

(1-2) Rev. 3:15; Matt. 24:12; (3) Phil. 3:19; 1 Cor. 6:13; (4) Matt. 24:12; (5) Lev. 6:13; (6) Matt. 25:8; (7) Matt. 24:12.

Refuge: (1) G.o.d; (2) Strong shelter from trouble/harm; (3) Place of security; (4) A fortress; (5) A place of trust; (6) A hiding place; (7) The fear of the Lord.

(1-2) Ps. 9:9; 14:6; 46:1; 59:16; 62:7-8; 717; 91:9-10; (3) Ps. 57:1; (4) Ps. 91:2; (5) Ps. 91:2; (6) Ps. 104:18; (7) Prov. 14:26.

Reluctance: (1) Guilt; (2) Sin; (3) Fear.

(1-3) Gen. 40:16.

Remote Control: (1) Laziness; (2) "Easy believism" without real works of service; (3) Someone else is calling the shots (puppet); (4) Non-committal/at a distance.

Also see b.u.t.ton Pushing and Remote Control Car.

(1) Judg. 18:9; Prov. 18:9; 21:25; (2) James 2:13; (3) 2 Kings 24:17; (4) Mark 14:54.

Remote Control Car: (1) Spirit-led ministry (G.o.d steering you); (2) Someone else steering you (controlling or manipulative person).

Also see Jezebel in Name and Place Dictionary and Remote Control.

(1) John 3:8; Rom. 8:14; (2) John 19:10-11.

Removal Van (Moving Van): (1) Moving out of the fleshly home into the spiritual one; (2) Ready to be born again (changing homes); (3) G.o.d wanting you to grow spiritually (come into victory); (4) Possible preparation for death (going to a heavenly home); (5) Actual physical move of home or church.

(1) Eph. 4:22; Col. 2:11; 3:8-10 (cf. 2 Cor.5:1); (2) Deut. 21:13; John 6:56; 14:15-17; (3) Ps. 30:11; (4) John 14:2-3; 2 Pet. 1:14; (5) Gen. 45:27.

Rendezvous: (1) Preplanned appointment.

(1) Esther 4:14b; John 4:3-4, 6-7.

Repeated Dream: (1) Urgency required (soon to be evident); (2) Confirmation of message from G.o.d; (3) G.o.d attempting to get your attention; (4) Faith-filled determination required; (5) Possible soul-tie (repeatedly dreaming about same person); (6) Issue not dealt with; (7) Tied to a vow/oath (may be same character in dreams repeatedly).

(1) Gen. 41:32; (2) Gen. 41:32; Matt. 18:16; (3) Gen. 22:11; Exod. 3:4; (4) Josh. 1:6-7, 9; (5) Prov. 26:11; (6) Matt. 18:34-35; (7) Num. 30:2; Prov. 6:2-5.

Repeated Words: (1) Important need of attentiona"particularly if your name is repeated; this is a call to turn aside and listen to G.o.d.

(1) Gen. 22:11; Exod. 3:4; Acts 9:4.

Reporter: (1) History.

(1) Esther 2:23; 6:1.

Rerun: (1) Repeating or covering old ground; (2) Dealing with past issues (unforgiveness); (3) Not growing in G.o.d.

(1) Mark 11:15-18 & John 2:13-22 (2) Matt. 18:24, 28; (3) Heb. 5:12-14.

Reserved: (1) Set aside for a particular task; (2) A set aside blessing; (3) Set aside for judgment; (4) Protected; (5) Hold or keep back.

(1) Isa. 49:2; Acts 9:15; 2 Tim. 2:20-21; (2) Gen. 27:36; 1 Pet. 1:4; (3) 2 Pet. 2:4, 9, 17; 3:7; Jude 1:6; (4) Rom. 11:4; (5) 2 Sam. 8:4 (KJV); Jer. 3:5 (KJV).

Reservoir: (1) G.o.d; (2) Holy Spirit ministry; (3) Holy Spirit not flowing.

Also see Cistern, Dam, and Pond.

(1) Jer. 10:13; (2) John 7:37-39; (3) 1 Thess. 5:19.

Rest: (1) Faith in the finished work of Christ; (2) Entry into the Kingdom; (3) Eternal security in the Presence of G.o.d; (4) Release of burdens; (5) Peace; (6) Sleep; (7) Refreshment; (8) Finding a home (good and evil); (9) Heart of person; (10) Trust; (11) No longer laboring; (12) The true spiritual union of G.o.d and people.

Also see Bed, Seven, and Sitting.

(1) Heb. 4:1-11; (2) Exod. 33:14; Heb. 3:11, 18; (3) Acts 2:26-28; (4) Matt. 11:28; 2 Thess. 1:7; (5) Matt. 11:29; Acts 9:31 (cf. KJV & NKJV); 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5; (6) John 11:13; (7) Mark 6:31; (8) Matt. 12:43; Luke 11:24; 2 Cor. 12:9; 1 Pet. 4:14; (9) Acts 7:49; (10) Rom. 2:17; (11) Rev. 14:13; (12) Acts 7:48-49.

Restaurant: (1) Heart (as the place of communion and fellowship with G.o.d); (2) Church; (3) Communion and fellowship; (4) In the confidence of someone; (5) Heaven.

See Meal, Sitting, and Table.

(1) Rev. 3:20; (2) 1 Cor. 11:20, 33-34; (3) Gen. 18:4-8; (4) Gen. 18:16-17; (5) Rev. 19:9.

Reunion: (1) Return to a former position; (2) Renewing an old a.s.sociation.

(1) John 6:66; Acts 7:39; Heb. 10:38; (2) Luke 15:20; Eph. 4:22.

Reverend: See Pastor and Priest.

Reversing Vehicle: (1) Backsliding; (2) Going over the past.

(1) Prov. 14:14; Jer. 2:19; Hos. 11:7; (2) Isa. 43:18; 65:17.

Revolver: See Pistol.

Rhino: (1) G.o.d (white rhino); (2) Africa.

Also see Elephant and Ivory/.

(1) Ps. 18:2; (2) By a.s.sociation.

Rib: (1) Heart; (2) Spiritual birth; (3) Bloodshed; (4) Wife.

(1) As the place of spiritual birth and due to the rib"s proximity to the heart; (2) (Gen. 2:21-23 & John 19:34); (3) 2 Sam. 2:23 (KJV); 3:27 (KJV); 4:6 (KJV); 20:10 (KJV); Dan. 7:5; (4) Gen. 2:21-23.

Ribbon: (1) Gift; (2) Finish line.

Also see Bookmark, Silver Cord (Silver Ribbon), and Ta.s.sel.

(1) Eph. 4:8; (2) 2 Tim. 4:7.

Rice: (1) The Word of G.o.d.

Also see Seed.

(1) Luke 8:11.

Rich/es: When you see riches in a dream or vision, it is important to understand: (1) There are two types of riches: heavenly and worldly. (2) The key is the state of the heart. Heavenly Riches include: (3) Fellowship with G.o.d; (4) G.o.d"s Glory; (5) Faith; (6) The inestimable and inexhaustible riches of Christ; (7) Goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering; (8) Wisdom and knowledge; (9) The gifts of the Spirit; (10) Understanding; (11) Forgiveness; (12) Mercy/love; (13) Grace. Worldly Riches: (14) May focus the heart on materialism; (15) Create a crowded heart which chokes faith; (16) Tend to selfreliance (trusting riches) instead of faith in G.o.d (making it difficult to enter the Kingdom); (17) Blind the heart to the spiritual dimension and the needs of others; (18) Lead hearts to look for the rewards here and now; (19) Earthly riches decay; (20) Deceive us into thinking we are rich when we are actually spiritually poor.

Also see Poor and Treasure.

(1) Luke 16:11; (2) Mark 12:41-44; Luke 19:2-10; (3) Heb. 11:26; (4) Rom. 9:23; Eph. 1:18; 3:16; Phil. 4:19; Col. 1:27; Rev. 3:17-18; (5) James 2:5; (6) Eph. 3:8; (7) Rom. 2:4; (8) Rom. 11:33; (9) Rom. 11:33 & 1 Cor. 12:8; (10) Col. 2:2; Rev. 3:17-18; (11) Eph. 1:7; (12) Eph. 2:4; (13) Eph. 2:7. (14) Luke 1:53; 6:24; 18:23-25; (15) Matt. 13:22; Mark 4:19; Luke 8:14; 1 Tim. 6:9; (16) Matt. 19:16, 23-24; Mark 10:23-25; 1 Tim. 6:17; (17) Luke 12:16-21; 16:19-31; James 2:6; Rev. 6:15-18; (18) Luke 6:24; 14:12-14; 1 Tim. 6:18-19; James 1:10-11; (19) James 5:1-3; (20) Rev. 3:17 (cf. Rev. 2:9); Rifle: See Bow, Shooting, and Sniper.

Right: (1) Strength; (2) Faith; (3) Spirit, blessed, or righteous direction; (4) Mouth; (5) Preferred, preeminence, above, before, double portion; (6) Authority; (7) Longevity; (8) Contentious woman; (9) Wisdom.

Also see Left and Turning Left and Right (under Left).

(1) Ps. 20:6; Isa. 41:10; 62:8; (2) John 21:6; Heb. 12:2; (3) Matt. 25:33, 34-46; Luke 23:33-43; (4) Judg. 7:20 (Right hand depicts the mouth while the left hand the heart); (5) Gen 48:12-22; (6) 1 Pet. 3:22; (7) Prov. 3:16; (8) Prov. 27:15-16 (oily right hand); (9) Eccl. 10:2.

Ring: (1) Ident.i.ty and seal; (2) Authority and position; (3) Covenant; (4) Marriage or family; (5) Hands; (6) Wealth; (7) Pride; (8) Promise; (9) Independent spirit (worn on middle finger).

(1) Gen. 38:18; Esther 3:12; 8:8; Dan. 6:17; (2) Gen. 41:42-43; Esther 3:10; 8:2; Luke 15:22; (3) Gen. 9:13 (A rainbow is a ring from the sky); Gen. 17:11-14; (4) 1 Cor. 7:39; (5) Song. 5:14 (KJV); (6) James 2:2; (7) Isa. 3:16, 21; (8) Gen. 9:10-13; (9) Esther 3:10-11.

Ripe: (1) Harvest time; (2) Ready; (3) Best; (4) Perfect or mature; (5) Good and edible.

(I) Joel 3:13-14; John 4:35; Rev. 14:15, 18; (2) Gen. 40:10; (3) Exod. 22:29; Num. 18:12-13; Isa. 18:5; (4) Isa. 18:5; (5) Jer. 24:2.

River: (1) Holy Spirit; (2) Move of the Spirit; (3) Word of G.o.d; (4) Life (River of Life); (5) Love; (6) Boundary or border; (7) Death to self (river crossing or dirty river); (8) Moving into Promised Land (river crossing); (9) Peace; (10) Eternity; (II) Prosperity.

Also see Brook, Creek, Riverbank, River Bed (Dry), and Stream.

(1-2) Ezek. 47:1-12; John 7:38-39; Acts 11:16; (3) Prov.18:4; Amos 8:11; Eph. 5:26; (4) Ezek. 47:9; Rev. 22:1; (5) Eph. 3:18-19 (Consider that this describes something that has length, width, and depth; its height depicts where it comes from!); (6) Josh. 1:11; (7-8) Deut. 27:3; Josh. 3; 2 Kings 5:12; (9) Isa. 48:18; (10) Dan. 12:7; (11) Ps. 1:3.

Riverbank: (1) Out of the Spirit; (2) Not entering in; (3) About to enter in; (4) Decision time (place of decision); (5) Place of prayer; (6) Fruitfulness and prosperity.

Also see River.

(1) Ezek. 47:6; John 7:37-38; (2-4) 2 Kings 5:10-14; (5) Acts 16:13; (6) Ps. 1:3.

River Bed (Dry): (1) Without the Spirit of G.o.d; (2) Making a path; (3) Judgment; (4) Grieving the Spirit; (5) Quenching the Spirit.

(1) Isa. 44:3; Luke 11:24-26; John 7:37-38; (2) Josh. 5:1; Rev. 16:12; (3) Isa. 19:4-6; 42:15; 44:27; 50:2b; Ezek. 30:12; (4) Eph. 4:30: (5) 1 Thess. 5:19.

Roach: See c.o.c.kroach.

Road (path): (1) Jesus Christ (Christianity); (2) The path of life (faith); (3) What lies ahead for you; (4) The path of the righteous; (5) Peace; (6) Decision (middle of road or intersection); (7) Following their path (someone you know driving you down the road); (8) Destruction (broad road); (9) Changing sides (crossing the road).

Also see Country Road, Highway, Path, Roadblock, Roadwork, Rocky Road, Street, T-Junction, and Winding Road.

(1) John 14:6 (The Way); (2) Ps. 16:11; Prov. 2:19; (3) Exod. 23:20; Prov. 5:21; 22:6; Luke 10:3; (4) Ps. 23:3; Prov. 2:13, 20; 4:11; (5) Isa. 59:8; (6) Josh. 24:15; (7) Ps. 1:1, 6; 18:21; 95:10; 119:3; 139:24; (8) Matt. 7:13; (9) Acts 9:11-15.

Road (Road Lighting Conditions): (1) Light = just; Darkness = wicked.

(1) Prov. 4:18-19.

Road (Turning Off the Road): (1) Evil; (2) Greed; (3) Adultery.

(1) Prov. 4:26-27; Rom. 3:12; (2) Jude 1:11; (3) Prov. 7:25.

Roadblock: (1) Delay (awaiting the timing of G.o.d); (2) Sin stopping destiny; (3) Inspection (being checked/tested); (4) Ambush; (5) Warning; (6) Alternative route required; (7) Go back from where you came; (8) A personal agenda that needs to be changed; (9) Potential physical heart or artery issue.

(1) Acts 16:6-7; (cf. Acts 19:10; 1 Pet. 1:1); Ps. 105:19; John 11:6; (Luke 19:38 & John 6:15); (2) Num. 14:22-24; (3) Gen. 42:16; Judg. 12:5-6; Ps. 105:19; Matt. 4:1; (4) Prov. 7:6-23; (5) Num. 22:22-35; (6) Acts 16:6-10; (7) Hos. 2:67; (8) Num. 22:22-35 (cf. Rev. 2:14); (9) Deut. 2:30.

Road Grader: (1) Restoration ministry; (2) Prophetic ministry.

Also see Bulldozer and Earthmover.

(1) Gal. 6:1; (2) Isa. 40:3-4.

Road Traffic Authority: See Highway Patrol.

Road Work/s: (1) Preparing one"s destiny; (2) Improving one"s destiny; (3) Building a path for others; (4) Preparing hearts for G.o.d; (5) Warning to slow down; (6) Detour; (7) Removing a barrier in your path; (8) Problems ahead; (9) Changed destiny; (10) Delay; (11) Diversion (detour).

(1) Exod. 23:20; Isa. 40:3-4; (2) 2 Chron. 27:6; Isa. 57:14; (3) Isa. 62:10; (4) Mal. 3:1; Matt. 3:3; 11:10; (5) Num. 22:22-35; (6) Exod. 3:2-4; John 4:3-4 (divine appointment); Matt. 2:13-15 (protection); Mark 6:31 (rest); Luke 4:1-2, 14 (testing); (7) Isa. 40:3-4; (8) Num. 22:22-33; (9) Acts 8:26-39; 9:3-6; (10) Gen. 11:31; (11) Deut. 5:32.

Roar: [A] Fearless authority making a declaration: (1) G.o.d"s voice; (2) Loud voice; (3) A leader"s anger; (4) Fearless (as a lion); (5) Territorial warfare (lion"s roar).

[B] The spiritual enemies of G.o.d trying to paralyze their prey: (6) Voice of the spiritual enemies; (7) The adversary; (8) A wicked leader.

[C] The cry of a heart in anguish: (9) Heart cry; (10) The Second Coming; (11) The world (sea).

Also see Lion and Sea.

(1) Job 37:4-5; Isa. 42:13 (KJV); Jer. 25:30; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2; (2) Job 3:24 (KJV); Rev. 10:3; (3) Prov. 19:12; 20:2; (4-5) Isa. 5:29; 31:4; (6) Judg. 14:5; Ps. 22:13; 74:4; 104:21; Jer. 2:15; 6:23; 50:42; Ezek. 22:25; Zech. 11:3; (7) 1 Pet. 5:8; (8) Prov. 28:15; (9) Ps. 22:1(KJV); 32:3 (KJV); 38:8 (KJV); (10) Luke 21:25; (11) Ps. 46:3; 96:11; 28jZ; Isa. 5:30; 51:15; Luke 21:25.

Roast: (1) Purified (in fire); (2) Covenant memorial of deliverance; (3) Diligence; (4) Intimate fellowship.

Also see Cooking.

(1) Exod. 12:8-9; (2) Deut. 16:6-7; 2 Chron. 35:13; (3) Prov. 12:27; (4) 1 Cor. 10:21; (cf. Luke 22:8 & John 15:15).

Robe: (1) Righteousness; (2) Authority; (3) Spiritual equipping; (4) Covenant; (5) Pride; (6) Humbling oneself (taking off robe).

The length, fabric, and color of a robe may be indicators of its meaning.

Also see Clothing, Coat, and Mantle.

(1) Job 29:14; Isa. 61:10; Rev. 7:9 (see White); (2) 1 Kings 22:10; Luke 15:22; (3) Lev. 8:6-7; (4) 1 Sam. 18:3-4; (5) Jon. 3:6; Luke 20:46; (6) Jon. 3:6.

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